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A Strange Scene... What could it mean? Empty A Strange Scene... What could it mean?

Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:01 am


 The thumbing of their hearts?
 Can you Feel It

 Time is truly a fickle creature… Time was something Suika was familiar with, but also something that she feared greatly. Suika found that time was something that she couldn’t waste, but at the exact same moment, she knew that without brining herself to become the best, she was wasting it. Suika had been in Sunagakure for several months now, and she had got to know the bustling village quite well; she enjoyed her time she had spent, but she knew it was a matter of time before she would need to decide to either move on – or stay where so far she had felt very welcomed… Since coming to Sunagakure the leadership had changed rolls; she had previously made the former Kage, as well as the new Kage… Not since the switch of hands, but while the new Kage was the right hand of the former. As Suika strolled along The Grove, so took upon her the wonderous sights around, the lush amount of foliage that the former Kage created in the middle of the desert. She found herself still amazed by what a man who seemed all but a terrifying creature could create such a beautiful wonder.

Suika took a long breath in, holding herself still for just a moment… She focused, it had been a while since she used her abilities and she felt a bit rusty – So to speak. She focused harder, picturing in her mind small snow flakes dancing just above her hand, the rush of a cool breeze caressed her skin, as well as a damp feeling in her palm… As she opened her eyes, several crystal clear flakes of snow danced in circles around her hand several falling into her palm before more would appear to take their place. She grinned, although she didn’t feel as powerful as she once had, she knew it was still there inside of her. She took a deep breath before the snow and wind dissipated; leaving all but a wet palm. She wiped her hand on her right side, leaving a small wet spot on her white shirt, she had spent so long within the grounds of Suna that she no longer felt the need to wear the winterized clothing she was use to; instead she sported a simple white tank top, and a pair of black shorts that hugged her body and curves quite nicely. She continued down the path towards the small camp ground she made in The Grove not to long ago; she had spent the morning at a local bakery, helping make small cakes and other delicious treats.

She spent several more minutes of walking and thinking before she came to a complete halt; in that moment she thought of her parents, and what they went through and all the running they did throughout their lives… Suika realized she had no reason to run any longer… She had found a home within the confinements of Sunagakure… At that moment she wanted to turn heal and rush for the Kage but the sun was already coming down, and by the time she reached the Spire where the Kage would be, she was sure she would be asleep. A brief momentary pause before Suika heard a small whimper coming from her left… She peered down the uncut pathway, a few broken branches and what appeared to be blood… She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips… Something wasn’t right but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

After several moment deliberating on the situation at hand, the different ways it could potentially play out, especially not in her own favor she heard a secondary cry, this time slightly more clear… Someone needed help their scream, almost blood curling in desperation; Suika knew she needed to take action in that moment. Without a second thought she flung up her hands in front of her face creating the ‘ram’ sign in front of her, focusing on the aura of the person calling for help… She could see only a slight dimming light coming from the distance; they were approximately 150 meters away from her current position. Although it had been a long time since she had preformed a body flicker, she knew exactly what she needed to do and with the dimming of their internal light, she knew she didn’t have the time to just make the run for them. Within moments, Suika found herself in front of a larger tree than normal… One that didn’t quite fit in with the rest that the former Kage had created, she had traveled around 85 meters before her line of sight was disorientated and she wasn’t able to continue any further, she placed her hand on the tree; as she attempted to peer around it.

That’s when she felt a strange beat, a rhythm she hadn’t felt ever touching a tree before… Almost like a heart beat. She paused, thinking for a moment… Was someone inside of the tree? Could they be hiding… Or could be an attacker? She only paused for a moment to think about what it could mean when suddenly her wrist was grasped by a large hand, wrapping around ever so tightly. Quickly she reacted, reaching for her kunai in her back pocket, she went to stab the wrist of the potential attacker before they spoke. “Hush stupid child. You can’t rush into that… It’s a fight amongst missing shinobi.” The man spoke in a low tone, but with enough aggression that spooked Suika for a moment, she lowered her hand holding the kunai, before looking forward towards the cries, there was in fact two shinobi fighting, by the appearance they both had been inside of Sunagakure for quite some time, and found a small empty patch in the Grove to fight… It appeared as it wasn’t exactly a mutual fight.

