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Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:01 am
Tenrai wipped around when he heard the voice saying hi. I decided to try aomething new. I whispered to Gal and told him to wait. I flew into the air with my wings and began powering an Rasengan. I formed the orb than dove down towards the ground hand first. I hit the ground with an explosion. Tenrai got up from the now formed crater and said " Hi Tenrai Hikaru at your service I was just going to Tenrai will you like to come " U said while staring at the dude Jason called Haru.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:22 am
Haru nodded slowly when Jason asked him to teach him the chidori. It was a bit of a stretch, assuming he knew it, but it WAS true.

”Yes, I can do that. I learned from a guy absolutely obsessed with it, although it’s not really my cup of tea.” He explained, watching the other boy make his grand entrance. Well, he was certainly one to show off his skills. Haru listened to the boy invite him to Tenrai, which was also his last name. Confused, Haru scratched his head. ”Err… Where?” He asked.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:42 am
Something in Tenrai's told me do not take those two to Tenrai yet. Tenrai looked to Galtobertrox amd it looked like Galtovertrox understood. Gal reversed summoned a scroll. The same one Tenrai had signed months ago. Tenrai walked up to Jason and said " once you sign this scroll you will began to change, you will grow tall, your hair and eyes will turn golden or white, and you will get wings ". Tenrai sat the scroll on the ground in front of Jason's and took off in the sky while Galtobertrox left to Tenrai. Tenrai assumed Jason would be mad but Tenrai went with his first mind. Tenrai also didn't know what the guy who walked up to them would do." Haru I will see you leter " I screamed while dissapearing from the plains.

(Tenrai's Exit)
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:46 am
Jason looked at the scroll after what tenrai had told him. Jason then set the scroll on the ground and unfolded the big scroll. he could see that tenrai was the last one to sign it. what did Jason had to lose? Jason proceeded to sign the scroll with his blood, and after a few minutes later, Jason's whole body began to glow. when the glow faded, Jason had become taller, at least to 6'0, his hair had grown white and his eyes had gotten yellow or golden, Jason couldn't tell which. Jason was now beginning to think and wonder if he hadn't made a mistake. Jason then turned to Haru and asked. "will you teach me the chidori now?" Jason had hoped that Haru would teach him, but there was the fact that Haru didn't want to. Jason had hoped that Haru wanted to train him, since there was, maybe, nobody else that could do it. Jason awaited an answer out of Haru.

Last edited by Jason Fredriksson on Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:59 am
As the other boy left, Haru had a strange feeling that he probably should have kept walking. It seemed that the boy had just nonchalantly signed a summoning contract, before growing much taller, almost as tall as Haru was. After signing the contract, Jason looked over to Haru, asking him to teach him the Chidori.
”Ah, very well. It’s not that difficult really. Look here.” He said, beginning the hand signs, which he usually didn’t have to preform, but for Jason’s benefit, he would use the jutsu in its entirety. He formed the electricity in his hand, which crackled loudly, making the sound that gave the technique its namesake, the thousand birds. Once he formed the chidori, he held it out for Jason to see, before jabbing his hand into the tree. His version of the lightning blade would be significantly more powerful, and the sheer cutting power of the technique would cause the already deadened tree to crack, falling over completely.

”Now you try. Do you need me to run through the hand signs again?” He asked, idly swirling chakra in his hand. He quite liked this new technique, whatever it was.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:33 pm
"no, i got it." Jason said. Jason did the handseals and the chidori was formed into his hands. he then slammed the jutsu into another tree that smashed it apart. "whoa! such power.... the chidori is such a powerful technique." Jason said in amazement. Jason's smile began to widen. "is there anything more i need to learn? please tell me." Jason almost begged Haru to teach him some more. Jason wanted to know everything there was to know about Chidori. if there were more variations of it, what usage it could have, anything helped really. Jason was now fired up and was literally shaking. shaking with anticipation of what he could do with the technique. Jason turned to Haru and looked at him with puppy eyes in anticipation of him being teached the awesome that is Chidori and waited for an answer from Haru.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:37 pm
While Tenrai was flying away he heard the sound of alot of chirping birds. Chidori Tenrai thought but who did it. Jason didn't know it maybe it was that Haru guy Tenrai thought. Maybe he could teach iy to Tenrai. Tenrai turned around and flew towards the crater he had maybe while showing off. While Tenrai flew over the crater he saw Jason who had now grew tall his hair color changed and eyes changed. What the hell Tenrai thought. It had tooked him atleast an month for him to change. Tenrai flew down in front of Haru and said " Will you teach me Chidori.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:50 pm
Haru watched the boy attempt a chidori, slamming it into the other tree, destroying it. Nodding in approval, Haru watched as the other boy came back once more, asking to be taught the chidori. Haru sighed, chuckling.
”Wow, Altar would hate to see so many people using his jutsu. If it irritates him, then sure, I’ll teach you, kid.” He said, demonstrating the hand seals once more to Tenrai, forming another chidori. The lightning would spark in his hand as he looked to both of them, holding it out for them to see. The lightning blade would slowly fade, and Haru would hold up a hand, motioning for the boys to wait.
Haru would preform a few hand seals, focusing his mokuton chakra. Trees would begin sprouting from the ground, forming a small grove around them, to give the boys ample targets to use their newfound ability on. That done, Haru would make three more hand seals, creating two clones of himself that would sprout from the trees, standing ready at attention.

”I have a challenge for you two. Use your chidori to destroy my clones.” He would tell them. ”After all, the best way to learn a skill is to put it to use.”
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:23 pm
When Tenrai arrived and asked the man to teach him Chidori. Tenrai heard the man mumble something abiut an Altar or something. He showed Yenrai the handseals to the jutsu and summoned a meadow and made clones out of trees." Destroy my clones with Chidori " he said. Twnrai looked shocked he didn't even learn how to summon it in his hand yet. Tenrai activated his golden eye and stood in his stance. This guy seemed powerful Tenrai thought. So maybe the wood clones were also powerful Tenrai thought. Tenrai formed a plan in his mind his Chidori won't take it out or will his Rasengan not do it. Tenrai would need to use Rasengan first then Chidori. Tenrai begun to hold out his right hand and summoned Rasengan. The bluish white orb formed. Tenrai begun running full speed towards a clone. When Tenrai got to the clone he pushed his hand outward and hit the clone in the chest causing it to be blown back. Tenrai then did the handseals for Chidori and again ran full speed towards the clone. The lighting palm formed while the sound of chirping birds began. Tenrai connected his palm to the clone thus blowing it up into pieces. Tenrai .turned around and smiled at Haru
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:06 pm
Jason faced the wooden clones with determination in his eyes and made the hand seals for the chidori and focused one to his hand. Jason then charged towards the wooden clone he set his eyes on and proceeded to smash the chidori at it's chest, making both the chest compartment of the wooden clone explode at the same time as the wooden clone flew backwards and hit one of the trees and the rest of the wooden clone exploded. Jason then turned around and charged another chidori and rushed towards another wooden clone and smashed the chidori at it's back making the back part of the wooden clone explode as well. though Jason had proceeded to stab his entire arm through the wooden clone, and the chest compartment of the wooden clone explode as well. Jason then ripped his arm out from the wooden clone and started to pant as he looked at Haru with a smile. "so... was it any good?", He asked Haru while panting heavily. Jason then caught his breath and charged another chidori and rushed towards a wooden clone and as Jason ran, made handseals for the chidori and smash the wooden clone with the chidori right at the face. Jason then went on one knee and breathed heavily as well. he turned his head towards Haru and asked. "why am i out of breath?"
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