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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
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Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique Empty Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:54 pm
Name: Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique
Element: -
Rank: S
Specialty: Kanjutsu
Particular Jutsu Type: --
Backstory: This technique is based on the pinnacle of all Yamanaka Hiden techniques. Unlike with the technique that it is based on, the user is able to maintain control of multiple bodies while retaining their consciousness. The disadvantage of having to take the same damages inflicted on the target during the time of their possession is also lifted. 
Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique Inoichi-yamanaka
Serpent - Ox - Bird - Horse - Hare - Dragon - Yamanaka hand seal 
Duration: Up to 3 Posts
Cooldown: Posts used +2 
Range: Explained Below
Power: Stat
Speed: Stat
Health: -
Stat Boosts: -
What it does: The user converts a fragment of their mind into an intangible sensory field. This technique can be cast in one of two ways: The user directs the field forward in a cylindrical area that expands at jutsu speed, reaching up to a maximum width and length of 30 meters. Alternatively, the field can expand outward in all directions from a point 1 inch in front of the user, covering a radius of up to 15 meters. The field remains stationary and its shape is set upon activation, lasting until the technique is used again.

The user can target up to two characters within the field. If their strength stat is lower than the power of the Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance, the user can control their physical bodies for 2 posts or until the remaining duration of this technique, whichever is shorter. All of the afflicted target's active techniques are immediately placed on cooldown, and they cannot control their physical actions until possession ends, but they can perform techniques that they have mastered for hand seals as long as they do not require them to make any physical movements. The user can move their bodies within the field, using the target's base speed and strength for movement and basic attacks. Control is relinquished if a target completely leaves the field, and the affected characters will have no memory of their actions during possession even after the user relents control.

Due to their advanced mastery over mind body manipulation, the user does not lose consciousness during this time. However, the user must hold the unique hand seal for the entire duration, or Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique will end prematurely. The user cannot use the AP or techniques of the possessed characters, nor use this technique to access their memories.

The additional character after the first costs the user an extra 50 AP per post to target and control. Pureblood users can attempt to control a third character by paying the additional character cost twice.

This technique can only clash with other intangible techniques or constructs, and barriers that that guard against debilitating effects.

Character Specific: No
Wordcount to learn: 4000
Action Cost: 100/50 AP (Activation/Upkeep)
Mastery: Y
Bonus Requirements: Mind Body Disturbance Technique
Canon, Custom, Bloodline, or Village Exclusive: Hiden

Last edited by Saturn on Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:06 am; edited 4 times in total
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Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique Empty Re: Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique

Sun Sep 22, 2024 6:24 pm
Trial Approved!
Stat Page : Stats
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Familiar : Momo
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Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique Empty Re: Mind Body Disturbance Dance Performance Technique

Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:11 am
- Redefined AOE expansion
- Removed A Rank
- Redefined the PB implications by reducing potential targets to 2 naturally, and to 3 with PB
- Adjusted the AP cost per target impacted
- Clarified Duration and Cooldown relationship
- Added a stipulation that handsealless techniques can be used by the affected targets

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