Suika knew she could choose to interfere with their fight, and end up in the middle of it, or she could sit back and watch… She wondered how a proper shinobi of a village would react to what she was witnessing… She looked back towards the man hiding in the tree, taking a moment to whisper back, “What exactly are you doing…? Are you a shinobi of Sunagakure… Or another missing shinobi?” She watched the fight ensue as she waited for a reply… The two men… No, not men. More like children, they weren’t quite large enough to fit a mans description but yet, they fought as if they were… She watched closely as the one shinobi let of a large ball of fire… She had seen this jutsu before, one mastered by the Uchiha clan, she brought herself more wonder… Could that man in fact be a Uchiha? She wasn’t quite sure… As it was a common jutsu… But one with such lust and power behind it, seemed all to familiar. She cringed at the very thought; finally the old man spoke up; “Aye… I have lived here many of years now… I often walk amongst the streets, but when the former Kage created this fine grove, my walks became apart of this section… I find that missing shinobi come here to fight when they don’t want to be caught by guards.

Suika nodded at this mention, she knew for a fact she had once come upon a different group of rouges fighting, that time she had got involved… Three against one seemed so unfair to her. But this was a different fight… Something more passionate about it, the way the two fought amongst themselves was if they had something to prove… She waited and listened to the old man tell stories as the fight continued, she found a form of solace in the moment. Before she realized what was happening, Suika found herself drifting off to sleep against the tree… Or perhaps the old man? She wasn’t quite sure… It was almost as if… Something was putting her to sleep.


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A Strange Scene... What could it mean? Empty Re: A Strange Scene... What could it mean?

Tue Oct 19, 2021 2:19 pm


 The thumbing of their hearts?
 Can you Feel It

  The time slipped away, Suika was unsure of her surroundings as her eyes fluttered opened, she was laid in an open field, bright colors surrounding her as she pulled herself into a sitting position, scanning the area for any signs of inhabitants; to no avail. She moved her hands to quickly rub her eyes, the grogginess beginning to ware off as she heard the quick motion of footsteps behind her. Without a second thought or breath, she flung herself into a crouching position now facing where her back once did… And there stood two women; women she recognized quickly as people from her past… People she thought had died a long time ago. The woman’s voice was a comfort to her, as was her long black hair, and dullish brown eyes… Kerin. She stood slowly as the woman spoke, “We have looked everywhere for you… When we were separated, I almost went mad with grief.” Suika, very confused stared at her, although she was a comfort, she was still a ghost… Someone she never thought to be able to touch or hear from again…

Once more the woman spoke, “He’s been mad… Searched everywhere for you, dear Suika… He wants you to return to his side.” A sense of panic for the first time, a panic she hadn’t felt for months a raised inside of the small body she had been gifted by the gods. She pressed her lips together, unsure what to say back to Kerin… Was he there? Lurking in the back of the fields… Waiting for a response? Was Suika in dire trouble? She wasn’t yet a member of the village she had sought refuge in… There was no shinobi coming to look for her if she went missing again. Suika then spoke, softly at first, as not to be heard by the other members she felt were lurking in the background, “Kerin… I thought… I thought you died… I swear I really believed it… H…How are you?” She felt her eyes for the first time in many years begin to water, this woman had become like a mother to a young girl, lost and without a home… Suika was no longer the little girl she once was… This was taken from her, not only by the ANBU that hunted her, but also by the man who swore he would protect her; only to try to use her as a weapon.

