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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:27 am
"It's a rather strange tale to be honest, I only discovered the origin myself from the new leader of Iwagakure, or should I say Tengakure" Viper refrences the renaming of a major village as if it is but a simple matter not recalling if he told Echo or not, alas he continues to speak, "It all started during the attack on Konohagakure no Sato so long ago, while the rest of us were giving our lives a ninja of the mist named Itsuka snuck in to the morgue and stole the body of the second Hokage." A sore subject for both men, an event that massively changed both of their lives, he continues.
"Sometime afterwards he implanted Nashua's eyes in to his own, but it seemed he bit off more than he could chew, he died of unknown reasons in front of the new Tenkage, the body was gifted to the Raikage whom at some time transplanted them in to himself."
Viper watches Echo for his reaction, there is much more to this tale but he waits to see if Echo has any questions.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:34 am
Echo floats back casually sitting in mid-air lounging back as he listens to his brother's words and nods making mental notes of the timeline of events remembering the time the brothers were separated and their reunion during the Chunin exam.

Echo nods "Tenkage..?" Echo asks to update the files needed for his ANBU operatives out on the field, he also notes his eye feeling a bit strange his right hand going up and rubbing it lightly glancing to the side and sweat dropping noting his ANBU is unconscious....his joke wasn't THAT bad..

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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:43 am
"I'll fill you in more after you recover, I'll have the files sent to your office, there is alot that happened while I was away, and also a man we need to keep our eyes on in the future."
Viper of coarse is speaking of the new Tenkage, a man with a dangerous power, the ability to call those who have fallen back to the realm of the living as his slaves, this too will be included in the files destined to reach the anbu captains office.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:50 am
Echo nodded taking in the information "I'll send Boar to pick them up a bit later" he said before placing his left palm against his eye patch and jerking slightly feeling a new energy coursing through him causing him to shake slightly, he peels off the eye patch and then the medical cause his left eye opening slowly to reveal the Eye of God..the Rinnegan in his left eye, he activates his Sharingan to match and forms a pond in front of him which he floats over his clothes draping slightly as he observes his new eye "Interesting..." he states a smirk forming as he entertains the thought of the possibilities of this new power...

He glances towards a ground a mound forming as his smirk widens "Thank you Viper...can you take Parrot to the Barracks..?" he asks his brother floating upright again his eyes now trained on the mound of dirt that was raised...the mound shaped like a shallow grave....Echo has a nice little gift for a failed deserter he personally took care of.
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:06 am
"Your welcome, this is the least I could do for all you have done for me." after speaking Viper nods hearing his request, he makes his way over to the passed out anbu Member, he crouches next to her and places his hand upon her chest, a slight smirk casted towards his brother at what he just did, Viper and Parrot swirl slightly as Viper leaves this realm only to appear within the Anbu Barracks which is kept secret from all but the Hokage and their Anbu, Parrot is placed in her office as Viper returns to his own.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 5 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:27 am
Echo watches his brother's departure with a rolling of his eyes and a shake of his head, he floats over to the mound of dirt which peels back to reveal the body of Drake Nara a deserter who attempted to abandon the village, Echo smirks at the pale corpse kept preserved by the strangeness of Echo's realm...he will serve his Village now...Echo smirks before beginning to chuckle at the irony of an almost Missing-nin being forced from beyond the grave to serve...

It brings a smirk to his face- (To be continued)

[Exit, Closed Rinnegan Obtained and fully recovered.]
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