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Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raidens work! (Solo) Empty Raidens work! (Solo)

Fri May 27, 2022 1:23 am
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raidens work! (Solo) Empty Re: Raidens work! (Solo)

Fri May 27, 2022 1:51 am
the man with the silver hair had barely slept that night, he mostly spoke with Eros. The Demon within him that he had gotten to learn the name of. They were up discussing a various few subjects, One of which was Eros's demands for the win he eventually decided to prove he could have. Eros however did not demand without exchange. Eros gets to have time as the one in control of the body, however when he is, he must have a series of hand seals that are used to summon him into the vessel, otherwise he is just sort of hitching a ride. However Eros explained to Raiden that once he was in control, Raiden's hair would darken, and That Eros would have control over choices made, which may go against Raiden's opinions. Raiden however had no choice, if he did not go with it willingly, Eros would not only drive him mad, but would eventually find a way to take over, and when he would he would not let go of his hold if at all possible.

Begrudginly Raiden accepted Eros's demands, and when he did, Eros would tell him when he was ready to have his time, that he would teach Raiden the hand seals to allow Eros out and let him have his oppertunity at the world. Raiden would fall silent as he thought on the deal that had just been struck. the silver haired man sat there, staring at the head band , or rather the reflection which was how he spoke with Eros while awake. When he had come to terms with the situation he would be in, Raiden would stand up and tie his head band in its spot he always did on his hip. It was time to get to work for the day, he decided a day full of it today, which would mean a big breakfast and packing a lunch. Which Raiden would go into his kitchen and would begin to fix himself a nice breakfast, biscuts and gravy , eggs, hashbrowns, fried apples. Pretty much a full breakfast and then some, with a glass of orange juice. Raiden would take his time to enjoy his breakfast, and when he was done, he would do as he always did, clean up after his mess he made.

Once he was done, Raiden would double check all of his supplies and make a lunch that would keep until he was ready to eat it, a rather simple lunch meat sandwich was all he made, he would grab something to drink when he stopped so it was cold. Now he would put the sandwich away in a location that he would not lose it, and he would begin his walk down to the Spire. Raiden took a moment to enjoy the weather today, hopefully it would continue all day like this. Anyways Raiden would continue down his way to the spire, and than follow the signs once more like he did before, to the mission board area. Where he would look around and decide on about twelve missions that he would do for the day, He was going to keep himself busy and he planned to see to it.

Once he had them, he would look at their locations and began to formulate a plan, he would start the furthest out from the spire and work his way inwards, so once he was inside and close enough to the spire, he would get to walk right in and turn them in for completion all at once.

With his order in which he was going to do them all planned out, he would begin to head in the direction of the first mission he planned on doing, it was on the outskirts of the dome, however as he made his way in the direction, he noticed some people trying to move a statue, but as he noticed them working, he saw something slip, and Raiden would charge in the direction of the statue before it fell over, catching it and helping to hold it up while everyone scrambled to help stablize it, and with that incident, Raiden would help to ensure the Statue's move was without further flaws. and when he was done helping them, he heard the person who had orginized this ask if he was there to answer their mission request to help out.

Raiden would go through is list and sure enough it was one of the few things he had to help with, however it was not till later on his list of things to do. Raiden would chuckle softly as he crossed it off his list and nodded to the man, letting him know that yes, he was there to help as requested, he just did not expect to run into them doing it while he was on his way to answer another mission he had accepted as well. The man would laugh with Raiden and note that it was Fortuitous indeed and walked off, knowing that Raiden would be paid for his deed . Raiden would walk away knowing he had one less mission to do later.

On Raidens way to the mission to patrol, he noticed a man unloading a cart and almost drop his load, at which time Raiden would hurry to catch the load the man almost dropped and helped him to set it down in a safe location as he spoke to the man. The man noted as well about having a mission on the boards to be answered for a helping hand for stuff like this, at which time Raiden looked at his list and nodded, it was another on his list. Sure enough he was standing in front of the Monkey's Uncle, Raiden would let out a small huff and went to work unloading the carts where they needed to go, and helping the carts both enter and leave in a manner to keep things moving smoothly, this must be the mans monthly delivery to stay in business, or he was just opening up maybe. Raiden would shrug off the idea of what was going on and he would make sure to keep things organized as he unloaded the carts. When he was done he had a good sweat worked up and Raiden would cross off yet another mission from his long list.

