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Warm Welcome Empty Warm Welcome

Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:17 pm
After they were given permission to enter. The young hozuki would lead his troops to get settled in the slums. But the slums were nothing new to Kyson, the part of kumo he was from. That's all he knew when he lived there. Observing his surrounding as he strolls through the village. This place seemed a bit to "holy" for him. Kyson was never the religious type. The rest of the suna ninja at this point. They were free to go wherever they wanted. But if they ever decided to want to follow him, they could.

As he was approaching the slums, Kyson looked around and soaked it all in. It's been a while since he been in a place like this. Not what he really expected but it'll do. Wasn't like this was a vacation or anything. As time moved on, he started seeing people show up one by one. Just peeking to see who was entering. Who could blame them? A bunch of troops with formal suits just trespassing their territory. Probably wasn't the best idea, but Kyson always had a dash of confidence in him.

More and more people began to appear, all having an aggressive look on their faces. Look like some type of gang. They all dressed somewhat alike. We're they pissed or is that just their happy face. As kyson looked over his left. He saw about 20 of them standing in front   of a building. As kyson acknowledged them, they began to make an opening so they could enter the building. Seemed a bit odd, were they expecting him? And where the hell was maku. Kyson just took a big sigh and smirked. Fine, he'll play they're little game. Kyson walk through the opening they gang made and enter the building. It was a somewhat small building. But at the same time, quite spacious. There was a big round table in the middle. The gang was one side and kyson's troops on the other. There were about 6 chairs around the table. But it was clear that there was a leader or something. They stood behind a certain particular chair that was directly across from Kyson's chair. As the boy sat down, and started getting a bit comfortable. He would finally speak.

"I don't suppose you guys brought me here to throw a party." Kyson said as he waited for a response. Nothing... welp it was worth a try. The guards just continued to gaze at the boy. And the boy would just sit there with a calm look on his face.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:45 pm
"How many barrels of the stuff now?"  Maku would ask, his pen dancing over a paper with a crudely drawn map.  Several men stood around him, but one stood closest and was speaking.

"Over three dozen m'lord.  Is that enough?"  He would say.  There was a slight nervousness to his voice.  His hands also seemed to be absent mindedly wringing out an imaginary wash cloth.

"No no no..........double it, maybe even triple it."  Maku would say, his pen still dancing drawing circles around specific place on the map.  He would let out a sigh as the gears inside his head continued to twirl.  He was still waiting for a reply, but hopefully that wouldn't take much longer.

Just as the nervous man was about to speak again, a second fellow entered the room.  "He's here......" the burly figure had gravel in his throat, his accent making it twice as hard to understand.  However, he had been expecting this call.  Informants had been standing by at the gates waiting to scamper off and whisper their little secrets to those with anything shiny.

"Well can't keep him waiting, grab some bottles and some food, the good stuff not the watered down swill..". He would say clapping the burly man three quarters up his back, not being able to actually reach the taller gentleman shoulders.  "Actually quadruple it!"  Maku would shout, possibly loud enough so Kyson could hear him before he even arrived.  Like cockroaches the men scattered, disappearing through doors and tunnels that one would never have noticed.

Walking through a. Short hall he opened the door, his eyes locking straight into Kyson's own.  His swagger seemed to completely disregard the serious enterouge that were around him.  His smile only widening with delight at the look of calm on Kyson's face.  "Kyson my boy what ever happened, I thought you got lost."  He would say bringing both hands to his lips before moving them out in a welcoming gesture.  His right hand would reach up snapping twice.

"Why not take his boys and girls across the street, enjoy yourself it's all on me today."  He would continue in his dig song voice.  At his words each member of the gang moved.  Ushering out the suna shinobi to the brothel bar combo that lay across the street.  The same place that a certain rodent had once been discovered though he made sure it was sanitary now.

"You got in ok I suppose.  You don't look shaken up.....". He would say having his own seat across from the would be kazekage.  As he sat the big man entered placing a goblet and plate in front of Kyson.  The plate was laden with rich foods, to which he would pour a deep red into the goblet.  He would match the actions in front of Maku, making sure the guest was served first.

