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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:29 am
"Well you heard him" Viper says with a smirk, "Best not let your captain get injuried right after surgery" Viper chuckles a bit at this wondering what the girl could do to catch his medicated brother or if he would have to do all out to pin him down, it all depended on his further actions and that of Parrot.


Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:34 am
Parrot promptly faints not hearing the Hokage's words the actions of her normally calm and collected Captain causing her to go into a slight coma so her brain can attempt to accept these facts....She's not a field medic for a reason the reason being shown here.

Insane giggles and the riveting of several cranks are heard from inside the forest as glimpses of Echo's are seen everywhere inside the forest but never in full view mainly passing shadows or a foot as the giggles disappear deeper into the forest...which due to experience Viper should know is now Echo's own personal hell for anyone who steps inside.
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:49 am
Viper blinks twice at this, he watches the girl hit the ground pretty hard, Viper grits his teeth a mental "Ouch!" being said as he knows that must hurt.
Viper's gaze now turns to Echo within his own domain, he views Echo's fragments emerge from the forest, the sounds are noted as are something that still remain in Viper's nightmares, his throws his arms up. "I give up!" he says as he just turns and walks away.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:54 am
The giggling stops and eight Echo's along with the original walk out making a "Awwwwh!" in unison as the cross their arms and pout rather childishly seven poofs occurring Echo stumbling slightly at the influx of memories before dashing to catch up with his brother a smirk on his face his eyes surprisingly clear "Hey Hey! What's wrong?? Can't stop and play with your poor brother a bit?" he says his tone if the morphine was never affecting him at all....Echo was always a good actor as it were.
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:09 am
There is one thing about the brothers, Viper can not help but smirk as he walks away, each one of them has gained a nickname for a reason, the true meaning of Viper's; The Mastermind.
Given due to his expert planning capability, it is noted that ever since Viper was little he always had a reason behind everything he did, even now this was no different.
The simple action of declaring he gave up and walking away, a simple tactic but it worked oh so well, Viper not only removing the forest as a factor, but brought his brother and all of his clones out in the open putting Echo on his terrain and not Echo's.
With Viper's being facing away from Echo his smirk is all but invisible, his eyes make the change in to the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan state near instantly this as well being undetected due to the position, now comes the time for Viper's plan, his hands form the clone seal at what can only be described as an act of god like speed, his hands seeming to never leave his sides, a puff of smoke to Viper's right, the only warning Echo would get before Viper enacted his plan, the produced Kage Bunshin closes the gap moving to the left of the real Echo, its speed is perfect taking only an instant for the entire process, the clones right foot swings around as the clone plants with his left foot and swings impacting echo in the behind sending flying forward should the kick be successful, the clone proceeding to detonate to take out the rest of Echo's workforce, the plan completed as Viper turns and claps a bit, "Oh, I'll always have time to play~" He says in a teasing tone.


125 speed vs 59 w/ no sharingan foresight = You just got kicked boi!!]
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:14 am
Echo's eyes widen at the feeling of the foot impacting him Echo gritting his teeth and casting his brother a glare as he flips forward with the momentum rolling over his shoulder and on his back as he suddenly shoots to his feet his right hand going back to brace his brother's target a pout on his face "Your paying for that!" he says Echo extending his right index finger towards his brother and smirking as if he's just pulled a royal flush and won a rather large pot "Yeah! Whatcha gonna do now!!?" he says a grin forming "This things loaded!!" he says his hand shaped in the formation of a gun rather comically.

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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:22 am
Viper's smirk is dominating his face, the same cocky smirk he wore since he was a child, his eyes being at their peak, a mixture of a flower design and his eight pointed star with the later remaining the dominant feature, he views Echo take his odd stance, "Ha, a finger!Do you really think you can do anything to be with a finger? Your more medicated than I thought!" Viper's smirk widens a bit as he taunts his brother, what better way to get through recovery than to beat the living hell out of each other until he can see? Ah shit, Viper thinks, now I'm sounding like Koroshi.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:29 am
Echo smirks before retorting "Let me just show you what I can do!!" He shouts the chakra gathering suddenly before he screams out suddenly "Spirit Gun!" He shouts a beam of concentrated chakra firing from Echo's index finger Echo's aim is a little to the left as to not actually hit his brother the blast missing by a full foot and a half even so the power of the blast is felt by the slight heat and the gust of wind from the force and power, He smirks hoping he scared his off guard brother slightly...he quirks an eyebrow suddenly now noting his brother's eyes and the strange pattern they take "..What...the hell is that?" he asks slightly weirded out by the flowers seriously hoping that it's not some strange new style his brother is trying out.....maybe the result of the surgery..? he notes but awaits an answer his elbow bending his finger aimed straight up as he idly blows on the top of his finger as if a smoking gun barrel.
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:52 am
Viper's eyes note the flux of chakra suddenly go towards the fingers tip, the following is captured in a slowed fashion due to his mastered Sharingan, he plans the trajectory and measures the blast as he predicts it to miss his being entirely, Viper looks towards his right where the beam passed a look of curiosity on his face nothing more, "Your learning new tricks every day, that's good." that is all Viper offers as a response to his new technique which Viper must admit is rather impressive, but the less attention he gives it the more it will get under Echo's skin no doubt, the perks of being a sibling, knowing what truly pisses them off.
He notes Echo's attention now on that of his eyes, he now walks towards his brother as he hears his questioning words followed by the taunt of blowing on his finger, "The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, I must thank you for this because you helped make it all possible, while you stood guard over the surgery and helped me recover Kurisu and I exchanged eyes thus our designs fused, an interesting thing though these eyes belong to the one and only Nashua Uchiha, the second Hokage, how ironic that the Fourth Hokage would get them." Viper says with a smirk now standing in front of his brother roughly 5 meters away.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 4 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:56 am
"Nashua huh?" Echo muses as if uninterested deciding to play the game his brother is playing right back as he stares at his finger before sliding his hand back into his pocket "How did the Raikage get his hands on a Mangekyo??" he asks raising an eyebrow idly wondering what the worlds obsession with the demon eyes of the clan are...the power is great but the price is even greater he'd have none of it if it were up to him.

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