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Seikatsu Aranha
Seikatsu Aranha
Stat Page : Seikatsu's Stats
Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Uppercut, knee, right cross! Empty Uppercut, knee, right cross!

Sat Jul 13, 2024 7:46 pm
Mission Details:

Shinoda Springs—a training ground that felt more like a serene, wild dream to Seikatsu. That may be the best way to describe the thoughts that poured through his mind as his lonely deep blue eyes set sight on it for the very first time. The deep ambiance and large willows overshadowing the peacefulness of the springs created an almost heavenly oasis amidst the harshness of rigorous training. It was as if heaven existed within hell, if that makes any sense. The hellish aspect being the grueling training, the blood, sweat, and tears that had been soaked into these hallowed grounds over countless sessions.

At the edge of the entrance, Seikatsu trembled with excitement. This was the first part of the day that truly aligned with his personal goals. It was a test of power, a chance to prove who had the ability to defeat the other and assert dominance. The young man felt supreme confidence in his ability to surpass either of the other two competitors. Yet, he knew this would likely be the most challenging part of the exam. Seikatsu moved with a newfound urgency, shifting from the smooth and unhurried pace he had maintained earlier to one that was exciting, perhaps even slightly frantic. As he approached the proctor, he noticed several other participants within the grounds. Each of them appeared to be on the same level as Seikatsu, their faces mirroring a blend of determination and anticipation.

The setting of Shinoda Springs added a layer of surreal beauty to the impending trial. The serene ambiance of the springs, with their tranquil waters and overshadowing willows, contrasted sharply with the intensity of the forthcoming competition. Seikatsu could feel the weight of the environment pressing on him, not as a burden, but as a call to rise to the occasion. He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves and focusing his mind. This was his moment to shine, to demonstrate the culmination of his training and the depth of his resolve. With each step, he felt the ground beneath him, soaked with the legacy of those who had come before, challenging him to leave his own mark on these hallowed grounds. As he awaited the signal to begin, Seikatsu’s excitement transformed into a fierce, controlled determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

”So it’s a “fair” fight, huh? Bring it on..”

The proctor coughed a bit before finally catching a long enough break to where he could make the small announcement that he seemed to be clinging too. It wasn’t necessary of course, the intensity was almost palpable, at least from Seikatsu. His once lonely eyes had begun to shine brightly, almost in an evil way - in a way that had made it seem like he was deprived for his whole life of the one thing that he wanted. He pierced through each person - gazing into their soul - attacking their psyche…

”Now, to explain the exam in greater detail. Each of you will spar with a person of a similar skill set. Your goal is to 1. Win the spar and 2. do enough to impress myself so that Tsukigakure can feel confident enough in you, to allow you the opportunity of a lifetime and join the village ranks as a shinobi. With that being said your pairings are as follows…”

It was at this point that Seikatsu had zoned out - he couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. He had determined that the person who placed themselves in front of him - was going to receive the bad end of a whooping. As fate had it, at the exact moment as that thought ran across his mind, a young boy had managed to step up to the plate. Much smaller in comparison to Seikatsu and that struck a slight nerve. A began to wonder what they truly thought of him - was he not worthy? Did he seem truly that weak to the proctor? It must have been that - it had to have been that, otherwise - why not send someone his own size? To Seikatsu’s surprise, the young kid made the first move - dashing toward him in an attempt to hit him with a straight right.

The tiny fellow had brass, Seikatsu would give him that - but he was merely too slow and had no clue how to truly get in close with such a huge reach disadvantage. Seikatsu swung an uppercut - nailing the bottom side of the boy's chin, completely halting him and sending his head backwards. He followed up with a left front kick to the youngsters right knee which brought him back forward and his face now facing the ground. Seikatsu placed his large hands on the back of the kid's head, pushing down while sending his right knee to a meeting point. Seikatsu could feel his nose move as the two connected.

”It’s done, no way he continues after that…”

The small fellow fumbled backward - refusing to land on the ground and admit defeat to the over confident teenager. He made sure to gather himself before launching another attack like that, realizing he just got himself injured pretty badly. His guess was inaccurate though - he didn’t believe Seikatsu would follow up so quickly after seeing him hold on. A right cross was barely seen as his vision had already been blurred from the knee and it caught him square in the jaw. His eyes rolled back as he fell on his right shoulder, stiffer than a four by four piece of wood.

The proctor hurried over to make sure the boy was alright and not seriously harmed - which didn’t take long. He also was able to get him sent off for some medical treatment and healing. After that, he turned towards Seikatsu and let him know that he had done enough to pass this exam. However - it seems as though his thirst for fighting had got him in a little bit of trouble and the.

”I’ll be keeping my eye on you - while you did enough to pass the exam and you impressed enough from a physical standpoint… you have a long way to go to understand how to spar with comrades and what the difference is in a real fight. It would do you well to think about that.”

The proctor took his attention back to the others, ignoring anything from Seikatsu from this point forward. Seikatsu had a puzzling look grow upon his face, his blue eyes glanced to the right and then to the left…

”Well - what do I do now?”

WC: 1088

Exit Claims
Using WC towards Stats and Skills (Spider Senses)
-- 1088 | 1652 | 3000 towards Spider Senses [564 previously claimed Here

-- 10 | Vigor

Mission Rewards
-- Ryo: 1250
-- AP: 6

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Uppercut, knee, right cross! Empty Re: Uppercut, knee, right cross!

Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:35 pm
Seikatsu Aranha wrote:
WC: 1088

Exit Claims
Using WC towards Stats and Skills (Spider Senses)
-- 1088 | 1652 | 3000 towards Spider Senses [564 previously claimed Here

-- 10 | Vigor

Mission Rewards
-- Ryo: 1250
-- AP: 6

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