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Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:48 am
It seemed like their conversation was just getting started. When he brought back up the conversation about who to choose. Even after hearing his reasoning for choosing the right person. Kyson was still sure Royalty was right for the job. 

"I believe he'll get the job done." The boy would say with confidence. And if not, he'll make sure he does at all cost. Kyson would now stand up from his chair and follow Maku to get other room. It was now time for him to pick 2 more candidates for another job. Hearing the man's words. It was kind of clear who he would choose for the next two candidates.

"Kira and Nobunaga can be your next two to take on the job." The boy would say. Those two were kind of the only ones left he knew for a fact could handle themselves. He took a look at the three instruments on the table. Completely unaware what they were for. His job was to choose 1 of them. He walked over to the instruments closely and took a good look at them. This was part of his training? He was unaware what they meant or symbolized.

But he did remembering him mentioning that he needs strong hands and a sound mind. First thing that came to his head was the saxophone.

"The saxophone.." The boy chose. Still unaware about what it all meant but that was his final choice.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
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Warm Welcome - Page 2 Empty Re: Warm Welcome

Sat Jul 08, 2017 4:53 pm
"Go ahead and take it."  He would say off handily to Kyson.  Behind him he would whisper to the burly man who would move out of the room.  "So, like I said the nature of your role has changed.  You will run the guard as I originally told you.  However, I have another organization I want you to run."  He would say, standing and moving the other two instruments off the table and placing them in a back room giving Kyson a couple seconds to examine his choice.

"They will be called STORM operatives.  They will be directly under you to run special projects.  Not to unlike anbu of old."  He would casually explain the second group that Kyson would be responsible for.  He now had two groups, plus daily meetings with Maku to manage as well as, "finally you will learn how to play that instrument.  I expect you to be a master, and it won't be until then that you will be ready to take this hat off my head."  This last task made Maku smile the most.  He watched to see what he would say.
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Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:29 pm
Still unaware about what these instruments were used for. But he'll take his word for it and take the saxophone from off the table. Looking close at it, the boy ain't know what to make of it. He never played and instrument before and never really thought about ever playing one. Should be interesting, maybe he should play it while walking around Hoshi. Just to get on their nerves.

"A new organization eh? What kind?" The boy would ask. And soon he will get an answer. STORM was the name of it. Kyson heard of ANBU, wasn't sure what they really were. But he had found out they were similar to DUST shinobi in Suna. They were kind of the low-key shinobi. Ones who did everything from the shadows. But since he was given such a position. He would make sure his operatives were top-notch and nothing less. There is no room for failure this time around. It was like Kyson was blooming into mysterious. His path is still unknown. But day by day, it becomes slightly clearer and clearer. "Storm operatives? Has a little ring to it."

So he really did have to learn to play this instrument. The boy had a lot going for him at this point. He's playing a big part in the upcoming events. "Seems like I have a lot on my plate... But still its nothing I can't handle." Kyson said with a smirk and confidence. Observing his saxophone again, the boy was interested seeing how it would go about learning it. Maybe Hoshi has a library or something that has a book to help him out. Because he has no idea on how to even go about learning how to play. At least the basics can get him going and then he could create his own style with it.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

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Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:06 pm
"I told you, special projects." He would say in reference to his questions about what the groups goal was. "Whatever is needed, whatever is asked. A team that can operate as one as well as individuals. People who can take care of themselves, can be trusted to come back. That's the gist. Captain." He would say finishing. He mentioned the name, really it had come to him like a voice in his head. Almost as if he had an entire council in his head helping him figure things out.

"More will be added. Keep your appetite up." Maku would say in reference to Kyson's acknowledgment of his tasks. "For now gather up your second. Meet with Kira and this Nobunga. I might have a job for them soon. You'll find yourself an apartment that has been furnished up stairs next door. It gets a little loud, but that way you won't feel bad for practicing." He would say standing and rapping the saxophone.

"Until tomorrow, noon I think. Why not lunch?" He would say clearly dismissing Kyson. If Kyson went to the brothel across the way a rather large over make upped women would lead him wordlessly through the Myriad of indecency to an office at the top. The apartment was a well furnished three rooms. One room clearly an office with all the materials one would need to run a business, the second a twin sized bed with a paneling along the left side of the room to enter where a shower and restroom where. The final room was a very small bare bones kitchen. If Kyson inspected the work desk he would find one more note.

"By the way, the queen herself helped me clean this place up. So it's a place of royalty, I named it the Queen's Handmaid. It's your establishment now. One last thing to run, don't let it go in the red or you fail. Business matters. Your men's rooms are located between the three buildings across the street. My men are already showing them where. I hope you do enjoy"

As for Maku, he watched he man go. No sooner had he left then several questionable characters returned. "We were at five times the barrels right?" He would say to the dismay of the first man.


If Kyson accepts, claiming him to be added back to a Kumogakure and promoted to STORM captain
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Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:38 pm
As the man was explaining everything to Kyson. Things were getting a lot more serious and moving quick. Who would've known things like this happened in the background. The politics that went on were stuff he had to get used to. Still only 17 handling such a huge responsibility. The boy was confident and more than ready to get things undergo. He already knew Nobu would be on his STORM team. But the other two would have to be more than ready. Just like Maku said, be able to handle their own. And also be in sync if they ever fight together. As Maku spoke, he would just nod and giving conformation that he understood his words loud and clear.

"Got it, and it'll be fine. I rarely get any sleep anyway.." The boy would say in response. "Sounds good." The boy would say in response to his request. Kyson would now be heading upstairs to his room. As he entered. The place look nice and clean. A lot different from what outside looked like. You wouldn't even believe a place like this even existed over here. 

"You and the queen sure have good taste. I'll give yall that. Guess, I'll see you later." The boy would say as he complimented his room. But getting a good rest after their long trip would be the best bet as of right now. He has a lot of work on his hands. BUT... before that. He's going to lay his new little toy for a little. As he sat on the bed, he started playing random notes. Just getting used to the instrument. It had such a.. emotional but yet passionate sound to it. It was quite soothing.

(Claiming A rank: Storm Captain. And exchange my beautiful dark red for kumo colors. Also, any rewards that come with A Rank)
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:32 pm
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