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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 11000

Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:42 am
Seiichi breathed heavily as he squelched the rest of the flames with a bucket of water. He had moved to the front of the line, it seemed although all rotated to the front as the fire crept on.As the water landed and smoke rose, so did a roar from the gathered crowd. It was amazing how happy everyone was, I mean, nothing really burnt down, so he supposed that was something to cheer about. Seiichi didnt know what to do, he raised the bucket over his head, the crowd got a little louder and everyone started to pat themselves on the back. Seiichi went over to the men he had directed and thanked them for their work and dedication to the village. The men could have ran the other way, could have gave this problem to someone else, but they instead chose to help. Seiichi was starting to get a move abroad range of Tanbogakure's people. How dedicated they were to the small village, it warmed his heart. 

Seiichi put the bucket down, when he heard what Yamato had to say, "you did good as well. Quick thinking with the sheet there." 

Seiichi sat down by one of the carts and sipped water as Yamato counted the dogs. He hadn't realized how sweaty he was until now. His muscles would be sore tomorrow for sure. He could help but giggle at just how dirty his new friend was, white wasn't the best choice for the job today. But neither was black, Seiichi was covered in ash and dirt himself. He was looking forward to taking a shower, washing the day off. 

As they walked to the old ladies house he asked the Yamato, "what is up with the suit anyway, white doesn't seem very effective. You cant hide." But maybe he felt he didnt need to hide. Ninja were a large variety, not all of them snuck around in the darkness. And some used jutsu to sneak. 

Seiichi didnt recognize the house, or the lady who answered the door. She was happy to have her cat back home. Seiichi pushed the thoughts of loneliness away and chose to be glad the animal had a home. They took the note and walked down the street, in the direction of the dog shelter. 

"Yeah. I think it's this way." He said, leading the man. 

They went around the village a little more, taking the long way to the shelter, making sure the dogs were extra walked, and would be tired once they got in their crates. When they walked up to the building they all seemed very excited to be home. All 11 dogs just sat at the door, waiting for the people to answer the door as Seiichi knocked. 

The person that answered was a younger man, as tall as Seiichi. He smiled and thanked them for walking the dogs. After being told where they were he had a face of surprise. "That far away? They must be exhausted." He pet the dog. "I am sure they are." Seiichi smiled. Before the man could close the door Seiichi caught it and asked for a small note, saying the job was done. 

"I guess that's it." Seiichi said. "It was nice meeting you Yamato." He reached his hand out. "I'm sure we will meet again." 


[WC 553 / twc 2943 / twc mission 7025 / 
+22 to vigor 
+7 chakra
1000+1000 2000/2000 Sensory (SPEC) / SEE: Finding the Foundry

Mizu Senbon 941+59/1000/1000 SEE Minor Construction Help (D rank) (COMPLETED)

1500/1500 temporary paralysis 

348+217-565/1000 Summoning Technique SEE: finding the foundry

+mission ryo: 10,000/ AP 50]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Mon Dec 20, 2021 9:32 am


Yamato contemplated his answer before sharing it with Seiichi. "There’s a lot to it Seiichi, I don’t know where to start. You might have surmised already that I’m not really fond of shadows. I work in the light, so others have an easier time with their work in the night. I think there’s more to being a shinobi, or working for a system of shinobi, then just assassination, battle and subterfuge. I’ll leave it up to you whether you consider that honorable or not.". Seiichi had unknowingly pinpointed a self doubt Yamato had battled with for most of his career. He considered himself a shinobi. He was a shinobi, more than anything else. Maybe if the governments of the world had more detailed ways of naming the specific jobs shinobi did, Yamato’s name could have been recognized as something wildly different from the work most of his peers back in Kirigakure did, but this is how the naming of jobs worked currently. Maybe things would be different in the future, but even then the change would likely be normalized in the major villages first. Tanbo, the village Yamato had committed his blood, sweat and tears to (for the time being anyway) had much smaller worries for the time being. Crops, weather, infrastructure. Houses still needed to be built, mills, more farms, more shops, more everything… Maybe it would have been worthwhile for Yamato to invest the small money he was earning back into this town he was growing fonder and fonder of every single day.

