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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:50 am

Seiichi woke up late, once again. This was the third day in a row now. He wondered if there was something wrong with him, then shrugged it off to simply working the late nights too much. He had spent the last few midnight under the castle with the rats. Training. They insisted that if he was going to be their first summoner, then he best know his stuff. So, they have been working him like a dog. No matter what they say tonight though, he must get his sleep. He dashed out of his bed, threw on his clothes from the day prior, and headed off into the village.

He was wearing the usual tighter looking pants, wooden sandals that lifted him about two inches off the ground, a grey undershirt and a lose black robe. His hair was a mess, but he pulled it back into a pony tail, and secured it with cordage. Other than that he didn't carry anything for today. He assumed it was going to be uneventful. He just had to go to a building that was going to be demolished and make sure now one gets hurt. Well, that and help prep the building, and clean up afterwords. Easy day.

As he made it to the destination his eye fell upon a horrendous looking structure. The windows had all been blown out, the wooden building was shifted to one side, and the roof was all fallen in and growing things. Seiichi could almost make out a branch that poked out from the opening. He quickly ran over to a small group that had gathered in front of the building, no doubt for a brief before it was pulled down. 

[wc 285] [OOC: Post edited with permission from Nero, due to word count, added another mission.]

Last edited by Seiichi on Tue Dec 14, 2021 12:59 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added missions to the thread due to word count- done with Nero's permission)

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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:27 pm
Yamato Tanaka walked out of the wooden building that seemed to be on the brink of collapse without any help. That help, it was about to get, by none other than Yamato and unbeknownst to him the man he saw as he stepped out to the street. The man with the long blonde hair and white suit with fur parts was unsurprisingly covered in dust, along with the black he was holding by the scruff of its neck. The cat was making noises of discomfort but was barely moving. Yamato was holding onto it as carefully as he could without softening his tight grip. He did not want to harm the animal, of course, but he feared it would escape back into the house and the Genin would have to go inside and catch it again. Once he was a few more feet away from the building, he let the cat go and shooed it away.

With the cat situation underhand, Yamato turned his attention to the new face that wasn't around when he first walked into the building after the cat. The man did not appear to be a civilian, but Yamato never based his actions on assumptions. He wasn't sure if any other person had signed up for the job, "Some street animals inside." Yamato said, starting the conversation in the tone of a formal report as that was his comfort zone, "Here to report for the job, or just passing by? If it's the latter, I would suggest you walk back a little bit further.". He pointed at the abomination of creaking wood. "Building's about to collapse.".

There were a few more people around, whom Yamato had not interacted with yet. "You with these people?" Yamato asked the man with the ponytail, "I was about to check their papers and see if they were part of the mission. Demolition experts, safety, clean-up... Or they're just civilians excited to watch a demolition and all of those jobs fall onto me - and you if you're also here for this.". Shivers went down Yamato's spine when that thought occurred to him. He took a deep breath to regain his focus. "Yamato Tanaka, by the way." He offered a handshake to the man "D-Ranked officer of Tanbogakure. Semi-new to town. At your service.". Yamato refused to refer to his rank as "Genin" because he found the name demeaning, not out of grammar but out of the chip on his shoulder. For some reason, D-Rank didn't bother him that much, maybe because the younger Genin didn't refer to themselves that way and hence Yamato could pretend there was any bureaucratic difference between him and the 12-year old academy graduates.

A few seconds later, two dogs barking at each other started echoing throughout the building, finally reaching outside to be caught by the ears of the Shinobi waiting outside. "I think this is gonna be the theme of the day..." Yamato mumbled. He turned his attention back to Seiichi, "I didn't even check most of the building yet, just part of the ground floor. There could be more animals - people as well, who knows? I should get back in. Will you join me?". Yamato was hoping that even if the man hadn't signed to this job yet, he was interested in helping. The task seemed daunting without some helping hands. 

[WC: 555, Total Mission WC: 840/2000]
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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:43 am
Seiichi looked at the man existing the building and was surprised to find out he was a ninja, wearing a getup like that, he'd thought the man was some foreigner from the far north, they did get those kinds around here more often than you would think. He watched as the man shooed the animal way.

