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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:44 am

Yashamaru woke up got himself dressed and started to make his way out of the house towards the Mission Giver were he would pick up a mission to do for the day, He lit up a smoke as he started walking and noticed there was a lot of flyers and posters all over the place like someone had just thrown them on anywhere paper would stick and ran off. Shaking his head at that he kept on walking to the Place were he would pick up the mission. Once he got into the building he looked at the board with all the missions on there and who would have thought there was a mission titled "Poster Problem" it was an E rank mission that just said clean an area of the village of your choosing of posters and flyers that don't belong, reading that he pulled it down and handed it to the Mission Provider and made his way out of the building to start towards the area of his choosing to start the clean up.

Yashamaru smoke in his mouth looked at the walls and the lamp posts and signs you name it, it was covered in posters a lot of duplicates and some single ones that looked legit. Making his way towards the posters that were side by side with no space available or showing they all looked the same so he started pulling all the same ones down and left the others that were there. He had a handful that he just lit on fire disposing of them and continued to get more posters and flyers, this was a quick job but there was so many of them so this would take him awhile to do. Making his way down the street picking the paper off the floor, walls, trees, sign posts, lamp posts, hell even the roofs of buildings Yashamaru started to sigh. This was rather ridiculous like it doesn't matter what you are selling or advertising it is never this important that you need to start littering and making a damn mess in the village making it look like trash, People live here and its just annoying to see he thought as he was picking them up and burning them as he went on.

Having done at least half of the area he took a small break to have a drink and feed, he then started to light up a new smoke and continue his work now being rehydrated and energized from the food and water. With smoke in hand he continued searching the last few remaining areas of the area he chose and shook his head at the sheer amount he had already picked up, 'This has got to be a job" he said as he was getting closer to finishing the rest of the main area he had left. He had finally finished the area he chose and was making his way back towards the Mission Provider to tell him that the area he went with was finished and to send someone out to see if he was telling the truth, a member of the staff quickly disappeared and then after a few minutes reappeared and said "Yes that area is all clean" to the mission provider. With that the mission was called Complete and Yashamaru nodded his head and made his way out of the building and back home to have a nap.

WC: 571
Mission WC: 571/500
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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:14 am

Yashamaru woke up from his nap and started to make his way back to the mission providers building were he was to get himself another mission for the day, he entered the building and walked over to the board and saw one called "The Rice Fields" from what the missions description stated it was a mission to work out in the rice fields either planting or doing the other things required with the rice to make it ready to be put into sacks then shipped around outside the village. He took the mission to the Provider sand said "I am back again, this one please" as he handed the form to the Provider behind the desk, they took it with a smile and said "okay off you go" as he handed it back to him and Yashamaru made his way out of the building and back off home to change out of his normal clothing into some clothing that could get dirty. This was a old worn out shirt and pants with long boots that came up to just below his knees mainly used by the farmers doing these types of jobs, being all dressed he started to a make his way to the Rice field in general that was asking for the help.

Making it to the Rice field Yashamaru walked over to the Rice field manager and asked them what needed to be done, he was told replanting, threshing, dehulling or winnowing of the rice in the fields, Yashamaru said to the manager he would go with planting as it was the less troublesome option and started to make his way to the seedlings that was to go into the water in the paddy fields. Having gotten himself a bag to put on his back that wouldn't tip as he was planting them, he made his way to the manager and asked what field to start with. The manager took him to a field a little off to the south of the area and said "this one here please, do you know how to get started?" having done a little farming before he replied with "yes i got this" and he started to pull a few seedlings out of the bag and make his way towards the field were he stood in the water and then turned around and started to put the seedlings in the water then started to walk backwards and left a few spaces between them and put another down continuing this until he got to the end of the line then started on the next line and continued until his bag was empty. Once that bag was empty he went and got another one full of seedlings and then restarted from where he left off and kept going until the field was full, he kept this up until he was told "Ok that is enough for today, thank you very much for the help" from the manager and was handed a letter saying he had finished the job, with that Yashamaru nodded his head and started to make his way home to change clothing then make his way back towards the Mission providers building were he handed the letter and waited for it to be read and then approved.