Maku wore his armor, the crest of the akatsuki clearly blazen.  A deep purple amethyst seemed to bounce on his chest and drink in the light of the room.  To complete the outfit, a hat sat on his head, resembling the kage hats.  Were most matched the color of the village this one was black with red trim.  However one thing did remain the same, the symbol revealing him as the Raikage.  

His very essence seemed to ooze Chaka, a slight red mist faintly visible.  If Kyson used his chakra sensory, he would read a strength of 300.  "So.....". He would say drumming his finger on the table before taking a bite.  "How was your journey?" As he casually spoke a second figure leaped up on the table. A small fox with rust covered fur looked over at the jounin, it's eyes seeming to show an intelligence far above any animal. It's own chakra being sensed at 160, its nine tails moving lazily over the edge of the table.
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Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:28 pm
As he waited to see what was going on, he was getting a bit impatient. Same way he was when waiting at the gates. But then he heard a familiar voice. Don't tell me.... Kyson thought to himself as he did a slight face palm. It all made sense now. But he didn't know he had this many fans at Hoshi. he heard all of things he told him about the place back at Suna. But he seemed quite popular and still respected in these parts of the village. Seeing him walking through the door. That's one guy who never changes. "The place was practically next door, wasn't really that hard." The boy would say in response. He ordered the gang to see the troops out. Kyson would turn his head to face the troops and nod his head. Signalling for them to leave. As they left the building heading outside. He saw food being brought out and the Hozuki couldn't lie to himself. He was starving as hell. After that trip, he could definitely use a bite to eat.

"Nah, everything was straight. Two pretty ladies greeted us at the gates. One was the Queen, I believe. And the other seemed to be like her bodyguard. They both seemed nice. Didn't give us any problems." The boy said as he picked up his fork and began digging into his food slowly. He got in a lot smoother than he expected, so he was glad there was no problems. It hadn't been long since they arrived, so he was just glad he was here. But his first impression from meeting the people of the village was good, hopefully none of the civilians piss him off since he heard they hated shinobi. Of course he would never kill them, but sending them to the hospital wouldn't be too bad. Kyson could just feel Maku's chakra stronger than ever. He was obviously the type to let the whole world know he's here. But he also noticed that orange rabbit looking thing. It has a lot of tails, he never seen anything like it. And on top of that, he noticed the the Raikage symbol on his hat instead of that red cloud. He had a few questions going through his head. 

"The journey was fine. It turned out Kira had visited here before so she Kind of confirmed if we were heading in the right direction." Kyson would say taking another bite of food from his plate. Kyson would take another look at the Raikage symbol on his hat and ask... "Sooo, is that raikage symbol on your hat just for show or is it the real deal? And when did all that happen?" Kyson would ask Maku. He wouldn't expect Youka to just hand it over to him so easily. He was just about almost done his food. The dish was really hitting the spot. So at least he was somewhat enjoying himself. "And who's the your new friend? Didn't really get a chance to ask before you.. ya know, the whole letter thing." Kyson said as he referenced the way he disappeared on the group right before their travel.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
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Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:11 am
"Well, pleased to know everything is working out. She is a useful one I suppose..". He would say between bites regarding Kira. Washing it down with the wine, he would wink at Kyson. "Fairly new actually. Youka finds himself indisposed by a small game we are playing. So, in his place I will be taking kage ship." He would say, as though this was casual conversation.

Maku had a way of making the grand political happenings of the world seem normal dinner conversation. Likewise to Kyson his own meal would soon vanish. As they both finished, the plates would be swept away.

"This little guy? His name is Kurama." He would say petting the fox down its spine. That was all he would say about the fox. Keeping it both a mystery and a little disconcerting. "Actually it is in the spirit of the Raikage I wish to speak with you." He would say, and as he did a second course would arrive bearing dessert.

"After much consideration, and a reweighing of options, we might need to up your responsibilities. Interested?" He would say, his voice not much above a whisper. The former Kumogakure shinobi might be hard to convince of the proposition, however he was the only one Maku so far could trust. Well, trust was a strong word. Should Kyson refuse, well he had ways to ignore such things as free will.
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Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Fri Jul 07, 2017 10:05 am
So the throne was passed down just like that? An unsuspected the change he thought to himself. So he's now the new leader of Kumo. As he explained how he was the new leader, Kyson would sit back in his chair and take a sip of wine slowly. But it seemed things were now getting straight the business.

