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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Training The Breathing [Open]

Mon May 08, 2017 5:52 pm
Damn, why wasn't it working?

Akemi sighed as his fifth attempt to increase the potency of the seven heavens breathing method failed, go figure. Yay, for his complete inability to learn anything without doing it the hard way. That is, continuously doing the same thing - over and over again - until he got it right. Which, rarely actually happened. Why did he have such trouble learning new things? Akemi was very avid about his studies in taijutsu, finding it fascinating and cool. He couldn't wait until he was skilled enough to make his own techniques. It was going to be interesting, to say the least.

Akemi steeled himself and tensed his shoulders, holding both his hands up, each with only his index and middle finger pointed upwards, with his hands just in front of his torso. This was the stance for the seven heavens breathing method. Akemi found it quite strange that a taijutsu move would require certain hand seals, but he wasn't exactly an expert on these subjects, so he didn't pay it too much heed.

He took a deep breath, all the while keeping his stance. A yellow aura enveloped his body, his iris' faded into a singular colour, white. Now, his eyes were a solid white colour. Mix that with the yellow aura, he would probably look quite freakish to any normal person right about now. Though, he was currently alone, in a section of the training grounds which was hidden from view via a small woods in between his section and the main one.

He reached his current cap of lung capacity, the weakest version of the technique. He needed to go further, he needed to grow stronger. Akemi was aware of his current limits, training his body continuously for the entirety of his life gifted him this knowledge. He just needed to ignore those limits, grow beyond them. How would he be able to prevent the feeling of helplessness, and despair from ever resurfacing in him again? Better yet, stopping it from happening to other people? The answer to both those questions was to grow stronger. Grow strong enough to never have to rely on other people or luck.

He drew in more breath, his lungs almost threatening to burst at this point. His head felt light, all his muscles began to tingle due to the massive expansive of oxygen which was currently flowing through them.

That's when he felt it. The 'Click' which he had felt the first time he had practiced this technique. All his muscles stopped swelling up, instead settling in a more firm and solid position. Akemi noted that they were slightly more defined that before. Though only just barely noticeably different. A look of satisfaction flashed across Akemi's face. He was so caught up in his achievement, that he didn't notice that he was still drawing in breath...

That's when his over oxygenated bloodstream finally collapsed and rushed to his head. The yellow aura surrounding him suddenly ceased to exist, his eyes returned to their normal colour. And he collapsed, face first, onto the watery ground. Too dazed to even figure out what was happening.

(Total Word Count: 521)

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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Thu May 11, 2017 10:53 am
Damon was just now walking into the training grounds this morning, although he did not know of this little niche where Akemi had apparently been practicing holding his breath. The sun was shining in the blue sky above his head. Painted clouds dotted the vast, cerulean expanse. Similarly to the other shinobi of the City Blessed by the Stars, the Uchiha himself was also going to practice a taijutsu technique on this fine day. Tiger → Dog, the boy thought to himself on repeat. He was eager to begin furthering his capability in close quarter combat, as chidori seemed rather reckless and the multiple handseals seemed as though they may take some time to implement in combat at a moment’s notice. Instead, he opted for a technique that only needed two handseals, and perhaps he would further his experience with the technique by bypassing the handseals entirely, that is, if he was able to do so. And so, Damon found himself approaching a poor tree at the edge of the forest. Tiger. Power. He formed the handseal. Dog. Lightning. He also formed the handseal. The genin punched the tree. “Ouch.” The boy had not even bothered to channel the chakra himself, instead relying on his natural prowess with the lightning element to manifest itself. Idiot. It was just an absent minded mistake, although his hand hurt a bit now. Taking a step back, Damon tried again. Tiger → Dog. The handsigns were formed as Damon simply looked at his fist and concentrated. Nothing.

After a brief moment of concentration, a spark flew. This was enough to catch Damon off guard slightly, as his expression changed to one of surprise. His smile widened as he concentrated even further. Chakra control was rather boring to write about focus on as it seemed to be a very basic requirement for ninjutsu of any degree. Another spark. Damon honed the rest of his focus in on solely his hand as he signed the Tiger → Dog seals again. Now managing to get a hang of his chakra control, Damon’s right hand illuminated in a bright blue light, bordering on white. He then seized this opportunity to swing his fist in order to strike the trunk of the tree with a lightning coated fist, completely skipping the uppercut, as performing an uppercut against a tree would probably just cause the bark to scratch his hand. When he withdrew his arm, there remained a fist sized indentation in the side of the tree, with the bark being slightly scorched from the sheer heat of the lightning natured chakra that had struck it. Damon would continue to sign the Tiger → Dog seals repeatedly, in an effort to further his ability with the technique. The indentation grew deeper and deeper as Damon’s fist continually made impact against the log.

