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Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Clan Focus : Ninjustu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 6404

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:57 pm
A deep sigh, followed by a chain of recurring memories.

His initial thought was "It's fine. It's whatever. What's done is done.". Wan had spent a few minutes gazing down on an empty bench inside of an abandoned temple outside the skirts of a small village. His eyes shuffled back and forth as he thought about the outcome of revealing to his group what he's done. His hand was shaking as he reached inside his weapon porch, his mind suddenly seeming to 'click' as he touches what he searched for. A corpse scroll, with a corpse inside. This would be the first time he tells his group about the scroll, the three of them gathering in this secluded location far enough to provide a place of isolation. Pulling the scroll from his pouch, he lays it on the left of the bench, swiftly pulling it out to extend it to its full length. The Senju stood upright and fixed his posture,  "During my absence from the group, there were rumors of a man who stood along the path to Sunagakure for days with no aid or companionship. He gave looks to those passing by as if he wanted to test his skill, but never once did he move or speak. People around here are known to take what isn't theirs, and truth be told this country isn't the sweetest of berries." After speaking the words to his two comrades, Ghost and Bright, he'd perform the seals to 'open' the scroll up, a poof of smoke appearing briefly as it reveals the corpse of the man he had slain.

In front of them, laying on the bench, was the stretched body of the man Wan had killed. Unknown of who he was and where he held from, the corpse to Wan was nothing but mere money to him now. The Senju felt as though if he didn't think to look at what positive could come out of this, then someone would. He began to explain all that he could to the group. "This is the corpse of that man who stood beside the road. Everything about him is unknown, from his name to where he came from. Regardless, his death was soon to come, rather it is by me or someone else who'd eventually think like me. As you both know, we are in the middle of somewhere that doesn't uphold the most good of deeds. Being that there is supposedly someone in Sunagakure who practices procedures dealing with bodies, I'm more than certain I'm not the only one who would eventually see someone as money rather than life. Hell, we are mercenaries, that's like half of our job. If someone can find out how to profit from a corpse, then why can't that someone be us? We all know how desperate we need to money, and hopefully, the person in Sunagakure can give us more information on how to turn this into money." The Senju takes a step back from the corpse, looking over at both Bright and Ghost. "Now, the reason I brought him back here is that I want us all to gain at least knowledge from this body, if not nothing. With Ghost being a Tau, he's had some experience already with medicinal practices, and Bright, we all know you're a damned doctor. This type of stuff should be right down your alley."

Wan reaches back into his weapon pouch and fiddles around inside before pulling a book from it. "I purchased this book a while back. To the common eye, it's just a book about DNA, but it goes further into it the more you read. Not only does it explain how DNA works, but it details how DNA can be altered to allow a person to develop the Bloodlines of other clans. This was something me and this Uchiha were going to attempt a while back as well, but we both did not possess the knowledge to perform a proper procedure. Let alone, this book has opened my mind to realize that this is maybe the reason someone in Sunagakure is doing what they are doing. Maybe they are collecting bodies and transferring various organs into people to experiment with DNA. Seeing what evolves from bloodlines developing without other people." Wan would take a look back towards the corpse. "If anything, if this person is from a clan that has something of benefit, then that benefit is ours. We won't know until one of us tries to see what exactly can be done here. With the little information, we have, between the three of us I'm positive we can do some form of the experiment of our own with this body, let alone just allowing Ghost to assimilate another heart. This training is much needed to advance our knowledge of medical practices and is something we need to do before we find out exactly how to profit from it. So, what do you both have to say?". Hopefully, the group was on track with everything going on.

[WC: 849]
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:25 pm
Ghost would look on and was not shocked at all at what just happened. He would smiply give a smile of his on. Looking at Wan explain what he did and for a good reason. The air in the temple was thin and yet Ghost preferred this kind of air to breath in. Looking on he would give yet another smile as he would closer towards the body. He would kneel down to touch the dead man chest. Looking to feel for a heart or what. Thinking to himself how the body was cold and not warm. "Damn it Wan you did good but I truly prefer my food to be warm. So you gotten a body of some kind then huh. But the question is how can we sell it if we do not know what type of DNA he used to have. I am more then willing to take his heart. But to point it frankly to you too. I won't just be able to know what type of KKG he use to have. Until further notice. It would be as if my body is telling me something about this or that. So if you two want me too let's get started." Ghost would say such a thing as he looked on at it. But little did he know he was in for a word of hurt once he obtain this body KKG. As his life will change forever for the better or worse of all things considered.