Slowly but surely Raiden's long list of missions was already dwindling down , But he still had plenty to do, and plenty of day left to do it. When Raiden finally got to his location he was intending, he found out that while he was doing his patrol and being instructed the type of stuff to look out for that there was a lot of Sand all over on the roads, making walking feeling kinda rough, so While looking around and following the instructions he was given for learning to Patrol , Raiden had grabbed a broom and was sweeping the sand off the road as much as he could, however with the wind there was almost always more sand blowing back onto the path slowly. When Raiden was released from the patrol , he would hand over the broom and look over his missions. there was two he could cross off right here and right now. After doing so Raiden realized he had already eliminated four of the missions on his list, he was feeling rather happy with himself about this.

Well he saw the next mission was going to be one that would take time as well, he would report to the dog kennels and would listen to the instructions, he would take the dogs on a walk, and a long enough of a walk that their kennels could get cleaned out throughly, Well at least he would not have to do that part. So he would begin to take the dogs one by one as they were leashed until they were evenly distributed between his two arms. The walk he decided to talk was to a local park, he was sure they would enjoy the large amounts of space there , and while he was there, their was a person taking photos of the local animal life , when upon seeing Raiden he asked for his help.

Raiden would listen to the man, he wanted to take pictures of the dogs as they were allowed to run free, or semi free at least, and seeing how they interacted with the other local wildlife , such as birds and squirrels, Raiden would agree, and upon doing so would have several things shoved at him and directions given on where to place certain lights and the other props to help encourage the dogs in the way the man wished for them to act.

It took a good four hours before the man decided he was done, It took Raiden a moment to gather the dogs back up but he would do so, even if it had winded him by the end of getting them all gathered back up, he figured they spent enough time to return the dogs to the kennels, which he would be thanked by the workers, with his help they were able to get all the Kennels cleaned in no time, and he had actually taken more than enough time, they were just sitting around waiting for him to come back for a good amount of time at that point. Raiden would than pull out his list and cross off the dog walking when he noticed the Photo opertunity mission as well, the man had a mission out to do what Raiden had done for him, so Raiden would cross that one out as well. And yet again Raiden had done another two at the same time.

Raiden being about half way done and it being about lunch time at this point would take a seat at that park he was just at, eatting his sandwich, and a drink he was given by the shopkeeper at Monkeys Uncle for all his help. He would take his time and enjoy the break he was giving to himself before he would decide to continue on with his list of missions. Raiden would look over the list again and think hard on them all, While it seemed he had done about half of them, some of them was not done in the order he had expected to. Raiden would chuckle softly and shake his head, seemed the missions of the day took on the aspect of life that, nothing ever happened the way one planned for it to go.

Raiden would be finished and standing up, he would start to walk towards a worse part of town where there was a bunch of Art on posters littering around and on almost everything, however along the way he noted a house that looked like it had a jungle for a garden, and he would sigh as he looked inside from the distance and saw an elderly couple within. They could not tend to the garden anymore like they once did in their youth, Raiden would decide to take the detour. He was learning about people, and the village as he went along this series of missions. this was all great information for him, and a lot of it he could not learn in books.

He would walk up and knock on the elderly couples door, at which time when he waited till the man opened the door Raiden would introduce himself and offer to help take care of their garden for them. The man would accept the help of the younger man, he could not take care of it like he once could in his own youth, and he would walk Raiden back there, at which time with excusing himself he would take a seat on the back porch, Raiden knew he could make short work of this with his sword, but he hated to use his weapon as a general tool like that. So Raiden would instead begin to do it the hard work version, this reminded him of the times when he lived in Konoha before he had went to the academy, helping his mom in their own personal garden. As he was moving steadily through each proper step to revive the garden, he struck conversation with the old man. Learning about the Agriculture of Sunagakure, the type of plants that can grow and more specifically the ones that thrived, even before the dome was made. Raiden listened intently as he tamped down the ground after tilling it and placing the seeds down that the man had instructed him to.

The elderly woman would come out with a glass of lemonade for the pair of men, Raiden would take the moment to drink the lemonade and gaze at his work he had done for the people, And as the man talked more about the type of crops he had grown here before and the ones he had the most success with. Raiden was soaking in the information, he remembered he had a mission about learning such things about the village. And before he knew it, Raiden had two more missions done. He took out his scroll and crossed out two more missions and he stared at them for a moment. He had been flying through these missions today. Raiden also took note of another thing. Eros had left him alone all day today so far.

