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Strolling through the park one day...

Zim Nara
Jayden Terumi
Shikami Shinkou
Kurai Tau
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Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:28 am
Miz looked at Kurai on the ground and then up at Shikami. This was proof that as a team, they would fail without help. At this point, they needed all.the training they could get, and it looks like Shikami was the one to help them.
“You're right, I should have been able to put the fire out when Jayden started it, unfortunately I was unable to.I am willing to learn whatever you're willing to teach us! Because if you can take someone down that effortlessly then you are the one I need to learn from!” Miz said as he looked down at the Tau again. Shikami never touched him, and yet Kurai is knocked out at their feet! Not even a single mark on him! Whatever Shikami did, Miz wanted to learn! The more knowledge he had the stronger he would become. Of course strength is nothing with knowledge, as the quote says, Knowledge is power! And this scenario is proof of that!
“I want to learn how to do whatever you just did!” Miz said, still looking from Kurai to Shikami.
“Our team could benefit from Jutsus like that.” He added as he looked over at Jayden then back down at Kurai. He wasn't wrong, they could benefit from learning genjutsu.
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
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Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:53 am
(Dream Sequence continued for third post I'm knocked out)

The searing pain of feeling Steins chakra running through his body was intense! Yet somehow, Kurai managed to break the threads holding him down and push Stein back.This is insane, one hell of a vivid dream Kurai was having!
“You sure this is a dream Kurai?”[/
Stein's voice echoed in his head as a very psychotic smile spread across Stein's face as Kurais' eyes widened.
“It can't be reality! You're dead! So when I wake up this whole nightmare will be over! You're not really inside my head, and my threads don't really have a mind of their own. This isn't real none of this is real! The pain I felt is something happening to me on the ground!” Kurai said in a state of panic!
[i] “The only thing that will no longer exist when you wake up is the weakness you have always shown!”

As Stein held his right arm out and moved it side to side, as if he were a mirror image of Stein, Kurai's right arm made the same movements! It's like he was a puppet, Stein chuckled a very evil chuckle!
“YOU POSSESSED ME? WAS THAT WHAT YOU DID?” Kurai yelled as he looked down at his chest. The handprint Stein left was glowing with black and purple chakra.”You fucking  possessed me!” Kurai said, trying to stop his arm from moving! Stein made a weird hand sign and suddenly Kurai could move on his own again.
“Why the hell did you do that?” Kurai said, panicking.
“I'm tired of you being weak! It's time you acted like a fucking Tau before you kill yourself!
Kurai found his opportunity to be smart, despite his current situation
“Aww so you really care after all father?” Kurai said with a twisted smile spreading across his face with a sadistic chuckle as though he was mimicking  Steins laugh from earlier.
Stein growled and balled up his fist as he cut his eyes at Kurai.
“You're in no position to be making snarky comments…son.” Stein said the last word sarcastically, proving that he still has the upper hand on Kurai.
“Hmm…As much as I have enjoyed your torment and torture…my dear child…its time for you to leave…don't worry…Im always with you…"Stein said making sure to emphasize certain words to show he was still in control! The words carried the feeling of fear on each one he said.
“Fuck you Stein…” Kurai said as he could hear Steins laughing as Kurai was once again submerged in darkness, but he felt himself lying on the ground. He could hear the voices but he was unable to move or speak.

Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:50 am
Shikami would take a couple steps away from Kurai, he could sense the stirrings and being knowledgable about his own jutsu, Shikami would wait for the sleepy one to awaken and he would look to them, " I can accurately guess elements due to lineages, but specalizations vary upon each person, what have you each chosen to specalize in, this will help me further to determine if I can be of help to you, and whom to send you to if I cannot be of help to you" Shikami hoped that he could be of some assistance at least to each of them, however he knew that would not always be the case.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:50 pm
Jayden listened to Shikami, doubting he could help him with what he needed, which was to learn the element of water. In order to use certain jutsusl he needed to learn water. His specialty? Well Ninjutsu, but he wanted to learn how to do other things as well!
“ I want to learn Fuinjutsu, of course I learned Ninjutsu when I was in the academy but hey, the more you know the better right?” Jayden said as he looked at Shikami. Uh oh, Kurai is starting to wake up, hopefully he doesn't stir up more trouble!
“Morning Sunshine! How was your nap?” Jayden asked with a small laugh! It was hilarious what Shikami had done to him.
“I think our biggest setback as a team is we all want to be a leader instead of trying to work as a team. We all use different elements and Jutsus yet working as a team tends to be difficult for us! What should be an asset to our team is our biggest setback.” Jayden added feeling slightly embarrassed. “We could use anything that you teach us. We really need your help if we plan to ever make it as a team, because you obviously put one of our issues down already! “ Jayden said, trying not to laugh at Kurai as he continued to speak to Shikami!
“So what have you learned so far today sleeping beauty!” Jayden said sarcastically as he looked down at Kurai.
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:32 pm
Miz shrugged at his question, well he did need to learn another element for his Jutsus arsenal! But hey another Specialty wouldn't hurt either! He was Ninjutsu much like his team mates and of couese he nodded towards Jayden as he spoke to Shikami.
“Yes, Fuinjutsu would be good to learn but how about we get to know each other's specialties through a spar?” Miz suggested. This could go one of two ways, they end up on the ground like Kurai or he would give them a fighting chance! The ending of the spar was already a given, Shikami would win, and even Miz knew this. He could easily take the three of them out without lifting a finger or even looking at them! Not only was he a former Kage, he was also a Shinkou! But this would be the best way to assess how to help them.
“This would probably show you where we need help.” Miz added to explain why he suggested it.
“Obviously sir, you have the advantage, even with the three of us against you.” Maybe he made them sound extremely weak, but it's not like they could do much anyways, especially not against him!
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
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Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:53 am
Kurai sat up gasping for air! Had it all been one bad dream? Or had he really been visited by Steins spirit? He had a raging headache. He put one hand on his head and listened to his teammates. He flipped Jayden the bird for a second before stopping and realizing Shikami might not like that and he'd be damned if he let the Shinkou put him under a genjutsu again!
“I'm a Tau, I just mainly use my threads but I have an earth heart and a water heart.” Kurai was still a little light headed but he stood up, he's been down for a while, or so it seemed to him!
“He took me down without lifting a single finger or putting forth much effort. Do you really think us sparring with him is a good idea? I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt. No more genjutsu against me ok?” Kurai decided to take the nice route when speaking to Shikami or being around him, a man who could take him out with little to no effort demands respect in his eyes and he will give that much to them! Shikami Shinkou was that man. The only other two he ever gave this amount of respect to was Stein and Akabayashi!
“I guess I support a spar if we are going to do this!” Kurai added as he crossed his arms. He felt different for some reason, he couldn't explain it!
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Sun Aug 04, 2024 3:08 pm
Shikami would listen as each person spoke, even the once sleeping Kurai now awake who had awoken in time to hear his question decided to give his input. Shikami would begin to ponder harder. After awhile of silence unless the boys interupted Shikami would finally speak " Well Unfortunately, Jayden until you get powerful enough , I do not think you can learn water at this time, I do not have anything to offer you really, Lord Akabayashi sounds like you best option to start with at this time. However he is not around at this moment, so the library is about the next best thing I can think of at this time. Kurai, Sadly you are in the same boat as Jayden with Earth techniques, Water I can teach with no Problem however. Mizuki You never mentioned a second element, have you ever thought about learning another element yourself? If I may, I would Suggest Lightning Personally, a lot to go along with it. Now Jayden and Mizuki, you both Mentioned learning Fuinjutsu, and Kurai you did not mention learning another specality at all, I know you guys may not be skilled enough to learn another specality just yet, but its not bad to start thinking about it, but if you all are looking at staying as a full team, and already all have Ninjutsu in common, Try Branching out into other specalities away from each other."

