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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:19 pm
Viper skids to a stop, he hears the words, his right brow rises, he looks at his brother strangely, "Do what with the who now with the what zit?" It's clear now that his brother has nearly lost his mind due to surgery, Viper debated what to do next, should he restrain him?

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:23 pm
Echo's eyebrows furrow as his mouth forms a thin line as he looks at his brother with clear disappointment "Don't embarrass me!" he says wagging his left finger chidingly "Really...I know your having problems with that purple space worm trying to eat the back of your head but you need to show some diplomacy!" he says nodding sagely as he crosses his arms over his chest as if saying something wise.
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:07 am
The limit has been reached, Echo might serve better if he is knocked out so the drug can cycle through, Viper watches as he speaks utter gibberish once more, Viper sighing in annoyance, it takes but one swift motion, his being bluring as he leaps through the air only to tackle his brother as he crosses his arms across his chest, Viper now sitting on his stomach to pin him down, "Ok Echo, this will only hurt for a second!" Viper draws his right fist back ready to deck his brother in the snaze to knock him out.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:17 am
Echo's form leaps up in reaction but is not fast enough to dodge entirely causing his brother to tackle his waist causing Echo's upper half to jerk forward with a "HYURK!" sound from the force Echo's right and left hands press against Viper's back, he activates the seals of his gauntlets in an instinctive reaction causing a burst of electricity to hit the middle of his brothers back "TAKE THAT GEDAZEN!!!!" he shouts still in his strange fantasy land.

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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:28 am
Luckily Viper's body is strong enough it tanks the lightning fully, they land on the ground with a thud, Viper puts his palms on his shoulders and growls a bit, "Your worse than Koroshi when he does not wanna take a bath! Now sleep!" His right fist shoots forward towards his nose.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:37 am
Due to the position Viper's hands would be unable to make contact with his shoulders, As the hit the ground Echo's hands grip the back of Viper's shirt and he yanks back letting his back hit the ground as he pulls his brother's shirt over his face and forces his knee's up before kicking outward kicking his brother off of him, he scrambles to his feet and looking around frantically his eyes widening "NO, MISTER WIGGUMS! DON'T EAT SIR POUNCE-A-LOT! What would the queen say!" he screams hysterically before floating high into the air and rocketing southward making a strange buzzing noise as he flies his arms sticking straight out to his sides.
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:46 am
Echo's leg makes contact with the pit of Viper's stomach, with a "Hyugh!" Viper is knocked to Echo's right, he watches him get to his feet as he holds his stoache a bit, "I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THAT!" Viper bursts in to a dash after him while h goes airborne, one advantage Echo has at the moment is he can freely fly, "GET THE FUCK DOWN!" Viper curses.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:56 am
Echo cackles happily before stiffening going straight his eyes wide as he stares straight ahead for a few moments....suddenly music begins muffled underneath the ground a strange beat before Echo suddenly bursts into a flurry of motion in the air moon walking backwards stopping on his back right heel and spinning sending his arms "I LIKE TO!" he bellows out suddenly making use of his actually rather talented singing voice suddenly this only heard rarely and never in quite this tone "Party with me peeps, cruise and creep" he raps his right hand sliding forward as if creeping to accentuate his words his shoulders and form bouncing as Parrot stares on his disbelief her left eye twitching behind her mask "Playing Three monty on these crazy streets~" he says his right hand once again moving as if dealing cards smirking slyly as his feet move backwards as he floats as well "Straight hustler, I'll scam in a minute so low to the floor pick the pocket of a midget~!" he says spinning on his heel once more as he grins in his strange song obviously dedicated to his younger days before he was thrust into the responsibility of being a ninja where he would scam trick and prank at his leisure.

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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:30 am
Viper sighs Echo is obviously not coming down anytime soon, he has obviously lost it due to the fact he is singing now, he looks towards Parrot, "Hokage's orders, go get him!" He smirks towards her awaiting her reaction which will no doubt be funny on how she could possibly catch her drugged out captain.

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Making Amends for the past [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: Making Amends for the past [P]

Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:37 am
Parrot looks at Viper her eyes widening behind her mask as her arms flail up and down in a panic Echo suddenly speaking in a bit of a daze no longer singing "ANBU Directive #3: An ANBU must take the orders of the reigning Hokage with priority and before other duties." he says wobbling in his place in the air before sticking his tongue out and vanishing in a swirl a forest suddenly sprouting up far west about half a football field away, Echo is seen reappearing at the edge before diving in and vanishing from sight.

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