Eros the demon that hidden inside of Raiden, Raiden felt that Eros knew more than he let onto about the entire family and the secrets hidden within about the family. Raiden began to think to himself about how best he could confront Eros about such things dealing with his family. However the more that Raiden thought on the subject the more he could only just sigh and shake his head. There was no way he was going to get Eros to talk about anything he wanted to talk about until he could best Eros in a duel. That would take some time indeed, Raiden knew that the weight of the guilt from his past and the weight of the thoughts about his family was to much, it slowed him down inside of his head and allowed Eros the upper hand.

However he could not just push off these problems and deal with them later, he already attempted that when he joined the sand village, and lord Kage Guren himself told Raiden that he needed to face and embrace the past, grow from it, not seperately, otherwise the past would cut down everything he had grown in his new life when the two would inevitably collide. Raiden would huff to himself as he would begin to realize the time that it was in the day. He needed to head home and turn in what he completed for the day, make something to eat and head to bed, he had little to no sleep from the night before as it was.

So Raiden would do just that, Heading into the Spire, and turning in the list of completed Missions, hanging onto the list he had not done yet, and letting the woman know that he would be doing those missions tomorrow, and that it would save him a trip from going into the spire in the morning, allowing him more time to complete the missions he had left. However when he did She handed him one more mission and stated that the man at the Monkeys Uncle had requested him again tomorrow, he had more stuff coming in and could use the help around the store in other manners than he did today, and he quite appreciated the company of the young man.

Raiden would look at the mission in front of him and nod, accepting it and placing it in the list of things that he needed to do tomorrow. At which time Raiden would turn around and walk out of the spire and begin to head to the apartments, he no longer needed to follow the signs for that, cause he had learned his way from the spire to his home. It was a weird concept to think about. Calling this place home. he had not had one for so long . Raiden would not help but to smile a little bit as he thought about it.

He would walk into this Apartment, G Eight, just as he had been given the key, he memorized the letter and number of the room, Once he closed and locked the door behind him, he could tell room service had been buy but he kept things tidy enough that there was little to nothing for them to clean. Raiden would walk over to the fridge and pull out some leftovers from the night before, some Salmon that he had smoked and some potatoes, if one thought about it, Raiden would likely say Potaotes would be his favorite food, and even more so with what he had learned about them today.

You see Potatoes are one of the few things that could survive the harsh weather of the village of Sunagakure , before the dome that was, now almost anything could grow inside of the dome in the village, however Raiden prefered his potatoes to anything else, having something of a potatoe at almost every meal. Once Raiden was done eating his meal for the night, he would clean up, which was easier than normal due to it being leftovers and not having to cook a full meal this time. Raiden would head into the bedroom where he would remove his cloths he wore for the day and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Raiden living by himself would walk out without feeling the need for a towel for anything more than the general drying of himself. once he was done and went into his room, he dressed just enough for the night time, and slipped into his bed, his katana sat along the wall between his nightstand and bed, and his head band sat on the night stand next to him. Raiden would slowly drift off into a sleep, wondering just before he did , what his dreams would be filled with tonight. However it would seem he was so exsausted that nothing would distrurb his sleep, and even would not dream this night. Meanwhile within the back of his mind, Eros kept a close watch on everything, for if anything happened to the young man, it would happen to him as well, and he could not let that happen, but he stayed silent and let Raiden have this night of peace without trying to challange him and make him stronger for the trials that was to come.

Wc - 3123
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raidens work! (Solo) Empty Re: Raidens work! (Solo)

Fri May 27, 2022 4:50 pm
Just as Raiden was about to awaken, he had heard the voice within the back of his head, Eros was speaking to him. Raiden would begrudgingly respond, at which time Eros would begin to explain to him, That he never challenged Raiden without reason, they fought not for control, but rather because Eros was trying to make Raiden stronger however he could. And Since he could only do this from within, he would make Raiden's mental strength that much higher, and he hoped to pass along some teachings of his to Raiden that Raiden could impliment in the real world. Raiden sat there quietly as he wondered what brought this on from the demon. Eros fell silent after that however and let Raiden be, and planned to for the remainder of the day, just as he done yesterday, he knew Raiden had a list of things he wanted to get done today.

