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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:22 am
Lush rolling fields of green, the bright colors of tranquil life, this is the world of Echo's nirvana, a black much like Viper's own but it seems Echo's is used mostly as a place to get away from the stress, could this be the reason he had been "happy" lately?
Viper sends out a simple message with his STDS, he requests a simple meeting with his brother, one that will take place within his own realm, Viper's garb is the Hokage uniform, under his cloak is that fo the second Rinnegan eye, he waits for Echo to arrive, he words are simple and do not say much, only, "We need to talk, meet me within your world."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:31 am
In the deepest depths of the lair of the "Undertaker Squad" of Konoha Echo sits in his office personnel files to his left along with the notes of possible traitors that are under watch of the ANBU, Echo himself is flipping through the files of the merchants who've been coming in and out of the village, that done he sets it aside picking up the obituaries scanning through the Konoha Ninja who are presumed or confirmed dead...pausing at the sight of Kenai in the picture attached to his file, a grimace forms along his young thin face his onyx eyes darkening with guilt and regret...before he's brought out of his funk by his brother contacting him...He hears the message and sighs before his right hand reaches over a stack of papers picking up his mask the image of a snarling kitsune artistically painted onto the strengthened porcelain. his fingertips slowly slide the mask over his face which connects instantly all of his gear in it's place he vanishes in a swirl.

He arrives moments later kneeling six feet from his brother his right knee placed against the ground of his world the soft grass being compressed by his presence his left foot pressed against the ground his head bowed as he answers almost robotically "Your orders Hokage-Sama?" Echo is not Echo at the moment he is once more 'Kitsune' th ANBU Captain who follows orders without question...Echo's name need only be spoken to return.
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:39 am
"Echo.." Viper says softly, deep down Viper hates to see him like this, he blames himself because he did this to his brother, memories of their youth go through his mind, times much simpler than now, days where they used to have fun together and all this responsibility was nothing but a childhood dream that was not fully thought out.
"Its been a while since we have talked Echo, are you free?" Viper questions, he crouches softly and sits upon the artificial grass across from his brother.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:46 am
Echo resists the urge to flinch at his name being used his training in ANBU allowing him to hide his discomfort, he lifts his head slightly and with some visible hesitation as his his brother sits...he removes his mask for the first time in someones presence in weeks, his face shows visible signs of fatigue his face starting to wrinkle almost forming a sort of line from the beginning of his right eye and forming halfway along the bridge of his nose...unkowingly Echo is starting to become to spitting image of one of the only other thirteen year old ANBU captains in history...the Kin slayer and lord of the black flame Itachi Uchiha....Echo himself hasn't seen his one face in months now feeling slightly uncomfortable without the protection of his mask from his brother's eyes "...Yeah I got a bit." he answers he says in a slightly more relaxed tone as his leg slides out from under him and allows him to sit.
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:57 am
"I'm sorry I have done this to you Echo." Viper starts off, sadness is audible in his voice as he lets out a light sigh, "At anytime you can stop, I do not want you destroying who you are for this village, if you want, you can go.." These words, the allowance of his brother to leave Konohagakure no Sato forever if need be, Viper has thought over them for a long time now, it is time he stood on his own two feet, he could not rely on Echo to do everything for him, he thought that by getting on the battlefield he would lower the stress but all he did was replace his stress with the duties of the Hokage.
His hands are visible shuffling under his cloak, "I know it might not be much, but I have a gift for you that I acquired on my travels" it is then the eye is revealed, the jar of preservation liquid exiting his right sleeve, "To my knowledge there is only two in existence, I want you to have the other on to do with what ever you want."