Looking on he would notice something about the man. He would start to view his body better.
His skintone is Mildly tanned and he wears his hair loose; short-neck level dark brown and rarely grows longer than a couple inches down his back. His eyes are a pure dark green. This was a odd view on the man as nobody would look like this. "I wonder what clan this man came from? This will be odd to do but I am ready to do what we need to do. But you say people in the sand sell bodies on the normal how regularly is something like this is done? It matters not let's just go find out and see what we can get brothers." He would look over at Bright as his black threads came out. He was planning on taking this guys heart but was waiting on Bright OK. Seeing as he was indeed the real medic of the two." My field of medical only apply to me but you should be able to view this body better then I can. I leave him up to you Dr. Bright. But be warn it could be poison and what not. So I say to you touch if you going to touch but touch with how can I say. Just be careful you don't won't no unwanted illness to come upon you." Ghost would say this as he stepped back to let him do what it is that he does best.

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:08 am
Bright would frown as he stepped forward , nature chakra saturated the corpse, something he was all too familiar with; he would walk over to the corpse , placing his hand over the man's eyes, closing them. “May we meet again at the crossroads” he would say a hint of sadness rolling off his tongue as he spoke , bright wouldn't say anything as wan spoke. A feeling of dread had washed over him ‘so young , I'm sorry my brother may you rest easy in the fields of the afterlife’ he would think to himself.

"This is the corpse of that man who stood beside the road. Everything about him is unknown, from his name to where he came from. Regardless, his death was soon to come, rather it is by me or someone else who'd eventually think like me. As you both know, we are in the middle of somewhere that doesn't uphold the most good of deeds. Being that there is supposedly someone in Sunagakure who practices procedures dealing with bodies, I'm more than certain I'm not the only one who would eventually see someone as money rather than life. Hell, we are mercenaries, that's like half of our job. If someone can find out how to profit from a corpse, then why can't that someone be us? We all know how desperate we need to money, and hopefully, the person in Sunagakure can give us more information on how to turn this into money." bright would take off his fedora and set it under the mans head as wan spoke , he would pinch the bridge of his nose closing his eyes.

Wan would continue onward with his speech "Now, the reason I brought him back here is that I want us all to gain at least knowledge from this body, if not nothing. With Ghost being a Tau, he's had some experience already with medicinal practices, and Bright, we all know you're a damned doctor. This type of stuff should be right down your alley." bright would straighten out as he heard this , “trust me when i say you don't want a damn thing to do with this body or its organs” bright would say in a rather serious tone.

Bright would begin walking to the opposite side of the room and grab a chair for himself to be pulled to the table where the body was sprawled out at , “this man was my cousin , he is part of the jugo clan we are scattered but i promise you this….” he would pause looking deepply into ghost and wan’s eyes as he did so , “...once you take in the flesh of my clan you will be prone to random acts of berserker rage , there is no cure for this curse”

Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Clan Focus : Ninjustu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 6404

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:12 pm
After hearing both inputs of his comrades, Wan would simply nod his head and step to the side, forming a cross-like pattern across his chest with his hands. He'd look at the body and respect it for what it was, a soul that has ascended to the spirit realm. What Bright said was very true, and by the way, the man acted he felt as if this man was of the same clan as the Doctor. “trust me when I say you don't want a damn thing to do with this body or its organs.” bright would say in a rather serious tone. Bright went on to talk about how his people are known to go berserk, and Wan remembers back at the office when Bright performed a small show showcasing what he meant. Dealing with a bloodline of that nature was something Wan did not want, nor did he feel as if he truly needed at that moment. Patience was a virtue for him. "Then it's settled. Taking the life of the man was half the job for me already. The second half includes discovering the most viable way to profit from the dead. I don't want any parts of this man for my experiments, but if Ghost insists that he can be used as a viable host to studying the works of bloodlines, then we need to take the offer as it stands.

He'd look over to his friend Ghost, giving one more order before the Tau would proceed with his endeavors. "Whatever you do to this body, you need to ensure it stays intact. I've seen your last assimilation in action, but this time you need to be more gentle with how you get it done. Maybe use some of your medical techniques alongside it, but the end goal is to make sure it's still presentable for presentation once I take it to Sunagakure. Take your time, since that's all that is available nowadays. Just make sure he looks the same once you're done." He'd finish his statement and take a seat on watch near the entrance of the temple, pulling out the small book about KGK and reading it as Ghost does what he needs to. 