He had been a genin for quite some time already, and wanted to further better himself. He had already been fifteen within the academy, which had caused him to receive some rather odd looks from those who saw him. A fifteen year old genin did not seem much different though, since genin were typically thirteen. Not that this age gap was significant, Damon just desired to better himself in the eyes of the village. At least those who acknowledged his status as a shinobi.

WC: 556

Last edited by Damon <3 on Thu May 11, 2017 11:52 am; edited 2 times in total
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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Thu May 11, 2017 11:19 am
Akemi awoke several minutes later, coughing and spluttering with his face buried in the mud. Still half dazed, unable to turn up from down. His head felt like it had thousands of needles all pounding against the inner wall of his skull. What happened? His memory started piecing itself together, revealing the embarrassing truth of what made this happen to him.

He groaned, was that really the reason he fainted? 

Akemi sighed positioned his hands on the floor and pushed himself up, shifting his weight around so that he ended the movement sitting upwards. Sitting upwards, Akemi would close his eyes and rub his temples slowly, exhaling his lung-full of air wearily. Why did he think he could push himself further earlier? Akemi knew his limits, pretty much to the letter. Perhaps he was driven by his need to get stronger? Had it finally pushed him too far?

The question continued to puzzle him as he gently pushed himself off the floor. He would have to tone down his complete thirst to never feel defenseless again.

Once stood up, Akemi started to walk forward, but soon realized that the entire front half of his body was completely soaked in water. Once again, a faint groan left his lips. He couldn't walk around like this! Too much attention would be drawn towards him. How could he clean himself off properly though? 

Ding dong, ding dong. 

What about that one e-ranked jutsu that worked like an instant shower? What hand seal did it require again? Rat? Horse? Bear? Eughh, curse his terrible memory! That was it! The Tiger hand seal.

Excitedly, Akemi pushed both his hands together into the Tiger seal and coated his skin with an extremely thin layer of chakra. The chakra then left his body and dispersed into the air. Leaving his clothes and face as clean as they were before he fainted! Now, what to do about his hair?

His hands formed the Ram seal and instantly, his hair completely disappeared! Leaving Akemi completely bald. He then did the Tiger hand seal and stopped the advanced transformation technique, his blue hair returning to its usual soft and fluffy self. 

Well, that was enough excitement for today, Akemi decided it was high time he go back to his apartment and just relax. Though stepping outside the small private clearing he had been training in, he saw a familiar face... Punching a tree? Akemi wasn't judging Damon though, for Akemi had done exactly the same thing when he had last encountered him. Then again, Akemi's punch had actually been successful.

He was about to say hi when he remembered how all his other social encounters had ended. First, one had ended with a fight. The second time, he had ended up with an entire bar staring at him. The third time, the person he was talking too just froze in time and didn't respond to Akemi at all.

Akemi decided to say hi anyway, what was the worst that could happen?

"H-hello D-damon!" He called out, waving and walking towards Damon.

(Total Word Count: 1032)
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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Fri May 12, 2017 10:44 am
The genin instinctively turned to the sound of his own name, only to see a short and lanky scarfed figure not too far away. He tried remembering the other boy’s name as they had only met once before, and had fought for the majority of that brief meeting. What was it again… Ayumu? No, not quite. Kibbles? Nah, that’d just be silly. Akemi! That was it! “Hey, Akemi,” he said as he returned the wave. Damon did not want to waste the remaining lightning chakra that was currently still coating his arm, so he punched the tree one last time before the white light subtly began fading away.. “What brings you here, today?” He would wait for the boy’s response as he presumably continued to walk closer and closer. Perhaps he wanted to spar again? Damon had increased his own abilities quite a bit since their last meeting, although not nearly as much as he wanted to. It was not that he was lazy, which was the most assumed reason, but rather the more likely option, just short of time. Things were coming to a close, yet it felt as though his journey as a shinobi was just beginning.

WC: 755
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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Fri May 12, 2017 11:12 am
As Akemi approached Damon, he somehow grew the feeling that Damon was somehow insulting him in his thoughts. Though Akemi had no real reason - without metagaming - to actually know this for certain, so he pushed the offending thoughts out of his head and continued his approach towards Damon.