With that Yashamaru went home to have himself dinner then shower and sleep because he had himself a busy day and needed to continue the next day.

WC: 572
Mission WC: 572/500
TWC: 1143
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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:30 am

Yashamaru woke up got dressed and went to go have his breakfast, after having his breakfast he cleaned up and then left the house to go get himself another mission. On his way to the Building he noticed a few older villagers out shopping that looked like they could use some help but he wasn't getting paid to do charity work so he continued on to the building, as he got to the building and walked over to the board and looked at the missions he saw "Food Shopping" help an old villager carry bags as they go around shopping... Karma wanted to say hello. Taking the mission he went off to show the one he was taking and left to the destination were the old villager would be waiting for someone to come and assist them, he got to the location and it was an older looking lady that seemed to move at a snails pace and didn't look like she could carry any bags at all. Taking a deep breath he introduced himself to the older lady and said "Hello i am Yashamaru and i am here to help you with your shopping today", having said that he waited for the lady to reply but she just stared at him and when she finally replied she said "Who are you?"....

Sighing Yashamaru said once again "Hello i am Yashamaru and i am here to help you with your shopping today" this time the lady replied with "Oh well hello, it's good to see young people helping out us old folks", with that she gave him the run down of what was to happen today and then off they went to start the shopping trip. First stop was the farmers market were the client picked out fruit and vegetables for her week and some extra fruit for her snacks or deserts, Once finished there they went off to the bakery to get bread and other products to make different things. Now they started to make their way to the butchers and got the meat that she would want and went from there to the food stalls to have a break, Buying lunch the Client was sitting down and eating while Yashamaru ordered himself something and sat and ate it as well. Now they were back on their way again getting some extra stuff, With all that over and done with they were now on their way back to the clients house to drop off the food and end the mission. Getting to the house and putting the items were instructed the client signed the mission that he had done what was asked of him and he nodded his head and left to go return the paper to the building to have it approved.

Entering the building Yashamaru had to wait in line with a few other shinobi who were either getting their own missions for the day or to hand in the ones they just completed, this took awhile due to some missions needed to be checked over properly due to sensitive information or products being brought back. Finally it was Yashamaru's turn he handed the paper work to the Staff and waited for the approval before he left to go home and have a nap before starting a new mission.

WC: 552
Mission WC: 552/500
TWC: 1695
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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:53 am

Yashamaru had previously went back home for a nap after finishing his shopping trip with a client and now that he had woken up again he was on his way back to the Mission Building to get himself a new mission, As he entered the building and walked to the board he searched and found one on "Simple Gardening" it was about an old couple who couldn't keep up with their garden and it went unattended for several months and now it needed to be done. Taking it to the Staff he left the building went home and changed into clothing more suited for gardening. He changed into a normal shirt and pants and pick up some gloves so his hands wouldn't get cut by any thorny or spikey bushes in their garden, once dressed he made his way to the destination on the mission paper and as soon as he got there he saw the tall grass and unkept garden they had in their yard. Making his way to their door he knocked and waited for them to answer "Hello anyone home?" he said as he waited and he got an answer "Coming wait a minute" said a old mans voice as he heard the door rattle and slowly open as an older gentleman and his wife stood at the door. "Can I help you?" said the man, "Hello i am here to help clean up your garden as per the order given to the village" he said as he handed the paper over to the couple, the wife took the paper and read it and said "Oh wonderful" as she handed it back and they walked out of the house and started out into the garden.