[WC: 370]
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:19 am
Ghost would look on at the two and was not sure what to do next. His clan lived off of taking on other people's organs to he frank. He could not let such a chance like this go. But it was what Bright just told him. He just said he did not won't him more like he should not take in thus man heart. He also stated that he was a distant cousin of his. How cruel was fate that he would meet him like this. But that led to one quick question about Bright that made Ghost look his way.

Looking on at him he would began to speak. "Tell me something brother. You say don't take in his heart. But why is that so? Could it be you know something we do not. If so you need to tell us what you know and then I just might change my mind. But whatever it is it need to be worth it. I truly do not won't to waste anymore time. I need to get stronger and faster. It will be my only way to Claiming what is minds and nobody could tell me anything less then we agree."

Ghost would look on at him as he had his right hand on the dead body. Listening to his other brother Wan was more concerned about the body. That was funny but Ghost did not need to rip out the heart in such a bad way. Given the fact that the man is dead and not able to fight back. Looking over at Wan he would smile at him again. "No need to worry brother I will not do such a cruel thing as I did the last time. I will take my time this time and keep it sane."

Looking back over at Bright he was waiting on him to say his peace to make peace. This only lead Ghost to believe he was apart of some Clan which he did confirm. But was this KKG really all that bad to have. It would seem like a blessing in the hands of the eight person. This is what he was thinking as he sat there waiting on his mind to change. Ghost was having one hell of a good day and hopefully he could keep or like that. Seeing as his brother was worried about his very own safety.

Stat Page : stats
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:18 pm
 Bright would glare at ghost , close his eyes shake his head and get up. “Do what you will just dont expect me to help you when your knee deep in the bodies” he would say standing up and taking his leave of the area. Maybe the yaga just wasnt for him only time would tell. One thing was certain in the doctor’s eyes the tau would be the author of his own demise not heading his warning.

When one goes berserk they lose all semblance of themselves and are only concerned with one thing , and thats killing the nearest thing with a pulse be they friend or foe. There where ways to slow it but never stop it bright new this better than anybody, “welcome to my world” he would sigh out as he left the room. Should either call out to him he would raise his left hand in the air showing he heard them but didnt care enough to answer , it was him passivly saying buzz off as he walked away. Hit hat and jacket still lingering with the body.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:55 am
Such a fine opportunity it was. But it was not the one he wanted now was it. To have such a power will indeed allow him more of a threat he wanted to be. Not many would understand where he was coming from. To gain control of such a power all will be right with the world. The Jugo clan was a very powerful one and more then none one that will help him to become the beast he so seek out to be. Looking on at the man body Ghost would smile as Bright Wales out the room. Friend or foe would be attacked by him huh. Most unfortunate for himself but he had a fell safe if it was to happen to him. He would know how to prepare himself for his own down fall. This was to be expected as he unleashed his black threads on him.

The body was in fine shape as the threads began to do what they do best. Going over his skin so hard so cold. It was so wrong of Wan to kill him so early on. But Ghost was not picky most times. His body wanted to live even more so. The Tau would began to open the man chest. Slowly but surely he would start to go inside of him. Watching as a little blood fell out as not to cause no more then needed damage on the body. This was all to amazing for him. Soon he would look on to feel the organs inside the man body. Ghost was all set to take this guy heart out as he had just now located it. He was a truly happy camper. He was as happy as a weapon master with a new sword. It was a sight to behold.

Soon he would take out his next heart. Looking at it in awe. The Tau would smile as the threads would start to place it in his body. This was all too fun for him indeed. His body would start to rearrange his insides as his new heart enter it. This was all to uncomfortable for him. As if he ate nor nothing but candy all day. But at last it had to be done. He was indeed learning how to live in this world indeed. Ghost would stand up as the black threads was starting to act a bite strange. But he was not in a fear of fear just a bit confused at what was happening to him. Unknown to him he just gain not only a new heart. But new powers to add to his own. This power was seen as a curse to all. But he was not at all scared by that. As he thought to himself why should he apologize for being a monster. This was something he always wanted to be anyhow. Ghost would smile to himself as he throw up a bite of his threads holding his head in the process.

He would let out a loud scream as he was in what was called a craze state. It was as if he was high on cloud nine. This was indeed a good sign of doing things. A sign of his might growing. He would look at would as his vision was starting to get a bit hazy. He was now starting to come back down to his senses looking around he would see Wan standing there but Bright was not in sight. He must not know how Ghost operates in life. He was not clear on how power was going to be obtained. He may see those rages as a sign of stupidity. He may see those signs as a result of a curse. But Ghost wanted to make it clear. He was indeed giving a gift that he took. He will not allow such a power to be wasted not at all. This was something he looked on in doing. Ghost would smile as he did this. As he stood over the man body. Laughing at the way things went for him. Realizing if he was to lose this heart. He would lose this gift as well how ironic.