Once roughly five meters away from Damon, Akemi would pause and smile at Damon, though the smile would not be visible due to his scarf, the only clue that he was actually smiling, was the slight twinkle in his strange, blue eyes. Akemi noted, that because he had met this person before, he was not like his usual quivering self during any social situations. He instead, felt rather comfortable. The power of meeting someone a second time was marvelous.

Akemi listened to Damon's inquiry intently, hanging onto every word. Last time he had met Damon, it had turned into a complete comedy of errors, as one person had so eloquently put it. One wrong thing after another, over and over again. One of the many reasons he tended to stay away from people, his complete inept ability at holding a decent conversation.

"W-what am I d-doing here? W-well I was just practicing my breathing for a t-taijutsu technique." Not telling Damon the embarrassing truth about how he had fainted doing so. Akemi was quite thankful that no one would ever know about that.

"D-did I see you p-practicing some kind of taijutsu technique?" The excitement audible in his voice due to thinking that someone else in Hoshi might share his passion for taijutsu. Though what he had seen Damon perform, looked to be a mix between ninjutsu and taijutsu. A bit like the 'Wind Strike' technique he had learned a few weeks prior.

If Damon responded to Akemi's question, Akemi would then continue his little, stuttered speech.

"How about a q-quick spar to get warmed up? I'm f-feeling quite sluggish at t-the moment, fighting should properly solve that." Akemi asked, excited to see where he stood on the skill spectrum of Hoshi.

(Total Word Count: 1372)
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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Sun May 14, 2017 1:53 pm
He had to practice… breathing? It can’t be that difficult, right? He then listened as Akemi inquired about Raiton: Jodan. “Yeah, actually. It’s basically a way for me to perform an uppercut infused with lightning nature. I thought that it would be rather handy,” Hah get it because it uses his hands, “to learn in case I needed to fight someone at close range.” Damon signed the Tiger → Dog handseals and caused his right fist to light up with a surge of electrical chakra. “Taijutsu has always interested me, but I don’t think I’ll ever study up further than some techniques…” It was disheartening to say the least, but perhaps he would in another life. One less water-y. And then, oh boy, another spar. Seemed to be about the way that most conversations wound up. Oh well, they were quite fun, and a good way to train with a fellow shinobi of the same village. “Sure, why not.” Noting that they were a mere 5 meters apart, Damon took a few steps back, until they were perhaps 10 meters. He stepped backwards with his right foot and raised his hands to the level of his eyes, priming himself into a fighting stance. He took a deep breath, without passing out. Akemi initiated the idea, after all, so it would be natural for him to make the first move. “Ready when you are.”

WC: 988
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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Sun May 14, 2017 3:41 pm
Akemi noted that, for some odd reason, Damon found the fact that Akemi was training to breath strange. Akemi had become an "Expert" on body language after his one gate mission after all. This was a little strange, as Damon had stated in another thread, that he had difficulties breathing. Instead, holding his breath during combat. Either it was lazy writing or lack of contingency, Akemi wasn't judging though because Akemi probably had the most inconsistent personality ever.

Akemi took to examine his opponent thoroughly while Damon spoke about something to do with hands. Judging from Damon's build, it seemed that Damon's basic punches wouldn't be enough to properly hurt Akemi. The Hiyu may look small and dainty, but he could take a punch or kick. Akemi continued his analysis. If Damon's strength wasn't particularly good, that meant his other skills had to lie elsewhere. Perhaps in his chakra reserves and speed? There was also some kind of strange earing pieced into Damon's left ear, perhaps it was a body-enhancing item?

Akemi nodded affirmatively to himself, looked like he had to watch out for Damon's speed and his ninjutsu. As Damon said "Sure, why not" Akemi would unsling his Bo Staff from his back and grip it tightly with both hands. Then, as Damon started stepping backward, Akemi would slowly inch forwards, using the balls of his feet and his toes. Though not by any noticeable amount, probably by about 1 meter at the most, putting a roughly 8-meter gap between him and Damon.

While Damon was moving into a stance, Akemi was already pulling back his bo staff to throw it. Akemi then shifted his center of gravity forward, and threw the staff, directly at Damon's face. (Speed = 70, Blunt force = 55). Akemi was more than confident that Damon would be able to block or dodge this staff as he had slightly held back the speed and impact damage.

Once the staff left his hand, Akemi would immediately crouch down and perform two hand seals and bite his thumb. Upon placing his hand on the floor, a cloud of smoke would appear. And out from the smoke, would appear possibly the most useless, infuriating little chameleon known to grace the earth or wherever they were. The chameleon called "Carlos".

