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Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:49 am
Okami reacted quickly to Sugimoto’s reflexive dodge and counter technique, he seemed to move with my own pivot, placing himself in front of me.(as stated in previous post). Sugimoto was using muscle memory developed from years of training in addition to the adrenaline rushing through him to react to Okami’s counter. Okami placed his left hand in the way of his ribs to ether block or catch my strike, he then seemed to prepare for his next move after the assumed eventuality. In the pause  between him positioning his left hand to catch my strike and his next move would be moment Sugimoto would take advantage of. He would change his hand from a closed fist to a crane bill strike, and aim for the center of Okami’s left palm. If Okami’s tried to catch my crane strike, his hand would be unable to grasp it do to the form of my hand.  Then while his left arm continued the strike with power of 15 speed 25, he would push off with his right leg and bring it up to knee Okami with max speed and 15 str. He would aim for the area to the right of Okami’s left palm and into the solar plexus forcesing the air of  Okami’s lungs. Sugimoto’s right arm would be held in guard to react to Okami’s next move.

If Okami did not react to the the knee and took the hit, h e would lose all breath and while he tried to catch it, Sugimoto  would then knock the feet from underneath Okami and claim “2 points”

WC 226
TWC 2159
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:19 pm
As Okami's hand was fanned out to catch the fist, Sugi would switch his hand position to a crane bill formation. So Okami's would be able to catch like catching a ball. However, once the crane bill was in his palm, Okami would twist his grip slightly so that he had a hold of his fingers with his left hand. This would be a lot more uncomfortable position of his hand and fingers to be held in.

As Okami was gripping Sugi's fingers, The Lycan would also have to counter his right knee that was aimed for the center of his chest. With one hand remaining , Okami would attempt grab Tamaki's right leg with his right hand. The werewolf child would grip his knee and hold it would a half a meter away from his chest.

Seeing, if caught, that this could be a possible opening where he was in an awkward position with his right leg and left hand caught. Right after catching his right leg, Okami would swipe his right foot under Sugi's body and would attempt to swipe his left his left shin with enough force to trip him. If struck, Sugi would fall forward. Once he starts to fall, Okami would release his right leg so it would fall with the rest of his body while holding his left hand still. He would then sit on his lower back, his leg wrapped on each side, and hold his left hand to his shoulder in a chicken wing. "Do you yield?" Okami would ask with a bit of pride in his voice. He hadn't won much fight in his time as a genin.

If Sugi exclaims that he does indeed yield, Okami would let his sparring partner go. "This time, let use techniques. They are just as important as just using hand to hand combat. Besides, I haven't had much time to work on these against a sparring partner." He didn't want to go over board, but he also wanted the chance to use his strongest technique, Wind Style: Hardliner Gale Fist.

WC: 347
TWC: 1475
(All actions are done at top speed and strength unless stated otherwise)
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:36 am
Everything happens as stated in previous post,  Sugimoto would exclaim “I yield”
Now after getting up after Okami freed him Okami would ask to show off techniques. Sugimoto would respond by saying “ok but I am going to watch you use your techniques, I don't have any techniques to show off I just made genni.”  “So I am not act as a punching bag for your punch, but why not try it on these wooden post.”  Sugimoto would point to a wooden post. “I am kinda interested in seeing what your capable of.”

WC 93
TWC 2252
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:26 pm
After receiving the win due to Sugi yielding, Okami would get back and help Sugi back up as well. However, Sugi didn't agree to having a spar with techniques. Instead he offered the alternative to just show off his skills against a wooden pole. Okami chuckled. "You're right, that would probably be a better alternative." The young lycan would then face the wooden pole that had been there he whole time. "Alright, prepare to be amazed," He joked.  

Okami would flex his muscles in preparation of The Seven Healing Breathing Methods. After taking a deep inhale, his eyes would turn white and a yellow aura would surround the boy. With this boosted power, Okami would use Leaf Rising Wind to kick the pole high into the air with little shards of wood around it. Then he would jump into the air to catch up to the pieces flying into the air. Once there, The young lycan would deactivate his jutsu and using Wind Style: Hardliner Gale Fist, he would chop that largest piece flying back down in a million pieces, while all the other pieces also was picked up by the wind that the jutsu created and sent it down like wood rain. 

Okami landed and bowed to Sugi, giving a bit of a giggle for his display of power. It was kinda embarrassing. The young man was about to ask if Sugi wanted to learn anything, but then he noticed the sun position in the sky. It was going down. "Why don't we continue another time? I've got to get home." Okami would wave goodbye to Sugi and then with a flicker, disappeared home.

WC: 275
TWC: 1750
B rank Seven Heavens Breathing Method (1000/1000)
Genjutsu Release (M) (500/500)
8 stats
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:51 am
Sugimoto would stand back as he watched Okami prepare himself to show off his techniques. Sugimoto wanted to see what it was like to see another shinobi go full out, he had little in the way of real life experience when it came to real shinobi fights. So taking this opportunity to see the raw power of another shinobi could help him gauge what this new world he was stepping into could be like.

Sugimoto studied Okami intently, watching flex and take a deep breath. This seemed to be part of a jutsu due to the fact that when Okami finished he had a yellow aura around that Sugimoto could gage with his Chakra Sensory skill. With the impressive boost Okami seemed to rush over to the pole and use a kick to fling it into the air. Sugimoto eyes would widen as he took in the distance that pole flew up into the air. “Wow” was the first thought that appeared into his mind as he registered this information, but before he could finish the thought Okami leapt into the air to meet the high flying pole. Then with a pouch Okami sent the pole and all its broken bits crashing to the ground. Sugimoto was impressed at the display of power and when Okami landed and gave a bow, Sugimoto gave him a round of applause.  

Okami would then offer to show him more but at a later date and used a technique move away that reminded Sugimoto of something his mother taught him years ago. Body Flicker was the jutsu’s name and before he left he would attempt to use it. With the hand seal of Ram he would try to rush to one of the poles that was further away. His body moved faster than normal seeming to just be there. He was happy that he managed pull out some old technines and learned a little about the the power of other shinobi. With the training session over Sugimoto would head back to the the orphanage, he wanted to sleep for rest of the day.   

WC 349
TWC 2601

        Stats 13 1159/1159 
Body Flicker  500/500
Paper Seal: Explosion 1159/1159 for full 4000wc 
Fuinjutsu Breaking  I have e rank and was not sure if I put the word count towards the wc difference or full wc each rank up but I will be putting all 942 wc left to ranking it up.
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:23 am
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:01 pm
@okami approved

@sugimoto I have good news and bad news is fuin breaking is pay the difference so you now have D and 442 towards progressing to C. The bad news is paper seal explosion costs 4,500 to fully train and I’ll need links to the threads you claimed wc toward it previously since it doesn’t look to be on your stat page please and thank you. Feel free to DM me the links on discord and any questions you might have and I’ll be glad to help
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Sun Feb 17, 2019 1:09 am
here is the link to the thread where I got the first part of Exploding seal  link here

and thank you for the clarification on the fuinjutsu break
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:49 am
looks good. Approved. Remember you still need another 500wc before you can use it though. Glhf
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sugimoto trains with Okami while Max trans us

Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:25 am
thank you vary much
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