"I am here to help with the demolition. I think these people are here to help as well, pretty sure I seen hardhats, and explosives in a cart down the street." He assumed it was to keep it safe if the building had an, "uncontrolled" demolition, all by itself. The wrong kind of debris hits the cart and the whole street could catch fire. Seiichi took the man's hand, "Seiichi Kittaru, uh, also D-rank" He smiled nervously. Why this man referred to himself like that he didn't know but it was nice to see someone around his own age, at his own level.

"Yeah, I remember passing this building a few times in the morning. Pretty sure the orphans would feed and keep animals in there for fun. Now it's just not safe for em to do." He could imagine that keeping stray things would comfort the kids, plus Seiichi had a suspicion that it was just something the owners of the orphanage used to keep the kids out of trouble. This is all hearsay, word on the street, AKA Seiichi's father. As soon as he mentioned the building to him he almost pinpointed this one on a map. For not being around here, he sure did know the area, makes Seiichi wonder if his father was actually playing Shogi all those late nights.

"I'll help clear the building with you." Seiichi said, he set his pack down by the entrance.

"Sir." He pointed to one of the gentleman in the crowd. "Yeah, can you  set a perimiter around here. No one gets in, including animals. Also, maybe start spraying this building down with water, and the ones next to us. If this thing catches fire, I'd hate to see these other folks lose their homes. Not to mention it'll keep the dust down." Seiichi said, and after a nod from the man he headed off inside.

"So, you from around here?" Seiichi asked.

The first floor of the building was divided into several large rooms, he could picture the living room being one space, and the next was obviously a kitchen. The wood floor creaked as they walked, dust was thick in the air, and Seiichi could have sword he saw another cat scoot around the corner, then dash up some stairs.

"Better start the sweep from the top huh?" He asked. "Or I can head up and you can stay down here." Seiichi didn't really want to take the stairs. They looked tretchrous in their own right. But who knows, the first floor could be just as bad. "You think there is a basement?"

[twc 777 / 492+840=1332/2000]

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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Tue Dec 07, 2021 5:54 pm
"Seiichi Kittaru." Yamato repeated, making a mental note, "Nice to meet you.". Even though the part he acknowledged out loud was the man giving his name, Yamato was internally more focused on the sentence he had spoken before he introduced himself. The man not only had the foresight to check the attire of the group crowding the front of the building, but he had also taken a look around the street to assess their surroundings in a detailed manner. At least that's the image Yamato got from Seiichi from his first few words spoken in the Yamanaka's presence. Along with this impression came some disappointment. Not in Seiichi, but himself. Yamato felt outdone. He made another mental note next to the D-Rank fellow's name, to ask himself why he wasn't the one to think of doing some reconnaissance before entering the building of moaning wood. He ordered himself to be more careful next time.

The second revelation was the origin of the animals of the house. "Orphans, you say?" Yamato addressed him, "I haven't seen or heard any children when I was shortly inside. But if that's the case we should be extra careful.". Yamato looked around to see if the dog he had brought out of the building was still around. It was not. "Perhaps it didn't have an owner residing in the building." Yamato thought. For the life of him, he couldn't picture the dog correctly, to remember if he had a collar on it. For the time being, he decided he would trust Seiichi's intuition or investigation, whichever was the reason he made the comment about orphans. It never hurt to be careful after all. Yamato had learned that time and time again, but for some reason his head wasn't at the right place in this quaint village. Perhaps he was so used to the political machines and the pace of bigger cities, that this felt like vacation, not duty. Whatever job he was assigned, Yamato couldn't help but think it was small potatoes - and to be fair, sometimes it was literally small potatoes. Recognizing this problem encouraged him that he would get out of this slope soon. His current state of mind, that is, not the village that could very well have been describing by who Yamato was when he resided in Konoha. "From around here?" Seiichi words had cut through the white noise of Tanaka's thoughts, "I guess, not really. Village to village around these parts. Trying to make this place my home. What about you, Seiichi?". His assumption was that Seiichi would be from here. He didn't think many people from outside would care to locate to a place like this. On the other hand, how many people could have been born in this place that still appeared to be so new, and small? Either way Yamato was hopefully about to receive an answer.

