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Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Open Challenge to Missing Ninja Empty Open Challenge to Missing Ninja

Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:07 pm
Walking into the black market the mercenary would look around. There were shady people everywhere selling body parts, poisons, and whatever other drug and biological paraphernalia they could get their hands on. He would walk up to the one selling body parts first. “So, you tell some of your customers to come find me and try to kill me and I don’t burn your stand to the ground.” The man looked at the boy disbelieving that he would do anything. That’s when the area started to get hot, too hot. The man began to loosen his shirt buttons as the sweat drops began to pour from his face.

“You look, a little hot. You should probably just do as I say and get out of here with your stuff and freedom. Ya know, before I change my mind.The man would nod, as the veins in his forehead poked out. “Good, tell any missing ninja that Ryu Reinhard of the scorched sand is looking for them. They can meet me on the hill right outside of the markets.”

He would then walk to the hill he specified and keep watch. Hopefully, someone accepted his challenge.

WC: 195
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
Stat Page : Here
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Open Challenge to Missing Ninja Empty Re: Open Challenge to Missing Ninja

Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:54 pm
Sorethin would arrive at the black markets as a man walked out toward a hill. The snow-capped peaks of Iron surrounded them and the hidden location well from prying eyes and those that would track them down. The blonde haired man would move to the hill and wait. As he did a shop keeper would run out yelling for missing ninja that the blonde haired man in question was someone named ‘Ryu Reinhard, of The Scorching Sand’ and he was there to kill any missing ninja that attempted to fight him. ‘Perfect’ The snow haired man would think before moving toward the man and flipping through a few hand seals in rapid succession before firing a blast of water at the man who was only about 10 meters away. The water would travel at 35 speed and hit the man for 45 power if the attack hit. If it did not, then Sorethin would carefully watch the man to see what he would do.

WC: 164

AP used 37? (why is this action so weird?..)
AP remaining 173
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Open Challenge to Missing Ninja Empty Re: Open Challenge to Missing Ninja

Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:27 pm
Weak. Ryu would think as he turned as the missing ninja activated his jutsu. A spike in chakra like that was too noticeable especially after declaring that he was going to fight someone. The ninja would move quickly (speed 60) while forming (speed 125) a tiger hand seal. If the ninja’s strength was not 20 or higher he would find himself bound by chakra that felt like steel ropes. (No speed paralysis just happens.) Ryu’s movement was to the left as to avoid the jutsu thrown at him by the rogue.

If for some reason he found himself unable to dodge he would activate his fuinjutsu barrier to block the attack. If the man attacking him was indeed stopped 3 small blades of wind would form on the boy’s hand mere centimeters in length. He would then send them at the ninja’s arm and shoulder. If he couldn’t dodge the arm would fall off. (Power and speed 100)

“You attack from behind when I issue a fair fight. You are the type I meant to bring out with this. Thank you for showing up.” He would say before a small orb of chakra would appear on Ryu’s finger’s. It looked remarkably like a gun. It seemed someone had the bright idea to help this ninja turning his body Ryu would dodge the incoming blade. “You are much too loud, who grunts before attacking?” He would say pulling the figurative trigger on his spirit gun (Power and speed 40) . While the jounin had aimed for the man’s other arm as he turned the aim changed causing the orb to target the head of the ninja.

Seeing that it seemed the one who threw the object did not want to stick around. Turning around Ryu would look at what he had done. Holy, shit somebody killed that guy! The goka knew he hadn’t done it, he was incredible aim on point. “Well, I’ll  take you to the hill I guess. Hopefully more people come along.”

Jutsu Used: Temp Paralysis, Spirit Gun, Blade of Wind, Power of fuinjutsu barrier if needed is 140)
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
Stat Page : Here
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Open Challenge to Missing Ninja Empty Re: Open Challenge to Missing Ninja

Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:42 pm
‘Well this didn’t go nearly as well as I thought..’ The ashen haired murderer would say as the glowing orb would face him down. It would be aimed at his other arm. The shock of the first one being gone not yet having settled in. His eyes widened as another person tried to kill the man, and in his haste to dodge his attack was turned.. Directly toward his head. 

The attack went off

And that was all Sorethin would know as the blast blew his head off and killed him outright. His health being far too low to help and the hearts being of no use to a shot through his brain.

Claiming death. 
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Open Challenge to Missing Ninja Empty Re: Open Challenge to Missing Ninja

Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:25 pm
TWC: 598
Claims: Death of Sorethin and destruction of his things. 598 wc toward Second Sun and 4Ap
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