"Hello Summoner," spat Carlos, squinting angrily at Akemi.

"H-hey C-Carlos, would you like to help me in this spar?" Asked Akemi. As Carlos nodded, he scuttled up Akemi's arm, at an annoying fast speed of 37, and stopped on Akemi's shoulder, ready to serve his summoner.

With the staff thrown and the chameleon on his shoulder, Akemi settled into a stance, and looked at Damon, Akemi was completely prepared to get destroyed by Damon.

(Total Word Count: 1830)

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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Sun May 14, 2017 3:47 pm
Mid thread claim approved
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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Sun May 14, 2017 4:18 pm

Oh, we’re bringing weapons into this. Great. Damon, of course, did not have a weapon yet, instead relying more on his chakra than his physical prowess. Oh well, a bo staff was a blunt object anyways. It may hurt, but it would not be able to cut him or anything. Damon had barely begun getting ready for battle when all of a sudden, the scarfed boy made one of the first mistakes of combat: Never throw away your weapon. What would have been a reach advantage for Akemi, instead turned into a fairly simple technique that he could dodge with ease. Or maybe not. It was moving slightly faster than he seemed to be able to, so instead, he made what might be the first mistake of his shinobi career. He body flickered.

Holding up the ram sign to his chest, the boy would travel at a speed of 115 10 meters, so that he would be 2 meters behind Akemi. He would then jump backwards into the air, away from his opponent, and use one hand to sign a half Tiger seal at a speed of 65. The fire stream would spew from his mouth in a cone that would be 3 meters long and 3 meters wide at its longest point. However, by the time it reached Akemi, it would probably only be about 2 meters long and 2 meters wide, respectively. The flames have a humble power of 20 and a slow speed of 20 as well. While in the air, he would notice that a chameleon seemed to have appeared on the boy’s shoulder. Well, he thought to himself, that seems random. Damon would then land on his feet, prepared for something else the boy would do. He would be about 5 meters away.

WC: 1287
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Training The Breathing [Open] Empty Re: Training The Breathing [Open]

Sun May 14, 2017 4:46 pm
Thanks to his amazing Hiyu reaction time, Akemi could see the direction in which Damon body flickered too. That's when Akemi remembered, why the hell had he not learned body flicker yet? Sure, it was a HUGE mistake to do it, but it wouls still be needed in the long run.

Akemi watched Damon perform the half-tiger-seal in seemingly slow motion, what was Damon planning? He saw Damon open his mouth to exhale, Akemi braced himself, and instead was met with... Possibly the slowest thing he had ever seen. Still, it was worth it not to underestimate this fire stream.

The moment Carlos saw the fire stream leave Damon's lips, he would crawl down Akemi onto the floor, and simply travel two meters to the right at a speed of 35. Though since he was only 4 inches tall, he would be completely invisible among the grass, therefore Damon should not be able to see him.

So, the moment the fire had traveled 1/2 of a meter, at a speed of 58, Akemi would grab two kunai. If this was a fight to the death, Akemi could have easily ended this fight there, but it wasn't. Also, Akemi was a kind, gentle soul. So Akemi replaced the kunai again. At this point, the fire stream was roughly three quatres of a meter from Damon, and it would have spread out enough so that Akemi was now completely obscured from Damon's vision.

Using this as an advantage, Akemi would charge straight through the fire at a speed of 29. Yes, you read that right, he charged straight through the fire. Not unguarded though, as he was using his forearms and legs to completely negate all damage the fire. (B-Ranked taijutsu block gives 30 damage resistance).

Once he appeared on the other side, there would be 80 CM gap between Akemi and Damon. With this little distance between them, Akemi decided to run head on into Damon, settling in for a basic rugby tackle. If Damon tried to move out the way, Akemi would merely reach out and grab Damon's arm and pull Damon back in front of himself (Speed 58, Strength 60)

With Akemi probably on top of Damon due to the rugby tackle, Akemi would raise his fist, making it look like he was about to pummel Damon's face in. But he would relax his muscles and clamber off Damon.

Once standing up, Akemi offered his hand to pick up Damon. Whether or not Damon accepted it, Akemi would say.

"Thanks for the spar, I know what areas to improve now," he grinned, completely earnest in everything he was saying.

(Total Word Count: 2274)

(AP remaining: 301 - 10 (Forgot about the summon last post) - 30 (Block) = 261)

Summon Used: Carlos

Last edited by Akemi Hiyu <3 on Sun May 14, 2017 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited in which summon i used, in case it wasn't obvious)
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