The couple told Yashamaru that any tools inside of the shed he could use and they started over in a corner getting things ready for once there was space to do so with the garden beds being sorted, He went over to the shed opened it up and noticed a lot of older tools like a scythe for cutting the grass and a plough for tilling the soil, but there was other tools as well that he could use for the garden itself so with that he got to work. First up Yashamaru picked up the Scythe and started to cut the grass and as he went the couple moved the grass cut over to their compost bins were it would be used at a later date for fertilizer for the garden beds, it took him bit to do the grass but once he had finished that he went back into the shed and took the plough out and moved it to the side and made his way to the garden bed as he started pulling out the weeds in the beds. Once he had pulled all the weeks out of the bed he started to till the soil and then started to plough it for anything they wanted planted in it either it be plants or flowers or even food, With all that done the couple asked him if he could help move a few things to make some space so they could set themselves up a new project to do at a later date. Yashamaru helped out with what was needed and at that point was told "thank you very much young man" and was given his paper back and it was signed by the couple, with that Yashamaru nodded his head and left the house and made his way back to the Building to hand his mission in to then go home and sleep the day off just to start again the next day.

WC: 615
Mission WC: 615/500
TWC: 2310
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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:24 am

Yashamaru woke up in the morning and got himself dressed and went to have his breakfast, after eating he cleaned up and the left the house and started making his way to the building were he was to get todays mission. Arriving at the building Yashamaru went into the building and over to the board and looked for an easy enough mission for the day, reading a few he came up with one that said "Dog Walker" it was about taking a small back of dogs out for a long walk around the village so the shelter could clean their cages so the dogs would have nice fresh cages instead of dirty ones. Having taken it to the staff he was told to change into something he could run comfortably in just incase because with animals who knows when some would like to get rowdy and want to run, taking that advice Yashamaru went home and changed clothing go a comfortable pair of pants and shirt and off he went to the missions destination the dog shelter.

Arriving at the Dog Shelter he heard a lot of barking and whining as the dogs were all running around in the back playground while some of the staff were inside the cages cleaning away while they had the time, going to the door and entering the reception he dinged the bell and waited for someone to arrive to greet him. Someone finally showed up and greeted him "Hello, how can I help you?" Yashamaru handed the paper to the staff and said "I was told you need a dog walker for awhile" the staff member read over the paper nodded their head and called out for another of their staff to come and help Yashamaru get ready for the walk, following the staff member Yashamaru was taken to a room that had bags to put dog excrement and a too to help move it into the bag as well as a bag of treats to give the dogs when they might get a little rowdy to keep them calm and on track. He was told he would be taking 5 dogs for a walk and they ranged from small to medium size, that didn't really mean much with dogs because they could all tear your arm off if they wanted to run and you were not ready for it. Yashamaru was given 5 leashes and the dogs were put into harnesses and then the leashes were attached to them, he was told to have a quick walk around the area to get the dogs used to the leads and him being at the helm telling them where to go.

With that off he went for the walk, the dogs all scurried to the door and once it was open off the went he had to almost forcefully pull the leashes back just to keep control of the dogs at the start but as soon as he loosened the pull they started walking normally he was given a route to take and he memorized it and then off he went with a jog. As he was jogging and the dogs were starting to pick up speed he followed suit and started to move into a faster jog almost a run and followed the route he was to take while the staff cleaned the cages, it took him a decent amount of time to take the dogs around the route but nothing really interesting happened the dogs cooperated with him and he kept the pace with the dogs until he had to slow down to catch his breath but as soon as he did off they went again at the faster pace until they got back to the destination. Having arrived back at the destination Yashamaru opened the door and the dogs went inside huffing and puffing and the staff member took the leashes from him and took the harnesses off the dogs before letting them free back into the playground before they went back into their cages for the night, with that the mission was complete and signed and he made his way back to the Building to hand the paper in.

Getting to the building he handed in the paper to the staff got it approved and then he went home and had himself a shower had lunch then went and had himself a nap.

WC: 733
Mission WC: 733/500
TWC: 3043
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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:37 pm
Mid topic claim

want to claim the 5 E rank missions and their rewards.