"Seiichi Kittaru.""Let's survey the building together, Seiichi."[/color] Yamato answered with a smile. "It would be smarter to do it together, just in case there's an accident and the other one has to call for help - or if there's a criminal hiding inside.". A few more possibilities where having the two at the same place seemed smarter to Yamato, but he did not care to list them all. "Let's start from the top like you said, so we get done with the most fragile floor as soon as possible. Also, if we go from to the bottom, if we see any animals on the way, we would be scaring them down, not up.". Yamato started heading up the stairs (with Seiichi, if he agreed to explore the building together).

The wood underneath their foot creaked with every step. Even as they were walking upstairs, it was not hard to spot a few animals here and there. Mostly rats and other vermin, but some cats and dogs too. There was no sign of any human activity yet, as they arrived at the top floor. It was even dustier, and covered in even more spider webs than the previous floor they would have had the chance to see glimpses of. The floor was a large open room with a few windows, through which the sun was lighting all of the junk: broken down furniture, shards of mirrors, office tools, clothing, you name it... Yamato once again realized he was not dressed appropriately for the job, admittedly pretty late, given this was his second dive into the spiderwebs of this building. "I'll start from that corner." Yamato pointed at the far end of the room.

[Post WC: 758, Personal Total: 1313, Mission Total: 2090]
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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:54 pm
Seiichi nodded to the man, "True, it would be smarter to go together." He headed up the stairs with Yamato. They moaned with every step. Seiichi was already on edge, the building didn't look healthy at all, holes here and there, random plant life even. "My father decided this village was as good as any to start laying roots. So, you can say I am from around here. Though, I spent a lot of my childhood aboard a ship." He said as they ascended the staircase. They caused one or two cats to scurry down as they moved upwards. "Where did you originate?" Seiichi asked.

As the man pointed to one corner, Seiichi went to the opposite side. Other than rubbish there was no sign of kids, which was actually a relief. All of the hearsay from his father was bound to get him in trouble one of these days, but he was happy he was wrong about the orphans. The only thing odd about the large room was the small tree that poked up through the ceiling. It almost looked like it was planted there, its roots landed in a small pile of dirt that somehow made it's way through the hole in the roof, fed off the sunlight through the hole, and sprouted into a long thin tree. It was only about as thick as Seiichi's thumb, but it was there. Almost a monument to how things happen, if they can, they will.  

After looking around and not seeing anything of consequence Seiichi said, "Are you ready?" He took one more glance around. The furnture should probably be moved out, but the garbage would all be taken care of in the fire, and or collapse of the building. He made a mental note to tell the men downstairs to move it before they lay the charges. As he went he looked for the main beams of the building, pulled out a small piece of chalk, and put an "X" on them. This is where they should place the paper bombs, or set the explosives.

When they were ready Seiichi lead the way back down. He must have been careless for an instant, his foot went strait through one of the boards. His body shifted in one direction. Downwards. He began to go headfirst down the steps. With his foot caught it propelled him forwards. If nothing stops him he will continue down the stairs, landing on the bottom on his butt. Luckily there isn't just one flight in the building, he would only fall down one story.

[WC 1206 - TWC Mission: 2519]

Last edited by Seiichi on Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : TWC for mission was wrong, changed from 3000+ to 2519)
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Fri Dec 10, 2021 2:22 pm
Yamato took Seiichi's answers in. "Aboard a ship for most of your childhood? Your father wasn't a pirate was he?". The question might have come off as a joke from any other man, but Yamato did not have a single shred of sarcasm in his tone. He wasn't judging either, just curious. He looked through the mess of the junk that was left to be destroyed alongside the rest of the building. There didn't seem to be any sign of life on this floor, nor anything valuable in need of saving from destruction. He even checked behind the door, which only revealed a small closet with more junk.  "It all appears clear here, Seiichi." Yamato reported to his colleague. "ı think all of this junk is just going down with the building. The stone, the metal and the wood will probably be recycled to the best of the village's capabilities. Conservation matters a lot to a small village like this, especially one so in-tune with nature.". Even a city man like Yamato could appreciate that fact. In fact, it somewhat aligned with his feelings on bureaucracy. He hated systems that were wasteful of resources. It had never occurred to him before moving here, that this ideology might apply to nature as well, not just paperwork.