Kerin’s smile became twisted, a shrill laughter banged throughout Suika’s ears… What… What was that? Why was she laughing… A sharp pain, in her right side, twisting and dull. Suika grabbed her side, screaming in pain, when did this happen? A kunai? Where did it come from? Her eyes shot back towards Kerin, who’s face was now extremely disoriented she couldn’t even make out the soft features that were once there… Something from a nightmare appeared instead. Suika starred for a moment, confused, disgusted; a mixture of many different emotions flashed through her body… This wasn’t happening, this couldn’t be happening… No something else had to be going on… In that moment she recalled the moments before she assumed she had fallen asleep… She had been watching two missing shinobi fight in the Grove… There was a man… An old man hidden in a tree… The old man, her mind flashed towards his face; she knew that face… He was the man who helped her, he sacrificed himself to save her from the ANBU who hunted her.

The men… The men fighting, who were they? She couldn’t remember… Their bodies, the way they fought… So familiar, then it clicked the Uchiha – she never made it through the woods… She never body flickered, the screams she heard, none of it was real… She knew she had entered the Grove, but from there… It had to all be an illusion, Shoji had finally found her… That was the only explanation. She was inside of one of his tricks, she needed to get out, first she needed to bring herself to a state of calm, a state of peace… She knew that as long as her emotions were strung high, she could never get herself out of this nightmare he was creating for her… Him and his eye… Her stomach turned, the thought of him being able to do whatever he wanted to her in the time she had been stuck in this trap… She thought back to her side, it was no longer hurting, but appeared to still be injured. She took several deep breaths, trying not to thing of Shoji, trying not to think of the screaming, or the nightmarish face of Kerin… She needed to focus in on saving herself, and getting away from this man who only wanted her for a weapon.

As Suika went to raise her arms, she found herself unable to… As if something was holding her back, she fought against the force, afraid if she were to open her eyes; the face of the twisted Kerin would be in front of her… Or even worse, she could find herself face to face with the man she didn’t want to speak with – Especially under his terms. Then she felt it, a hot breath against her neck… A nose gently gliding up the nape of her neck to the back of her ear where she could feel each breath… She knew this feeling, as she knew this man… It was Shoji… “So I’ve found you my little snow bird. You thought you could just fly away from me?” His voice was deep and rough… It had been a long time since she had heard him last… But it was no mistake; the very sound and touch of his body caused small hairs to stand on end, her body quivered… This man was someone she was very scared of, only because she knew what he was capable of. She was no longer a child, and he could do with her as he pleased… And she knew that death would be to easy of a punishment…

Shoji was angry, she could feel it in his touch, the grasp around her arms tightening with every moment he could touch her. “You can open those pretty icy blue eyes of yours Suika. I’ve released you from your torment for now.” Even in the moment, thinking even if she was free, the feeling of his skin against hers, she knew she could never get away… There was no hope for her anymore… Whatever was going to play out – would in fact play out. “S…Shoji… Wh… What do you want with me? Haven’t I given you enough?” She managed to mutter out, her legs becoming weak with each word… She was defenseless… Never more in that moment did she feel so useless.


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A Strange Scene... What could it mean? Empty Re: A Strange Scene... What could it mean?

Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:07 pm


 The thumbing of their hearts?
 Can you Feel It

  Suika knew that she was in a very difficult situation, she had two options, she could bend the knee, and return; or attempt to fight her way out. She took a few moments to deliberate on what she could do… She could make an attempt to battle against this man… No not man, this creature of her nightmares, Shoji was just that; he stood around six feet eleven inches tall, he was constructed in a muscular manner, in physique he was unquestionably superior where as she was more petite, slender and over all no match in the physical aspect of the lines… He was once more far more superior in the matter of jutsu than she was, his chakra over powered her own… He was a formidable adversary to say the least, and yet she knew she needed to find a way out of her current situation.

Suika held her breath, for mere moments contemplating on what she could do in order to find herself out of the situation – then it hit her, she could get away, she could get back into the town… Find herself close to other Shinobi… But would they help her? There was no actual guarantee on if they would make even the slightest effort to help her escape this nightmare… Or could she be leading the village to partial destruction if she brought this man to them… She needed to get away, first and for most; she had gotten to know the Grove fairly well in the time she spent living there, and knew of all the secret places… But he had been in her head? Does this mean he would to know of these places… She mentally shook her head and in that split second she made her choice.