The way he was speaking, it seemed like there was a lot more for the young Hozuki could do. After everything that has happened, he was still working for the guy that took over his village. But at the same time, the man did keep his word up until now. No one from Suna was even touched and they were given the option to leave if they wanted. As far as a usual takeover goes, this one could've been a lot worse.

"Up my responsibilities eh? Go on, I'm listening." Kyson would say as he continued to sip his wine. It was Maku's thing to make changes on the fly since he wasn't the planning type and more of the... just do and see what happens type. Kyson had no idea what would be coming out of his mouth or what he was about to say. So he listened closely.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Fri Jul 07, 2017 10:31 am
The ambition of shinobi was something one could almost always count on. The dedication they felt to their people once in a role of leadership was equally reliable. These were facts Maku knew well, and judging by his old friend it was something even the former demon had submitted to. Lest the turn of events had brought him back to the proper path.

He had succumbed only once, and since had moved past duh ideologies. There was only the next mission, the next event. All of which culminated in one final crescendo, that remained years in the making. Yet, now was the time to keep striking cords with that in mind.

He smiled at Kysons words and removed the hat placing it on the table between them. "A would be kage. These things are just made of thread and fiber, the symbol easily changed in the outside, yet the meaning remains the same." He would say drumming his fingers in the hat making a rhythmic drumming sound.

"I have so much more than this, one simple little village. Even as reaching as a major shinobi village is but a blip in the grand scheme. As time passes, you will see that what I aim for far out paces this." His message was still cryptic up until this point. His meaning stretched beyond even the empire he was beginning to build.

"For now, I am content to wear this hat. To be the leader of the Kumogakure forces. Soon though that force will be a blended one, if things go as planned, which...". He would say with a shrug of his shoulders, "I have no reason as of now to doubt." He would take another sip still watching Kyson. "Though soon enough, I don't think I will need this, and even though my plans out reach the hat so to speak, someone still has to wear it.........if you catch my drift." He would say with a wink.

During this time the fox would continue to watch, it's eyes locked on Kyson's in an uncomfortable way. Maku continue to pet down its spine, while taking tails flowed in an imaginary wind over the table. Though Kyson couldn't know it, as he spoke it examined not the tone of his words, but the emotions behind it.
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Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:05 am
The Kage hat was thrown in between the two shinobi. Kyson watched as the hat gazed up on him. As if it was watching his every move. The hat had so much weight on it, a lot more weight than the Kazekage's hat. Was it because this was the same hat that took over his new home. Or was it the same hat that failed to protect his parents when he was younger. Or was it the darkness that plans on bringing Kyson back to where it all started. The past that haunted him for the rest of his life was sitting but a few feet from him. 

Hearing Maku's words, they struck the boy loud and clear. Each time he drummed on the table felt like his heart beat was trying to beat at the same place. Why was the young boy so nervous all of a sudden. Though he didn't show it too much on the outside. But on the inside, his past kept replaying over and over again. But why now, he tried so hard to forget it all. But is that selfish of him, you can't just throw away what was meant to happen. Everything happens for a reason the boy always thought. Whether it was good or bad.

Still confused as to what Maku's plan were. How far was he really planning to take this. As if he thought things were getting big now. it seemed these plans were only scratching the surface to what he was really planning. He would now stare the man into his eye's and look back down at the hat he just mentioned again. As he finished his last sentence, Kyson took a deep breathe...

He knew exactly where this was going. Him choosing the position would allow him to watch over both Kumo and Suna forces. but deep down, did those things even matter to Kyson. Or did he have a plan that involved something deeper. Every place he tried calling home was taken from him. And he has always been so passive in letting it be taken. Was it that Suna that made him this soft? Was that the reason he sat there and watch his entire village be taken over as Koroshi disappeared. He relied Koroshi to handle everything as he sat there and said he would die for the man. But when it all came down to the wire, he sat there and watched.. and did nothing. What the boy needed at this point was power and the skills to lead. So when it all comes down to the wire this time around, he will make no mistake but to come out victorious.