"All done here?" Yamato asked his fellow shinobi, who also seemed done with his searched. He saw Seiichi mark the weight-bearing pillars. It seemed there was still a lot Yamato had to learn about construction and agriculture. He had never been so involved with the 'dirty work' of keeping a town alive before. This was about the farthest thing from his comfort zone of paperwork that he had done in Tanbo, and still hadn't gotten his own hands dirty yet. He did his best, in fact, to keep his arms underneath his white cape. All his white attire had to be washed intensely to remove all the dust and dirt it gathered every day, but in his eyes it was worth it just to keep a modicum of his previous self. "I am ready." Yamato answered to Seiichi, "Let us leave.". He followed shortly behind his colleague. Yamato was looking around, checking the scenery one last time before they moved downstairs. While his eyes were dancing around the room, he barely noticed Seiichi's body move with distracting speed. The Yamanaka's eyes darted towards his colleague, and saw him falling down. The blonde man in the white suit instinctively jumped forward to try and catch the man, fearing the worst.

His hand, too high to reach Seiichi's arm, reached for the scruff of his neck, but it was a split second too late, and Seiichi's head moved out of Yamato's reach. Luckily, the young man was wearing a black robe, the neck of which had stayed the smallest distance behind due to inertia. The edge of Yamato's fingers barely caught on to the neck of Seiichi's black robe. Even though Yamato wasn't strong enough to hold Seiichi up and prevent him from falling down, he at least managed to hold on to his clothing from the top side, which meant Seiichi was no longer falling head-first, but tumbling sideways. Yamato lost his balance a little bit, and fell to his knees on the edge of the stairs, as Seiichi landed. His side might have hurt, but at least it seemed he was okay. Yamato took a deep breath. "Careful, now.". He chuckled softly. It seemed even this little action was too much for Yamato, a man of paperwork. He was out of breath. Yamato offered his hand to Seiichi, so they could both stand up together. He then lead Seiichi downstairs if he agreed to follow.

The floor they arrived at was substantially darker, as the walls of the room that used to be on this floor seemed to be only broken from place to place. Barks could be heard the whole time, and once in a while, one or two dogs would show through the half-broken walls and furniture thrown into the middle of the floor. Yamato did not see any kids, but he noted multiple rooms and areas they could be staying, or even hiding intentionally. "Let's be really careful with this floor, Seiichi." Yamato said silently. "I would rather we take the whole day with this job rather than risk a single living thing getting left here for the destruction. This should also be the final floor before the ground floor, which should be easy to cover.". Yamato then walked forward slowly. After less than ten steps, a giant dog leaped at him from one of the rooms and powered him to the ground. Yamato did his best to fight back, but he wasn't built for wrestling a dog this size. The dog was aggressively chewing on Yamato's arm, tearing through his white suit and skin as if it was nothing. Yamato was hoping his bite wasn't deep enough to seriously harm his muscles. "Seiichi!" he exclaimed in pain, hoping for help.

[Post WC: 836, Personal Total: 2149, Mission Total 3355]
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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:41 am
"No." Seiichi laughed for a second, then after noticing how serious of a look Yamato had, "Not pirates. My father was a merchant. Sailed all over the place. We just recently decided to settle down, not sure why he picked Tanbogakure really." Seiichi always thought it would be cool to be raised on a pirate ship. Learning sword play and all that, when he was a kid of course. Once he grew up and learned just how devastating they could be to the people around them, and the economy, he quickly came to the conclusion that it was a bad idea all around. The ship life, though fun, just wasn't for him anymore. He spent almost his whole life aboard one vessel or another.

"Your probably right. I was just thinking that most of this junk could be moved out. But they will most likely sift through it once the building is down anyway." He said as he started down the steps. None of it looked viable. He could use a new coach.

He started to take his dive down the staircase as Yamato snatched the back of his collar and sat him on his butt. That was a close one. He thought as he looked at just how far he had to go. Pulling his foot out of the step he was glad he didn't have any cuts or wounds, or that he didn't fall strait on through. Who knows were he would have landed, and if Yamato would have been able to help at all. They were only Genin, and the guy didn't seem very fit. Seiichi gladly let the guy take the lead. "Be my guest." He grinned.

