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The life of Robbing (Akane) - Page 2 Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:52 pm
After Ryou said his comment about can't waiting for them to not be criminals, Akane responded with, "We'll never not be criminals. We've done bad things and they'll always come back to bite us in the ass, it's a fate we can never escape. After we complete our objective we probably won't even be seen as heroes, just a group of criminals who wanted to prove they were stronger than the empire of Kumogakure. That doesn't matter though, what matters is that we accomplish our goal and do some good in the world." Ryou thought about it. Would they always be criminals? The Lycan thought about it while they walked. Once they got to the village, Akane turned to the younger shinobi and smiled, he would respond with another smile right back at her. Then she plants a kiss on his forehead and thanked him. "No, thank you...I wouldn't have been able to do this by myself." He told her before he left. She leaves to where he normally stays, and Ryou would do the same.

The Kaguya plops himself onto the bed to rest and think. We won't be criminals after I become Kazekage. Ryou now had a new goal after he completed the one he was on. Ryou Kenshin was bent on becoming Kazekage to help the people he wanted to protect, including his aunt. And when the other village throws out people like this group, I'll welcome them in. Ryou smiled to himself when he thought of this, and he knew it wouldn't be an easy goal. The Lycan soon rolled over to his right side and fell asleep to rest off the day's hard work. 

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Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The life of Robbing (Akane) - Page 2 Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:21 pm
Approved Akane and you get 950 Ryo and 2 AP
Same to to Ryou
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