Kyson had finally made his decision and it was pretty clear at this point. The boy would reach slowly for the Raikage's hat and the moment he began to touch it. He felt that dark aura consume him. All he heard was cried and screams entering the deepest depths of his consciousness. It was as if he was seeing all of Kumo's deadly past right in front of him. And then suddenly, everything went black and as he opened his eyes he had almost forgot where he was. And just as he remembered where he was. He noticed the hat was already on his head, not even remembering that he put it on. Was this decision to protect both sides of his home and have a chance to make things right again. Or was it the immense darkness consuming him for power.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
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Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:45 pm
The boy seemed in a daze and as he was Maku's smile only widened. You could always rely on the ambition of a shinobi.

"Good, then we are of an agreement." He would say as Kyson seemed to snap out of his trance. While he had no qualms of using his powers to influence Kyson, things were just so much smoother when one did as they were told.

"However, it's not today my friend. Though, your training will start fairly soon." He would casually say taking another sip. He would glance at the fox, to which the later would merely placenta head in to paws with a bored expression. Well, he didn't seem to be having any I'll will towards the two anyway. At least nothing worth mentioning.

"Your original duties remain the same, you are the head of the suna group you brought, but you will meet with me here daily to discuss matters. I'd also like you to pick the most capable of your following for me, I have a side mission of the guard." He would finish by reaching across the table, clearly indicating. The return of the hat. It was a hard thing to give up power, but the only way to get was to given. Whatever war raged inside of Kyson, his desire to wear the crown had clearly won out.
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Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:43 pm
It seemed that the boy made his decision without saying a word. It was clear what he was looking, so it was now time to work on achieving it. The boy would take off the raikage hat as he was ready to hand it back to maku. But he also mentioned training. Kyson was a bit confused, he didn't seem like the teaching type. Unless it came to politics and diplomacy.

"Training? What kind..." the boy would say in curiosity. He already had a person in mind on who could be with him. Royalty of course. He was basically his brother and they been through hell and back together.

"Royalty would be the one beside me. We already have good cchemistry. So I'll choose him. And skill wise, he's just about up there with me." The boy would say I'm reply. Things were moving a lot faster than he planned. Still unknown about what his true intentions still were. The boy was ready for the next step.

"Sounds good.. Would that be all? Or is there more?" Kyson would ask. That seemed like the peak of the meeting. But he was always ready to discuss any other matters to any other plans in the mere future.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Warm Welcome Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:09 pm
Grabbing the hat he would place it back on his head, blonde hair spilling out behind.  "The kind you would get from no one else."  He would say cryptically to his new pupils first statement.

"It is wise to choose someone to covers your weaknesses.  Who makes you better, not in a fight, and not even as a person.  Some one who makes you better at what you need, not necessarily what you want.  If this is who you have chosen, then that is who it will be."  He would say with a smile his blue eyes twinkling.  His hands would come together, and the burly man would return to the room.

Thrice he would enter, and upon the last he would leave again.  Behind he had left three instruments on the table.  A violin, a saxophone, and a set of three drums accompanied by two sticks.  Each would be in pristine shape, each clearly a master pierce of their craft.  "Not quite all.  There are still several matters."  He would say, his arms opening to invite him to look at all the instruments.

"You have your friend.  I'd like you to pick two more from the group.  I have need of strong hands and sound minds to complete some.....tasks outside of our direct vision.  Do you have two in mind?"  He would ask.  The two Kyson selected would indeed take on more of a job.  The Kumogakure lands had expanded exponentially, and it would take looking after.  Some would seek to take advantage of its size, and this would be were they would come in handy.  Watchers, that could move beyond the normal borders and take up command of battalions on the fly.  He hoped Kyson had two good choices, but Maku had a certain red head already in mind.

"Your last matter of training for today though, is to pick one of these instruments.  Pick wisely, it's more important than you think."  He would say, motioning for Kyson to freely select, examine, and otherwise try any on the table before him.

For the Kyuubi's part it simply continued to watch.  His mission was to judge the spirits of the jounin.  To which so far, he was passing.  Yet a slip at any time could be his down fall.  It is with wax wings we fly, and the rays of failed ambition that sends us back to earth.
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