1000ryo x5= 5000ryo
5ap x5= 25ap
3043 wc

30 stats: 30 chakra > 60 chakra 2000/2000 1043/2000

Last edited by Yashamaru on Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Claiming Jutsu and stats.)
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:48 am
Hey! What are you using your WC to claim? Or are you waiting to claim all the WC at the end?
Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:58 am
Hiroki, but as his Tau bro, Approved!
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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:28 am
Yashamaru wakes up from a deep sleep as he tosses and turns in bed and then finally opens his eyes to see the sunlight starting to slowly shine through the curtains over his windows, as he started to roll to the side of the bed to get himself up in the seated position he yawned and stretched his arms above his head and twisted his body left then right and his legs out in front of him before he stood up and made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Making his breakfast in the kitchen he took a plate and a knife and fork and walked over to the table where he sat down and started to eat his meal, he made himself bacon and eggs for breakfast and slowly savored the taste of the meal he made for himself. Once he was finished his meal he went to the sink and washed his plate and knife and fork and then started to make his way to the bedroom to get himself dressed for the day, when he got dressed he went over to the dresser and pulled a pack of cigarettes off it and slowly took one out as he walked towards the window and lit it as he stared out at the sky and the village below.

In the distance he noticed a building that looked like there was some type of construction work being done on it and he noted that in his head because he knew he could potentially do that type of work as a way to help the village and have it classed as a Mission were he would get paid for it, now that he had finished his smoke he started to make his way to the front of his house and put the pack of smokes away in his pocket as he made his way down the stairs to go towards the Mission Billboard were he was to get today’s missions. As he was walking down the street he made note of the street stalls and what was being sold like normal so he would have an idea when it was lunchtime of what to eat and drink so he didn’t have to go back and forth and hum and hawing about what to buy, As he go to the Billboard and started to look at the Missions on it he did indeed notice “Minor Construction Help” and that was pretty much a local required assistance on a construction project and they would provide everything, You name it Tools, Wood and the blueprint of what they wanted made.

Taking that mission off the board he walked over and let them know he was taking it and off he went to the location on the mission, as he got to the area he saw what looked like the start of a retaining wall for the yard of the Local villagers house he had started to build slowly himself and as Yashamaru got closer to the man he opened his mouth and said “Hello are you the one who posted they needed Help with some Construction?” he said as he held the Mission details out towards the Man so he could read it. “Yes that was me, I see you are here to help?” Yashamaru nodded his head and the man continued to talk “I am building a Retaining Wall for my Yard as you can see I have slowly started it but I need the extra hand to get it finished.” Yashamaru replied “Yes sir, I am here to help. Hopefully we can get it done quickly so you aren't waiting around too long.” The man nodded his head and started to walk towards the house motioning for Yashamaru to follow him to the house to find out where all the tools and materials were located as well as the blueprint for the Retaining Wall. Yashamaru followed the man into the house and looked at the blueprint of the Wall and it was pretty much just your basic retaining wall about chest height and all around the front of the yard as the back of the yard was already encompassed by a wire fence that kept the man's cattle in, with the information he needed obtained he started to make his way over to the area the man had mentioned of were the materials were located and the tools and he started his work as the man started on the opposite side.

With Yashamaru working on one side and the Villager on the other the work was going smoothly and they were making steady progress getting closer to the middle, the plan had been to make the foundations first and make sure they match up before building up higher and wasting materials, that way it wasn’t going to cost the man an arm and a leg if they messed up anywhere. As Yashamaru and the Villager met in the middle it matched up perfectly and they then started to build up from the middle going outward, the Villager had the area he wanted the gate to the property to be on his side of the wall so he left that area empty until they were both ready for it to be build, due to it being a two man lifting job to make sure it was secure and fitted properly into the wall without and damage or lopsided looking. As Yashamaru finished his end of the wall he started to make his way over to the Villager as he was just about to stand up from his part he had finished, they were now ready for the gate finally and they started to build the gate and then put it into place. Once the gate was in place Yashamaru and the man had a drink of cold water and wiped the sweat off their brow as they examined the wall for any discrepancies and if anything needed to be worked on before they called it a Job done, To the Villagers surprise it was done perfectly to the blueprint schematics and didn’t need any redo's.

With that the Villager shook Yashamaru’s hand and said “Job well done thank you very much” nodding his head with a smile on his face and Yashamaru nodded his head and said “Have a good one” as he started to turn around and walk off to hand the mission in, As he got to the Mission board he handed the mission to the staff and got that approved as he went over to the board to look for another job.