With the conversation over, Raiden would calmly awaken from the slumber he had just been in, It was a new day indeed, and early in the day, First thing Raiden would do is go into the kitchen and make some food, today would be some steak and cheese inside of an Omlete, he would make this a little more fancy of a breakfast than he normally would, but he had to make sure it was protein packed, and had some toast on the said as a carb, and some orange juice , for the natural fruit sugars. With his Breakfast both cooked and eatten already this morning, Raiden would clean as he always did after himself. and he would Pack another lunch today, however he would go for a nice turkey and pepperoni sandwich with a nice provelone cheese and a garlic pesto aioli, He felt like this might be something he shared with someone today. Putting it away like he did yesterdays Sandwich as not to lose it, he would than leave the house ready to start on his missions.

Raiden had gotten dressed in a grey kimono he recently acquired, with his sword still at his hip and his head band tied to the belt just in front of the sword, but far enough up that it would not impede his ability to draw the blade if he needed too. However Raiden was certain that while he was inside of the village he would not need to draw the blade except to train with it. At this moment it was more like a security blanket to him rather than a weapon really. But anyways, Raiden was able to head straight out and start right away on his missions today. So he would make his way first to the Monkey's Uncle. Here he would help with stocking today, the older man would talk with raiden , asking him various things as he worked. Raiden would indulge the man, answering questions and filling him in and certain parts of his past when he was asked. When Raiden was finishing up with is work, a Elderly woman had done some shopping and she was the last person Raiden was helping to check out, and noticed she had bought more than she could handle carrying on her own. So he would look at the elderly man who ran the shop and let him know, since he was done for the day, he was going to help this lady take her shopping home . When the man yelled out a good bye to him, he would wave with one hand before heading out the door with the lady, following her home.

Raiden would strike up a conversation with the lady, they talked about the history of the newer version of Suna, the differences between older and newer suna, which the lady had preferred, And than they went on to talk about things such as the reason why the lady like to do her shopping at the Monkeys Uncle, the lady liked having a weekly walk, something to get her out of the house and around the village, yet give her purpose for the walk instead of doing so aimlessly. Raiden would nod as he listened to the wisdom of the lady who lived more than three of his life times so far. They finally had gotten to her place when Raiden decided to help her out around her house, putting the groceries and such away for her, and giving her a little bit more orginization that would help a lady her age out. When he was done, Raiden had a smile on his face as he waved good bye to the lady and was walking back down the street. Raiden would pull out his scroll and cross out a mission, and realize he completed another one yet again. It seemed that most little deeds to be helpful was a mission on the board, and he was doing things out of the goodness of his heart and was just happening to get paid for such things.

Before Raiden Realized it, he only had three missions left on his list of things to do. He planned on doing the grove last since it was right there around the spire, however he realized he meant to do the one with the posters the other day and left immediately to go take care of the posters, in the point of the village he was at, he was glad he had his sword at hand, however he would start to remove the posters, they did not seem very harmful, nothing about a uprising, or anything negative, or even the toxic positive stuff he had seen from time to time. It was just things like lost pets or items found, lost pets being searched for. and even things like local bands and where they would be playing at. As Raiden cleaned up he took note of where one of these local bands would be playing and decided that maybe later in the evening he would go there and enjoy some time in the village as a normal human and not just running around the village like a shinobi with his head cut off, trying to do everything he could in such a short amount of time

With the posters being cleaned up at a standard rate, Raiden would take a break for awhile to enjoy himself the sandwich and the coke that he had gotten from the old shop keeper as part of the reward for helping out at the shop.  Raiden sat on top of a building, looking out over the bustling village below. He would slowly eat the sandwich and drinking the coke, enjoying the view and feeling the sun. He would look up at the sky , along the dome. taking it all in. Raiden was a village ninja again, that took time to get used to. he wondered if Konoha was still looking for him though, to be perfectly honest, and how far would Lord Guren go to protect him if Konoha found out about his presence here. However Raiden did not know that he would be listed in the Konoha bingo books as dead. So he lived life accordingly. But this was the longest he stayed in one place within the same realm of anyone who could possibly know about his past and may want to hunt him. He just had to have faith and trust in Lord Guren , while it has bit him in the ass before, thats all he could really do with this situation.