As they came to the next floor, Seiichi could barely see anything in front of him. A dog or two would appear, then dash down the steps, greeted by a low roar from the workers outside, no doubt shooing the animals away and obeying what Seiichi had said earlier. It seemed out of nowhere that a dog leaped from the darkness and attacked his teammate. Plowing the man to the ground. Seiichi could see the animal going in for a bite. Being only a few steps away from the man, Seiichi grabbed the creature by the neck, taking it in the crux of his arm, and pushing it back into the darkness. Seiichi pulled his wakizashi from his scabbard, hidden under his black robe, just above his belt line. "Are you ok?" He hopped the man wasn't hurt. Hopped that he could stand and help take care of this mess. Thinking quickly, Seiichi yelled out, "Is there anyone in there? Call out. This may be your last chance!" All the while studying the darkness. Waiting for the animal to attack again. After a moment of no answer, the dog came back, leaping for Seiichi. He side kicked it in the face, causing it to land only a foot away, seemingly unconscious from the blow.

"Hm." He slid the weapon back were he got it. "I was about to strike one of those supporting beams." He was happy he didn't, who knows what could have happened. The whole building could have collapsed on top of them. At this point if Yamato wasn't standing back upright, he would help the man. Examine his wounds, and take him to help if he needed it. Seiichi was not a medical ninja. If not he would say, "What do you think we should do with it?" Seiichi didn't have any rope. He supposed he could carry it back outside and give it to the workers. They did still have the rest of the house, plus blowing the thing up, plus clean up. "Should I just end it?" A dark look came over Seiichi's face. He did have a weapon, a quick jab in the right space would end the animal's miserable life, but deep down he didn't want to, dogs held a special place in his heart. Not to mention lost things.

[TWC 1874, TWC Mission 4023]
Yamato Tanaka
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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:32 am

Yamato Tanaka

Post WC: 1191
Total WC: 3340



Yamato slowly stood up, and brushed off his suit with his gloved hands. "Thanks, Seiichi. Yeah I’m okay.". The shock of the attack still hadn’t lifted, but Yamato was grateful for being saved from a frightening situation this quickly. He had underestimated how much a problem even a dog could be for him. It felt like every hour on this job he was being humbled and reminded that a strong mind was not enough to make him successful in his current line of business. If he wanted to move up in the world of shinobi, he needed to play by their rules as well. Even Kiri hadn’t managed to make him actually take up arms, and it was questionable if Tanbo was going to succeed either. But training had to be done, one way or the other. Maybe less physical routes would have still proved a better fit for Yamato. All of that remained to be seen. He was still new. Inexperienced.

In the seconds he was focused on his well-being and future plans, he had failed to realize the serious manner of Seiichi. "End it?" Yamato was honestly startled by Seiichi’s question. He thought the locals were respectful to life and nature to a fault. Maybe it was different for their shinobi, who actually had to make hard decisions when it came to it. Yamato didn’t know what to make of this situation right now, he had to gather more information about the locals before he could make a more in-depth assessment of the situation. Still, for now, the intensity seemed avoidable. "It’s just a dog, Seiichi. Let’s just get it out.". With the biggest problem of the floor handled, Yamato continued searching. Through the rubble, he found a small pile of rocks that seemed to be shaking. An animal was undoubtedly trapped inside unless a ghost had decided to possess some random stones. Yamato kneeled down and reached towards the pile. He removed some stones to reveal the tiniest of black kittens. Turned out it was making noises this entire time, but with its size it was almost impossible to hear even after it was out of the stone trap.

Yamato took the cat with one of his hands. It had a collar. A red ribbon with a golden medal in the front. Behind the medal was a name and an address. "It has an owner." Yamato said to Seiichi, showing him the kitten in his hand. "The address is right around the corner, too. We should return it.". Yamato tucked the kitten into the front pocket of his suit. The kitten let out a small ‘meow?’. Yamato looked around a little bit more, but the showcase Seiichi had with the biggest dog in the floor seemed to have scared away most of the other animals. The rest were easily scared downstairs with careful positioning by Yamato (and Seiichi if he played along). It seemed like their job on this floor was close to being done as well.

Yamato approached Seiichi and the big dog who seemed to have calmed down after the Seiichi’s display of power. The dog had completely surrendered. Yamato risked another fight by coming up close to the dog. He noticed a small sign on the back of the dog’s neck. "A shelter dog." Yamato explained, "It feels like we get more and more work the more we look. We should probably check the dogs we sent down as well, the shelter probably lost them or they escaped.".