WC: 1104
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Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread] Empty Re: Yashamaru helps out [Mission thread]

Thu Apr 27, 2023 3:41 am

Yashamaru was looking at the board looking for another mission when he saw a notice that said "Don't forget to keep your medical check ups up to date!" looking at that while smoking he thought to himself that's probably something he should get done just so he isn't ever asked it again by someone higher up, Sighing he took a look at the notice and it just said at the local hospital see a nurse or doctor for the check up. That sounded simple enough but he was still reluctant to go to anything to do with a doctor and the potential of needles or those damn wooden sticks used to hold your tongue down and check your throat, Shuddering at the thought of that wooden stick thing made him get goosebumps but he quickly shook them away as he started to move out of the building and out into the street. Now out on the street Yashamaru finished his cigarette and then proceeded to light another one and take a drag before starting to move again towards the food stalls to get something to drink because he wasn't feeling hungry at the time, Getting to the food stool he bought a drink then went and sat over at a bench and looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful day with not many clouds in the sky and only a slight breeze that kept the air cool, as he kept looking up he slowly exhaled after taking a drag and watched as the smoke slowly billowed out of his mouth and off into the distance being taken away by the wind.

After Yashamaru had finished his drink and his cigarette he slowly got up and started to move himself towards the hospital were the check up work take place, as he entered the building he walked up to the reception and told them he saw a notice about check ups and keeping them up to date. The receptionist looked up at him and asked his name and age to put down on file as a new patient and he just replied with "Yashamaru, 18" he said not really expressing much emotion or real want to be there but he was sure the receptionist was used to that, Not a lot of people did like seeing doctors but it obviously had to be done or else you wouldn't be medically fit to work as a Ninja or even a mercenary to take jobs to earn money. The receptionist told him to take a seat and the doctor wouldn't be long to see him, taking a seat he slowly looked around the room and gazed at the walls and room and noticed it was just your basic four by four room chairs around the room and some in the center to seat people but there were a few drawings on the walls that were just of plants or the sea or even a forest nothing really interesting. The doctor came out of a room and looked at the paper he was given by the receptionist and said "Yashamaru?" with that he got up and slowly made his way towards the doctor as the doctor showed him to the room for the examination, following the doctor in he sat down and then the doctor did at his desk and he asked Yashamaru "So what can i do for you today?".

Yashamaru looked at the doctor and said "Just a check up" the doctor nodded his head and started to get a few things out of his desk draw one was a stethoscope so he could hear Yashamaru's heart beat to make sure nothing was wrong there, another was a circle on a stick type instrument that was used for checking eyesight and lastly to Yashamaru's annoyance was a wooden stick used for checking your throat. Yashamaru got asked to take off his jacket and put it to the side so he could get examined, he complied and took it off and put it down then get asked to lift his shirt so he could get his heartbeat checked. The doctor nodded his head as he heard nothing wrong and then told him he can put the shirt down and the doctor picked up the instrument for the sight test and covered one of Yashamaru's eyes and asked him to read what was on the paper on the wall, Yashamaru read what was on the wall then the doctor swapped the eye and Yashamaru repeated with that eye. Now that the sight test was done the dreaded part came he got Yashamaru to open his mouth say Ahh and stick his tongue out, complying Yashamaru stuck his tongue out and said Ahh, the wooden stick went on his tongue and the doctor checked his throat in the light then when everything was clear he said to Yashamaru "everything looks good, now please stand up against the wall for a height check" As he got up and stood by the wall the doctor measured his height and also did his weight while he was at it. At the current time he was 5ft 11' and weight 75kg the doctor wrote that down and put it into the file and with that said to Yashamaru that "you are in good health even with the fact you are a smoker, you may leave now" with that Yashamaru picked up his jacket put it back on and exited the room.

The receptionist said to him as he left "goodbye" and he just nodded his head as he left the building and went out into the street, as soon as he was out of the building he lit up cigarette and started to take a drag as he walked off towards his house to get himself some dinner then do some cleaning up of the house while he had the time. With the check up complete at least he didn't have to worry about having another one any time soon.

WC: 1005
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