Ghost looks on at the sky as his body was still changing to his new feats. Wondering just how strong would these hearts of his make him? With a smile on his face he would look down at the man and then start to sew him right back up. To the point you could not tell the cut was there. This was in thanks to his black threads. Ghost would smile as he knew he had to make the body look more usury then before. As he would pick up the body. With his threads. Ghost would look at Wan. He would start to smile at him as he stood up the dead body. Looking on at Wan he could not help but laugh. "It seems are new brother haven't a clue I live for the thrill does he Wan. He claims I will go all crazy in shit. But you could hold me down. Or better yet I will simply trap myself within a wall full with water and a earth like cave. Then maybe oh maybe I will be just OK. If not then who cares. I can now rival a tail beast brother of mines. Now watch this as I play the most epic prank on him. "

Ghost would say that to Wan as he started to make the dead body walk with his black threads. Looking on he would walk out of the door looking for Bright. It was going to be one of those days as he saw what he was about to do to him. Ghost would finally find him after looking for Bright. Talking the body he would simply say to Bright. "Man up you see this here he was a proud member of your family blood line and why is you not? Growing up with that power you was always told you was a monster huh. Well. Get in line buddy as you not the only one. But get this that same very power just saved to ass did it not. Get over it little brother as you can see we are good NG ti do things we don't won't to do but for good reasons OK. You have my word nothing bad will happen do you know what I'm saying my ninja. Don't ever feel as the am not understanding you. I just need you to understand me and that is u need these hearts ok. It was all but nothing for us. Now let's go we have a deal to go make." Ghost would say that as he sat the dead body down which now had a smile. On it but not in a creepy way. More of a I am OK type of way.



Claiming 20 stats which will go to my Hp

Claiming new heart and

A coin flip for a chance at the following

jugo DNA
Plus the +25 Chakra increase form it

Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Clan Focus : Ninjustu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 6404

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:15 am
Without batting an eye, Wan would watch on as Ghost did what 'he had to do'. The process of taking the man's heart was something Wan had already seen, and upon his request Ghost made sure to do it in the most delicate way possible. it was rather quick, and the Senju would look at the Tau as he finished up, the crazed man standing in place momentarily as if he had smoked a pound of crack. Truthfully, he wanted no parts in what was happening to the man's body, his only intention being to get some money out of it to afford the things the organization needed much faster. After Ghost had finally settled down, Wan let out a quick sigh of relief, happy that it was over. He watched as Ghost would seem to want to turn the body into some sort of 'puppet', in which Wan would quickly stop before he was able to. He'd hold his hand over the chest of the Tau before he was able to turn the guy into a walking puppet, after he had assimilated the heart. "No need in disrespecting this man any further, bro. I understand you try to see the bright side of situations, but this man's journey isn't even over." Wan would say, knowing that the man wouldn't be able to have a proper funeral since they were still planning on selling the body. "The least we can do is honor the dead for what they have done and what they will continue to do. He's been through enough, and I don't know how well Bright would take seeing a walking puppet from his clan." Hopefully, the words would get through to the Tau, as the Senju would step forth and remove the clothes from the corpse, stripping the man of all his belongings before resealing him inside of the scroll. He would place the scroll back in his backpack and exit the temple, hoping to see Bright in the distance.

Sensing out Bright's chakra, he located the doctor rather quickly. He could tell by the man's expressions that he did not like what was occurring, and Wan could understand. Hopefully, Wan's next actions would at least provide the smallest relief to his friend. Walking up to Bright, he weaves a few hand signs for a Wood Style, making a small coffin form from roots nearby. Walking over to the coffin, he'd reach into his back and pull out the Jugo's belongings, placing everything that was on the man inside the box. Although this wasn't the most perfect of funerals, it was a funeral at least. Wan felt the need to pay respects to this person somehow, especially since they were not yet done with it. After placing everything in the man's coffin, he'd close it and use his Earth Style to fashion a hole big enough for it. He'd scavenge a few flowers from nearby and decorate the casket with it before lowering it inside of the hole. After this was done, he'd walk over to Bright, letting out a sigh towards the man. "I will never be able to fully understand how you feel about this since I am not of your kind. I can, however, understand how you feel like a human, and trust me, I feel the same. My actions will never be fully justified, but I pray that some good will eventually come out of this. I'm sorry for your loss, Bright, and in honor of that man, I hope you don't find it disrespectful that I've taken time to arrange some sort of burial for him. I placed all of his belongings inside of a coffin and decorated the best I could, it's over there." The Senju would point, showing Bright where the casket was. "If you want you can say your peace there. Afterward, I hope we all can get going." After talking to Bright, he'd give a gentle smile as he'd go back to retrieve Ghost, the three of them hopefully linking after everything was concluded on all ends to begin their next journey. The deeds of Wan were not yet fulfilled. His next stop, Suna, in search of someone willing to help him profit from the body, and potentially more information on bloodlines. 