When all of the work was done, Yamato walked towards the stairs, helping Seiichi bring the big dog with them if he complied, "I think we should be down inside at the very least. The ground floor was pretty straightforward.". Yamato would walk downstairs if Seiichi joined him with the dog. A quick scouting of the ground floor resulted in little trouble for the duo. A few more dogs joined around them. They seemed to be following the two shinobi now that Seiichi had become the alpha by defeating the big dog. It was funny how the animal world didn’t work that differently from the world Yamato was used to. He wondered if that said more about his line of work, or just the specific structures he had worked for before.

They were out of the building in just a few more seconds. Yamato took a deep breath. Luckily, it had taken a bit shorter than he had anticipated but it was still anything but uneventful. He just hoped nothing else would go wrong for the rest of the day, the building would go down easily, and they could just retire for the day after taking all these animals back to their homes. "Finally we get to just sit back and watch." Yamato said to Seiichi. The kitten on his front pocket added a little ‘meow.’.

The men went inside the building to set up the explosives following Seiichi’s guiding marks. The dog Yamato had brought out of the building at the very start of the day had rejoined them. All of the animals were out, there were no valuables left in the building. They were done with the hard part of the day it seemed. Surely nothing else was about to go wrong. A few minutes later the men came back out of the building. They grouped in front of the house again. They began a countdown from 10. 9. Surely… 8. 7. Nothing… 6. 5. 4. Nothing could go wrong, right? 3. 2. 1. The explosion was small and focused the layers came down on each other and fell down gracefully. Everything seemed alright. Nothing actually had gone wrong. Yamato smiled. He pet the kitten on his front pocket. The fire had not been extinguished completely yet but surely that was part of the plan, they were about to blow it out any second now.

Yamato waited. And waited. The fire kept spreading little by little. He looked at the group of workers. They looked back at him. He looked at Yamato. The fire was making its way to the building to the left. Yamato looked around. He didn’t have any good ideas on how to stop the fire. "Seiichi…” was the only word he spoke but his eyes completed the rest of the sentence: Please help me figure it out.

A second later, he finally realized he had one desperate idea, which while not elegant, could at least be mildly effective. Even if it couldn’t completely extinguish fire, it could give the duo more time to come up with a better plan, or for the surrounding villagers to supply them with water and carpets. He ran towards the fire, skipping over the rubble. He started beating the fire down with his cape. "Water! Carpets! We need something! Help!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. The kitten who now had a front seat to all of this, protested with a ‘meow!’.
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:25 am
Seiichi was quite. The seriousness of the moment had passed and he pushed his blade back to were it needed to be. The animals life didn't need to end here, and lucky he didn't, hopefully it will be some families loving pet one day. He couldn't help but be silent the rest of the time in the house. He followed Yamato's lead wherever it lead, collecting the cat, gathering the dogs, and watching the men go in and set the charges. He hated that apart of him wanted to destroy something else. He hated the darkness as it crept in. But, it was just a part of the job. Killing things, one way or another, was going to happen. Who knows, maybe one day, he wouldn't have to fight with himself so much about it. Weather or not that was a good thing, he wasn't sure. He didn't seem to have time to contemplate the matter any more. As they watched the men place the charges, and watch the building fall, Seiichi snapped out of his 'coma'.

"There is a fire! Don't you see it?!" Seiichi yelled out. "You!" He pointed to one of the workers. "Go get help. Alert the fire brigades. You and you." He pointed to two more of the men, "Go help Yamato with the flames, use the canvas from your carts. I will go and empty that next building. The water we sprayed may not last much longer."

Seiichi darted for the building. As he passed by Yamato, he could see how the cape was pushing up more air than it smothered, forcing some of the flames to roar a little hotter. Seiichi pounded his hand on the buildings front door. It was another three story wooden structure. They should have emptied it before they did this, and they may have, no one answered. He moved back about a meter, then kicked at the door, directly adjacent to the handle, it moved a little. He kicked it again, and it burst open, wood from the frame bending inwards.