Since Shikami was going on a bit he would wave them to follow as he would walk over to a bench nearby where he would take a seat and he would than gesture to each of them to have seats themselves " Instead of everyone doing all the same stuff, branch apart, cover weaknesses, even take up specific roles. Think on things like that, and what would it take to achieve that. One person does not have to be the complete support person, but a specific type of support sure, everyone could be damage roles, just decided to be at different ranges or different specalities , like single person, Area of effect, Long range, short range. Things like of that nature, learn to be a team and opperate as such, not everyone doing what they want but trying to be all together, that is how people die." Shikami would than fall silent as he would let them think about what he just told them.

Afterwords Shikami would stand up and take his jacket off, putting it on the bench behind him and looking at them as he was taking up a fighting stance to start.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:42 pm
Jayden listened closely to Shikami. He had a lot of information that was beneficial to their group! Now how to put this information to good use. Yeah, his fellow clan member and cousin could help him, but unfortunately he wasn't here. As Jayden was in deep thought, he noticed that Shikami probably just took them up on the sparring offer!
“Here we go!” Jayden said not exactly sure what to do as he looked around the area, a fireball could be too dangerous because of the fact they were in a public setting! Then again if he could get his aim better, there wouldn't be anything to worry about! The size of the fireball and the obstacles between him and Shikami shouldn't be a problem, he could avoid the bench, the trash can and the tree on the other side of the walkway. And there wasn't anyone in the area they were in, therefore he could try and take the shot! He looked at his teammates and smiled!
“If at first you don't succeed, try again! I guess this is my second chance!” Jayden moved quick as possible making the signs for the fireball jutsu. Nervous? Yeah understatement for Jayden who has had more failures with his Jutsus than anyone else on the team, including ‘Stitch’ who already ended up on the ground.

Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:01 pm
Miz was glad that Shikami would be able to help him learn some water jutsus! Finally! He could add a few more Jutsus to his list! Shikami took them up on the offer ? Yes! And of course, Jayden and his fireball! Didn't he almost burn down the training facility forest?
“Jayden! We are in a park! You may not see people but they are here some- “ Miz was cut off as he attempted to launch said fireball at Shikami! This was a bad start.
“What the actual Fuck Jayden…” Miz muttered. Should he attempt to put it out? No. That would be contradicting the whole point of this spar! How can he judge what they can do if he can't see it for himself? Then if he put out the fireball, well he just stopped his teammates' attempt to soar. Let's not go that route. Miz would wait to see how this played out before doing anything.
Miz looked over at Kurai to see what he would do. If Jaydens a loose cannon with fire Jutsus, Kurai was one with his threads! This was a hell of a spectacle to watch that's for sure! This is what he meant by they needed to work better as a team.
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
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Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Strolling through the park one day... - Page 3 Empty Re: Strolling through the park one day...

Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:42 am
Kurai knew Shikami had a point and at this point, after what he proved he could do, Kurai knew better than to doubt him!
“Why do I have a feeling of dread?” Kurai asked as he saw Shikami take a fighting stance. “If we're going down, may as well give it what you got! Go out with a bang!” Kurai smiled! He saw Jayden doing the signs for a fireball. Lame! Cause it's predictable! Miz was just observing, so Kurai may as well join in.
Shikami is going to see what a mess this team is, they definitely will have to use the information he gave them.
He released three 5 threads from his right upper arm and aimed them right for Shikamis left arm. If the hot connects they wrap around his upper arm with a tight hold! Go out with a bang yes, but this is simply a spar not an actual fight, so he is going to start off small no need to stab him…yet anyways!
He suddenly felt an odd overwhelming feeling to release more threads and choke him! Odd! What the fuck was that? Kurai blinked a couple of times and shook his head, the feeling faded. Why in the world would he- nevermind, it's probably just anticipation because he's sparring with someone way more advanced than him! He's never been one to aim for a kill.
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