Raiden having finished his food would get up off the roof, it was time to finish up the last couple of missions he had to do. He would take off for the lords mansion where the cat seemed to be missing. The lord said the cat had been gone almost a full twenty four hours. Raiden would begin to tap his chin, he knew if he was a sensory ninja this would be a piece of cake, but he was not, nor was he equipped at this time to make it a fast mission at all. Raiden would begin at the obvious places, and high locations, even the trees on the property. And with no luck at all, Raiden would begin looking in little nooks and cranies, every little hidey hole that could be thought of or seen. And still there was no luck in finding this cat. Finally Raiden would let out a sigh and head up underneath the house, and after a good while of looking around, he had no avail in finding the cat, so he would get out. dusting himself off from the crawl and shaking out the heeby jeebys , he would approach the lord and inform him that with the lack of luck he had with the house and property that he would begin the search for the cat outside in the rest of the village. He was given a specific sign on the cat that would give it away as the one he was looking for. and with a nod Raiden would take off to start searching the rest of the village.

Now it did take some time, but Raiden finally started to find some evidence and people who had seen the cat wandering around, however it lead him to the grove along side the spire in the center of town. So Raiden would take a moment to start cleaning up the grove, he would be able to find more evidence once it was cleaned up. Using a rake to help him pick up fallen leaves, and using a swing blade to help keep grass trimmed down. Raiden would even take a pair of sheers to clip limbs and the such, making the grove look almost as good as a professional had done the upkeep. And There as Raiden was snipping away at the last tree, since he cleaned up as he snipped the trees so he would not have that as well to clean up all at once. he found the cat in the tree. Raiden would shake his head at his luck, it had to be the last place he would look would it not. Raiden would eventually after some trouble, and without damaging the tree and the work he had done, gotten the cat out of the tree. And While he finished up cleaning up the last bit of the limbs, he would carry the cat back to the lords estate.

Upon getting to the door and knocking, when the man answered the door, he did not even notice Raiden all he saw was his cat, When the man snatched the cat and snuggled him, after a moment the lord would finally thank him, and Raiden realized something. The lord lived alone, the cat was all he had left for interactions on a daily basis, Raiden would think to himself how that made sense why the lord was as frantic as he was about his lost cat. Raiden would pull out the List and marked out the last of the missions finally. He had finished his list, it took him two days to do, and Raiden would wipe his brow at the work he put in today. He decided that tonight he would go to the place he had seen the flyer for that he had cleaned up.

Raiden would walk into the Spire and up to the Mission board area, turning in the new list of completed missions, When the lady asked if he would be taking any more at this time Raiden would smile and shake his head , telling her that he had seen plenty of the village, and learned quite a bit, and now he was executing the last learned lesson, he was going to go unwind and support a local band in their endeavor to become more than just local musicians. He would tell her the location so if she decided to show her support she could. He would collect his large bundle of awards he was granted.

Raiden made his way back through the village to sit down in a little hole in the wall style bar, And Raiden sat there, Ordered a rather common dish for the local area, a bowl of noodles, and a small pot of Sake. He would enjoy the music that was playing as he slowly slurpped his noodles and sipped at his sake. His head kinda bobbing with the music and tapping his foot while he was busy eatting or drinking. he was quite glad he came out that night and decided to enjoy the night life. Eros even sat back inside of Raidens head and enjoyed the music that played. Eros began to question however how much he should indulge to Raiden about what he knew. Maybe a few things at a time. But for right this moment he would allow Raiden his time to Enjoy the music and scene of the hole in the wall bar.

Raiden would notice that the receptionist had indeed made it, he would make some small talk with her, but let her be after that, he was just trying to be friendly after all, nothing much more than that. However Raiden could not afford to stay out all night, so after paying his tab and leaving enough to cover a tab and tip for the Receptionist from the mission board location of the spire, He would head home taking a slow stroll. That is when he asked Eros within his head. Essentially while he spoke and focused on Eros inside of his head, his body was like it was on auto pilot as it headed to the apartment.

Raiden would ask Eros about one thing in particular , if the Ametsuchi clan all had Demons that would reside within them , or if Raiden was just lucky. To that Eros finally spoke the silence he held onto all day and decided this information would not hurt Raiden, nor was it particularly helpful, at least power wise. But he gave the answer, that yes, each Member of the family had their own Demon that each had to live with and deal with in their own way. Some Demons would get snuffed out, others along side of, and some demons took over the Ametsuchi. and with that Eros would fall silent, for the Demons all had siblings themselves, and Eros had one such sibling that took over his host entirely and eventually drove them to die . Eros kept this information however to himself. Raiden would than ask about his Father and Sisters Demons. At which time Eros gave it thought and after a while Eros decided to tell Raiden, Nike had been his fathers demon, but the name of the demon that Misaki had he could not remember the name of.