"Is anyone in here?!" He yelled, rushing through the home. He didn't hear anything. "Hello, there is a fire, you must evacuate!" He ran from room to room. Empty.

Seiichi ran down the steps, and out the door. The street was filled with smoke now, the fire still roaring. Luckily, by this time some of the fire brigade had arrived and started throwing buckets, others using jutsu to extinguishes the flames. Seiichi ran to the other house, on the other side of the explosion. By the time he got to the door a man stopped him.

"It's empty. They just evacuated." He said.
"Good work!" Seiichi ran off and took a spot next to one of the brigade.

He passed buckets of water. Twisting his body from one side to the next, for a moment he wondered at the lifesaving ability of clear liquid, but couldn't help but think he just wasn't doing enough. Rrrr. He growled at himself. If only he was more powerful. He needed to learn, needed to get better.

[Wc 516 - TWC Mission: 5730]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:52 pm

Yamato Tanaka

Post WC: 742
Total WC: 4082



Yamato had taken a chance on Seiichi. On the fine people of Tanbo too. He had run into the fire blindly trusting him buying time would be enough to get help in time. And to his luck, they did. Not just Seiichi but everybody around. It took a few minutes for the street full of people to put out the fire together. When it ended, screams of happiness, and people rooting for each other, even applauding, filled the street. When the commotion died down, Yamato walked down to his partner on the mission. "Great job, Seiichi." he said, putting his hand on the man’s shoulder, "Thank you for having my back. It has been a stressful job for how short it was, right?". Yamato even put a smile on his face. It was not in character for him at all.

He pet the head of the kitten in his front pocket to calm it down. It didn’t seem too bothered, as it was in a safe spot and was just getting warmed up a little bit by the fire. "So..." Yamato spoke again, "I guess it’s time to return all of these animals where they belong? If you want to rest a little bit first, I think we have the time. You’ve done good today.". Yamato started counting the animals to make sure they had not lost any, giving Seiichi ample time to rest if he wanted to. "Seems good." he said to confirm he was ready to start the end of their workday.

He checked out the kitten’s collar again, to confirm the address. "I think we should bring the cat in first. It’s closer, and gives us an excuse to walk these dogs before returning them to the shelter. Let’s move on, if you’re ready." Yamato told Seiichi, and if he agreed, he would start leading his colleague through the streets of Tanbo. The work the shinobi duo had left might have looked like busywork, but after everything that had gone wrong with the previous mission, Yamato was glad it was simple, straightforward animal delivery. Yamato also loved animals, so any time he had the chance to work with animals was a great time for him.

So, assuming Seiichi didn’t have any other plans him, Yamato, a small kitten in Yamato’s front pocket, and a bunch of dogs (that seemed to be increasing in numbers) walked together down the dirty streets of Tanbo. The mud was usually bad enough, but trying to traverse this nature with this many dogs was slowly turning out to be a nightmare. Somehow, More mud and dust was gathering on Yamato’s pristine white suit then when he was dropping around in the old building, or when he was fighting a fire. The dogs were constantly jumping around, playing with each other, trying to get pets and food from villagers on the streets, but always coming back to follow Seiichi, Yamato and the big dog that seemed to be their leader.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived in front a nice little house in the depths of the residential area. They had clearly brought in way too many dogs into a far too narrow street, but nobody seemed to mind that yet. Yamato walked up to the door, and knocked. After a brief moment, an old lady (who was at most half Yamato’s height) opened the door. "Yes?" the old lady looked at the blonde man in the suit (that was barely white anymore). Yamato, who had taken out the kitten from his pocket, assuming it would be a weird way to reintroduce it to the owner, pulled the kitten up, to show it to the old woman more closely. "Is this your cat, miss? We found it in an old abandoned building. Doesn’t appear to be hungry, so hopefully it hasn’t been too long since you lost it?.". The old woman’s eyes teared up. "Yes, that’s Girthie! I just reported this yesterday! Thank you so much.". She took the kitten from Yamato. She gave him a hand-written note thanking them. The note could be used to confirm their mission was successful, so Yamato assumed this was not the first time this old woman had required help from the village shinobi.

She closed the door on the two men and (at this point) 10 dogs. "All in a day’s work." Yamato said, turning back to Seiichi. "Let’s walk these dogs back to the animal shelter.".
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