[WC: 714]
TOTAL WC: 1,933
•Claiming 1,933wc towards Mastery(1/2 Handseals) of Wood Release: Four Pillar Prison Technique (Jutsu learned here) (1,933/2850)
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:39 am
Bright would be sitting on the steps pack of cigarettes in hand , he would gaze out on the desert, his eyes trained in the shimmer of the heat rising off the sand. ‘The first sign of power and he leaps at it , how is it that a child of fifteen years realizes the danger of the situation but a grown man smiles at the prospect of murdering those around him’ he would think to himself as he opened the pack of cigs and brought one to his lips putting the pack of cigarettes away. He would then reach into his vest pulling out a lighter which he used to light his cig , he would take a slow and long puff on his cancer stick as he looked out of the sands of wind country.

“That man is an apathetic sociopath..” he would mumble to himself as he took another puff off his cancer stick his attention being brought back to this world by the sound of footsteps , he would turn his head to look wan in the eye expecting ghost , the rage that radiated off his body could be conveyed through the trembling of his iris’s narrowing like a hungry animal. Bright was about to lose it, his body language and face conveyed calm but on the inside he was roiling.

"I will never be able to fully understand how you feel about this since I am not of your kind. I can, however, understand how you feel like a human, and trust me, I feel the same. My actions will never be fully justified, but I pray that some good will eventually come out of this. I'm sorry for your loss, Bright, and in honor of that man, I hope you don't find it disrespectful that I've taken time to arrange some sort of burial for him. I placed all of his belongings inside of a coffin and decorated the best I could, it's over there." The Senju would point, showing Bright where the casket was. "If you want you can say your peace there. Afterward, I hope we all can get going."

Bright would calm upon hearing this news , he would nod toward wan his voice cracking a little as he spoke “you know i was wrong about you , your a good kid wan don't let anyone change you “ he would say flicking his cig into the hot smouldering sand a few feet away from the steps of the temple. He would glare at ghost for a mere second before he went over to the grave and began praying asking for the buddha's blessing for his fallen family. 

Bright would be changed after this for better or worse.

WC: 450


10 stats claimed
1000 words twoard hiding in water
92 words twoard Water Release: Snakes Mouth
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA] Empty Re: The Assimilation of a Monster [I.O/ YAGA]

Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:52 am
Ghost wrote:A coin flip for a chance at the following

jugo DNA
Plus the +25 Chakra increase form it

Post next to mine will be a flip, 1 DNA takes, 2 DNA does not take. Keep in mind even if DNA takes, you will still need to spend 2k words to awaken the bloodline, so I'm denying your awakening of the bloodline for now since the flip didn't happen yet. This also means you'll still have 2k words if you need to pay for an additional flip or to awaken the bloodline if successful.

Wan Senju wrote:(EXIT)
[WC: 714]
TOTAL WC: 1,933
•Claiming 1,933wc towards Mastery(1/2 Handseals) of Wood Release: Four Pillar Prison Technique (Jutsu learned here) (1,933/2850)


Dr.Bright wrote:"I will never be able to fully understand how you feel about this since I am not of your kind. I can, however, understand how you feel like a human, and trust me, I feel the same. My actions will never be fully justified, but I pray that some good will eventually come out of this. I'm sorry for your loss, Bright, and in honor of that man, I hope you don't find it disrespectful that I've taken time to arrange some sort of burial for him. I placed all of his belongings inside of a coffin and decorated the best I could, it's over there." The Senju would point, showing Bright where the casket was. "If you want you can say your peace there. Afterward, I hope we all can get going."

Please don't copy entire sections of other's dialogues for your own posts and then claim their words. This is the first instance I found of this so you get off with a warning this time, but keep it in mind for future reference.

Dr.Bright wrote:
WC: 450


10 stats claimed
1000 words twoard hiding in water
92 words twoard Water Release: Snakes Mouth


Last edited by Noboru Kaito on Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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