Raiden would nod and take the information that he could. He got to know a little more information about his family , and while some say knowing more about the clan over just the family themselves would be better, it was his search for information on his family that drove him at this point. Raiden would realize as he came to from the conversation with Eros that he was just entering into his apartment, and when Raiden closed his door he would lock up and head into the bedroom, he would take a shower in the morning instead. For now he got himself ready for bed, his sword and Head band each took their respective places , between the bed and night stand against the wall for the katana, and the night stand for the head band.

Raiden would lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, as he did he drifted himself towards Eros again, staring at the copy of himself he would ask him for a sparring match, Nothing on stakes, just something for Raiden to be able to maybe pick up a trick or two. To which Eros gave some thought to before he finally accepted the spar from the man whos body he inhabitated. They would start at a fair distance away from each other, and they would each take essentially the same stance, and with them each pushing off with their back foot, they would draw their swords at the same time and the ringing of clashing blades filled the mind space of Raiden. Raiden and Eros would go into a dance like series of movements as they both would deflect and barely dodges the others blades while trying to counter attack at the same time. Neither could land blows on the other for some time, before Eros changed up his pattern, and while he feinted one way, he swung the blade another way, claiming the first hit of their fight.

Eros would than go into a winded speech about how Raiden gets too focused into the basics, that they are nice to know, however he needed to build off of them , just like he needed to do with his past. Raiden would listen as he panted, they had been going for some time, and Eros would tell Raiden again, this time Raiden tried to take the lead of the fight, but before he knew it, he had the hilt of the sword drove into his shoulder, causing Raiden just jump around and rotate the injured shoulder, Eros told him he kept himself open and became too predictable. Raiden was starting to see the point of everything that Eros was tell him. It was good to have base, but dont get Predictable....Like the weather, He needed to seem like he could do any number of things and at the last second choose one, and hopefully its the one most people did not expect for him to choose.

With that in mind Raiden and Eros could continue their dance , getting hit every so often, and Raiden being taught a new lesson, which would allow Raiden to last longer in each round, raiden also tried to make sure to change up his tactics each round Some times he got farther, others not so much, He was learning also Eros while being random seemingly had some pattern to his style, which kept things flowing for himself. These were the lessons that Raiden needed, specially just before the chuunin exams hit as well. Raiden would finally, instead of scoring a hit, disarmed Eros, but Eros took the opening as a chance to close in and make a open handed strike. Giving Raiden pause and making him step back bewildered, did Eros let the weapon fly to make that attack, or did Eros just improvise just that fast. Eros would go on to give the verbal lesson now on , never underestimating the opponent, and not to leave oneself open for any reason, unless it was a feint and one could capitilize on the mistake of falling for the feint.

With that FInal Lesson Eros would call it a night, and Raiden shook Eros, Raiden bowed to him, like a student to a sensei, This gave the demon pause himself, he had not expected such a gesture, especially from a vessel. And with that Raiden would disappear from Eros's sight, his mind finally going into a full sleep. Eros smirked as he walked over and picked up his blade from where it was flung, Raiden caught him with that, but he had the immediate opening to execute a move to prove a final point to the boy. Eros would have to start teaching him some of the actual techniques with this keeping up at the pace he was moving forward at. Eros would chuckle to himself as he shook his head at the idea. He had been ignored for so long, imagine where this boy could be at if he had started this sooner with the poor thing, but for tonight he let him have a well earned rest, and a complete rest. Eros Planned the very first technique to teach.

Raiden would snooze through the night quiet peacefully, a Smile crept on his face as he slept, he knew he caught Eros off guard, he was getting closer to landing that hit on the demon that he needed to be one step closer to winning their next fight, making all the training worth while indeed.

wc- 3378

TWC 6501- 65 stats 60 to Speed, 5 to Vigor
1000 to upgrade B-rank Rupture to A-rank
1000 to Upgrade Bull Rush to A-rank
1000 to Upgrade Earth Shaker to A-rank
1000 to Upgrade Perfect Body to A-Rank
1000 to Upgrade Slow Blade to A-rank
1500 to Upgrade Sword Storm to S-rank

26,000 Ryo from Completing All 13 Missions, +65 Ap from all 13 missions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Raidens work! (Solo) Empty Re: Raidens work! (Solo)

Fri May 27, 2022 10:23 pm
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