With her eyes opened widely now, she raised her hands slowly, although he was still holding her, she was able to get her hands close enough to preform hand signs; and quickly she moved her hands as fast as she had ever done before – Bird-Snake-Monkey-Bird-Tiger-Dog – As she moved her hands, she focused on the dew, the water in the ground, the small puddles surrounding her… They might not be the strongest chains, but chains they would be… As she came to the last sign she cried out “Ice Style: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice!” Slamming her left foot into the knee of Shoji as hard as she could.

Success! The kick was just enough to cause him to release her as the chains came flying from the ground below, they weren’t nearly as large as some of the others she had seen, or even created before… But they would be enough to get away… “Don’t look into his eyes… Don’t look into his eyes…” She kept thinking to herself as she made her run for it… “Body flicker… Body Flicker you can do it…” She muttered to herself as she ran deep into the forest. She needed to get away needed to get to safety to think on what she had to do next. As she made the hand sign to body flicker… She realized how drained she had become from the chains… She didn’t have it in her body to flicker… It just wasn’t going to happen. As Suika came across a hidden pathway, she knew exactly where she was – A quick turn to the right, 250 meters up the line would be a series of hidden caves almost, small enough for foxes, and small enough for her to be able to hide in.

As she reached her final destination for now, she came to realize that the dens were not there…? She knew this path, she had taken it plenty of times… She was aware of what was going on… Wasn’t she? Or… Was she still stuck in that nightmare he put her in? She dropped to her knees and let a cry out of defeat… She was still stuck… She wasn’t ever going to be free… She looked down in front of her, there was a sword… She sighed; he wanted her to kill herself… He wanted her to suffer… To take the way out she had refused to take so many times before… The only way she would be released was to end it herself. She couldn’t… Could she? If she killed herself in this dream world… Would she die out there? Was that even possible?

As Suika picked up the sword, she felt tears forming once more in her eyes, thinking of the people who sacrificed themselves to ensure her safety… Her parents… The old man… Kerin… She raised the sword… Facing towards her heart; defeat… She couldn’t live in this nightmare any longer… “You win, Shoji… You win.” She muttered pressing the sword harder against her skin. In that moment Shoji appeared before her, a grin half a mile wide across his face. And in that moment, her eyes flickered up; slamming the sword into his chest, the ice piercing his skin almost like a hot knife to butter. The world around her began to melt away, shards of reality slipping into darkness as his spit up blood. “H…How did you know?” He spat out towards her, “You’ve never changed… You wanted me to give up… Even at the slightest chance of it, I knew you would show your disgusting face…” She spat back at him, starring into his dulling eyes, “I would never really give you that satisfaction.” She twisted the blade in his chest.

Warmth hit Suika’s face as she began to hear the cries of different birds, she shot up, looking around at her surrounding. “W…What?” She gasped out; she was laying on the ground beside her tent, it appears she never made it inside of it last night… Had it all been a dream? She looked around confused, unsure of what to make of what happened… Or at least what she thought happened. “Huh… I suppose to should hold off on that sake from now on at night.” She chuckled, picking herself up, only to wince in pain, her right side… It was bandaged, but dark red… Looked as if it needed to be changed already, but when did that happen? Where did it happen? Perhaps she really did have a run in with Shoji… Maybe it wasn’t all a dream… She sighed as she placed pressure on the wound, stabbed… That was for certain.. But how? She shook her head, as she gathered her things and began walking towards town and the hospital. She needed to get it checked for certain. But now? Now she needed to figure out what was all in her head… And what wasn’t.

{Exiting Topic.}

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A Strange Scene... What could it mean? Empty Re: A Strange Scene... What could it mean?

Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:48 pm
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