Yamato gathered his attention again, to continue his answer to Seiichi, "And, if I have to admit. I just like looking clean, even if it lasts only five minutes after I start my shift. I think… It just represents the life I want to live, reflects my personality… I just like the lighter colors, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll dress differently in time, more like the samurai garbs I see around so much… They… Seem to have some charm to their aesthetic, I must admit. Just not for me. Not for now anyway.". Yamato then joined Seiichi in finishing their work for the day. They delivered all of the dogs to the animal shelter, maybe more than what the nice little refuge had lost to begin with. Yamato took another signed note from the workers of the animal shelter that expressed the work the shinobi duo had done for them so that they could get paid for their labor. The big dog seemed pretty attached to Seiichi, and had a hard time letting the man go. It even made sounds reminiscent of a child crying, as the shinobi left the place. Yamato couldn’t tell if dogs could actually cry, or if it was knowingly mimicking human sadness to guilt Seiichi, but the sadness appeared genuine to the Yamanaka either way. "I think it’s going to miss you." the blonde man said to his partner of the day, "You might want to visit it once in a while so its heart doesn’t break.". Yamato didn’t know himself how serious he was with his suggestion. Was this… A joke? Is this how banter worked? He couldn’t tell. The advice, even if genuine, wasn’t necessarily efficient usage of a shinobi’s time. It wasn’t beneficial to the village for someone who had proven capable on a high-stake scenario like the fire to take his time to visit animal shelters after all. Yamato couldn’t justify his words to his workaholic brain. Maybe his brain wasn’t in full control of him anymore, like it had been his entire life. This thought, this feeling… It was terrifying for Yamato.

It was visibly clear that Yamato had been distracted and put into distress by his thoughts. He tried to return to reality, but from the look on his face, to his body posture, to his tone when he spoke… It was clear that the thought still haunted him. He was about to speak again to further pretend he was calm and in control, but before he could utter a single word, Seiichi addressed him and offered the Yamanaka a final handshake. Yamato shook Seiichi’s hand, making eye contact and nodding. "I guess so, Seiichi.", he answered his partner’s parting words, "Thank you again for everything you’ve done today. It was an honor working with you, and yes, I hope we get to work together again. And hey… It’s a substantial possibility we will get that chance soon, with how few shinobi there are in this town. It was nice to meet you.". Yamato had tried to keep it short, but his tendency to take greetings and handshakes very seriously, mixed with the anxious state he was in had caused him to blurt a whole spiel again, with very little substance. He could only hope he wasn’t getting on the local shinobi’s nerves with his bureaucratic antics.

After the two had said their farewells, Yamato nodded to Seiichi with respect and took off. It had been perhaps the most tiring day of Yamato’s life since he had moved to Tanbo. Come to think of it, he was basically tied to his desk duties during his stay in Kiri, a student for most of his life in Suna, and his life in Konoha he could barely remember at all. It was very likely that, despite how benign a day it might have been for an average shinobi, this was the most physically demanding day of the shinobi’s entire life. He sighed and smiled to himself when the thought occurred to him, as he kept barely dragging himself through Tanbo’s muddy streets. It was an odd feeling. It wasn’t all bad. Between the aching of his muscles and bones, and the stress that still weighed on him as he neared his house, deep within all that dark bubble of negativity there was a glimpse of something warm. Satisfaction of a job well done? Pride of having given Tanbo all his body could have given that day? Maybe both, among other things. Yamato couldn’t put his finger on it yet, but he felt a fire within him to try to recapture the same feeling the next day… Or maybe the one after that… His body needed some time to heal, after all. Maybe he’d go drinking? The tavern closeby surely would have been open at this time of day…

Post WC: 1062
Total WC: 5144

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Mission Rewards: 10.000ryo, 50AP
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Ryo : 176650

Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Building Blow Up [open C rank Mission]

Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:42 pm
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