Viper could never truly express his gratitude to the fullest, his gifts were spoils of war, not objects to bring peace, sadly this was all he had to offer, he could only hope that the Nine Tails and now the Rinnegan would gain his brothers forgiveness for all that he has put him through.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:06 am
Echo pauses his mind processing this for a moment his eyes widening at the sight of this eye....a spoil of his brother's murder no doubt....he doesn't want to show his fury but the red chakra forming around him as his canines enlarge and his eyes slit and bleed red betray the kind voice he responds with "You don't have to worry so much bro" he says his anger well hidden but betrayed by the bleeding red of the chakra of the Kyuubi no Yoko 'He expect me to leave!?' he thinks to himself his inner voice enraged 'AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR THE SAKE OF THIS VILLAGE HE THINKS I CAN JUST LEAVE!!!!?? I'D LEAVE A TRAIL OF RED FROM ALL HE'S ASKED ME TO DO THIS-' he cuts himself off of that thought the red fading his eyes now showing his rage but instead his gaze is directed down at his stomach gritting his teeth as he glares at the seal the Kyuubi laughing inside his head mockingly at his game.
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:17 am
Viper feels the malice coming off his brother, he knows he has probably broken his brother, perhaps the Kyuubi has only made this worse, the visible signs of the bijuu being noted through his facial features, it is a while before Echo says another word before his chakra is noted to flare up through use of his Sharingan eye, He places the medical jar upon the grass between them.
"If it makes you feel better about this eye, it was obtained from a missing ninja, one if my thoughts are correct that was the at our little tournament where he fought like animals, I figured you would do what was needed with it, the ninja would surly of brought about death and destruction with it, I prevented that."
Viper still notes his brothers anger, he would accept anything his brother had to say or do to get it out of his system, Viper hands slide upwards as his headband is lifted allowing it to rest in his hair, upon his forehead looks to be a closed eyelid, it opens slowly revealing that of the second Rinnegan eye, Viper speaks softly, "I have the other eye, I want you to have this one, your the only one I can trust with it, as well as the information that I have one aswell."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:23 am
Echo stands slowly observing his brother before sighing "...Were in this together bro...." He says showing a bit of disappointment in his eyes at just how far his brother has gone for power....but then...he glances at the jar......'Should I...?' he ponders to himself before returning his glance to his brother noting just how sad his state is...he smiles sadly at this "...The great one stands before his brother a man of action.." he begins crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes his smile slightly melancholy as he tilts his head back doing this in a bid to show his brother he's still with him "though lacking his usual enthusiasm the Invincible stands with the Mastermind his own mind free of guilt his brother's hand moving forward to pull him from the sea of shame he's carved for himself" he continues and chuckles before reaching out his right rand his eyes opening against as he smirks at his brother his left eyebrow quirked in amusement his mood raising a little.
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:31 am
Viper watches Echo's attention go back and forth from the eye, but the disappointment is notes as Echo views Viper's own, something he will just have to accept, deep down he hopes Echo knows that his power is not gained for selfish means, but as an attempt to right the wrongs of this world, he hears his brothers words, a common thing of the old Echo to make these strange speeches, their resurfacing brings a light smile to Viper's lips, his right hand moves forward to impact Echo's own before grasping it firmly, "Together forever bro." Viper mood has returned somewhat as his smile remains on his lips, "This eye you are free to do what you want with, you can hide it, destroy it, or" Viper pauses "use it." Viper watches for his brothers reaction, "It is yours to do with as you wish, but if you choose the later I can help, we can have it implanted and no one will ever know."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:37 am
Echo's grip tightens on his brother's hand as he says use it his eyes going blank in his 'Kitsune' persona once more to help him think more clearly...Kitsune was smarter and more level headed then Echo...the image is strange without his mask the smile vanishing in an emotionless mask his eyes dull as he considers this.....Echo returns a moment later with a sigh...."..Let's do it then, Parrot can handle the procedure she's one of the better medics in the village" he states smiling weakly...This in Echo's mind will show just how loyal he is to his brother, The Kyuubi's voice in his head interrupts suddenly "Keep lying to yourself...all you humans ever want is power" the Kyuubi states his tone filled with mirth Echo choosing to ignore that..and the other voice which tells him that's true.
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